Add  Cert management test cases for valid scenario

Server cert upload, client cert install, CA cert
replace and install TCs are written, code is be moidified
with expecetd error code being checked.

Change-Id: Ica41da590eb2f5455e527c4966485141201dc3ad
Signed-off-by: manashsarma <>
diff --git a/redfish/dmtf_tools/test_redfishtool.robot b/redfish/dmtf_tools/test_redfishtool.robot
index dfc34fe..612e0f4 100644
--- a/redfish/dmtf_tools/test_redfishtool.robot
+++ b/redfish/dmtf_tools/test_redfishtool.robot
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation    Verify Redfish tool functionality.
+Documentation     Verify Redfish tool functionality.
 Library           OperatingSystem
 Library           String
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 Resource          ../../lib/resource.robot
 Resource          ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
 Resource          ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource          ../../lib/certificate_utils.robot
 Suite Setup       Suite Setup Execution
@@ -18,7 +19,8 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${root_cmd_args}       redfishtool raw -r ${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} -p ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} -S Always
+${root_cmd_args} =  SEPARATOR=
+...  redfishtool raw -r ${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} -p ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} -S Always
 ${min_number_sensors}  ${15}
 ${min_number_roles}    ${4}
 ${min_number_users}    ${1}
@@ -82,7 +84,9 @@
     Redfishtool Create User  "UserT100"  "TestPwd123"  "Operator"  true
     Redfishtool Delete User  "UserT100"
-    Redfishtool Access Resource  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts  "UserT100"  "TestPwd123"  ${HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED}
+    Redfishtool Access Resource  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts  "UserT100"  "TestPwd123"
 Verify Redfishtool Error Upon Creating Same Users With Different Privileges
     [Documentation]  Verify error upon creating same users with different privileges.
@@ -90,7 +94,8 @@
     [Teardown]  Redfishtool Delete User  "UserT100"
     Redfishtool Create User  "UserT100"  "TestPwd123"  "Operator"  true
-    Redfishtool Create User  "UserT100"  "TestPwd123"  "Administrator"  true  expected_error=${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}
+    Redfishtool Create User  "UserT100"  "TestPwd123"  "Administrator"  true
+    ...  expected_error=${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}
 Verify Redfishtool Admin User Privilege
@@ -117,6 +122,41 @@
     ...  "UserT101"  "TestPwd123"  "Operator"  true  "UserT100"  "TestPwd123"  ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Server Certificate Valid CertKey
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace server certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_Server_Certificate_Valid_CertKey
+    Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate  Server  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Client Certificate Valid CertKey
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace client certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_Client_Certificate_Valid_CertKey
+    Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate  Client  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+Verify Redfishtool Replace CA Certificate Valid Cert
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace CA certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_CA_Certificate_Valid_Cert
+    Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate  CA  Valid Certificate  ok
+Verify Redfishtool Client Certificate Install Valid CertKey
+    [Documentation]  Verify client certificate installation.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Client_Certificate_Install_Valid_CertKey
+    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  Client  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+Verify Redfishtool CA Certificate Install Valid Cert
+    [Documentation]  Verify CA Certificate installation.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_CA_Certificate_Install_Valid_Cert
+    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  CA  Valid Certificate  ok
 *** Keywords ***
 Redfishtool Access Resource
@@ -149,7 +189,8 @@
 Redfishtool Create User
     [Documentation]  Create new user.
-    [Arguments]  ${user_name}  ${password}  ${roleID}  ${enable}  ${login_user}=""  ${login_pasword}=""  ${expected_error}=""
+    [Arguments]  ${user_name}  ${password}  ${roleID}  ${enable}  ${login_user}=""  ${login_pasword}=""
+    ...  ${expected_error}=""
     # Description of argument(s):
     # user_name      The user name (e.g. "test", "robert", etc.).
@@ -159,8 +200,10 @@
     # expected_error Expected error optionally provided in testcase (e.g. 401 /
     #                authentication error, etc. )
-    ${user_cmd_args}=  Set Variable  redfishtool raw -r ${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${login_user} -p ${login_pasword} -S Always
-    ${data}=  Set Variable  '{"UserName":${user_name},"Password":${password},"RoleId":${roleId},"Enabled":${enable}}'
+    ${user_cmd_args}=  Set Variable
+    ...  redfishtool raw -r ${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${login_user} -p ${login_pasword} -S Always
+    ${data}=  Set Variable
+    ...  '{"UserName":${user_name},"Password":${password},"RoleId":${roleId},"Enabled":${enable}}'
     Run Keyword If  ${login_user} == ""
     ...   Redfishtool Post  ${data}  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts  ${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}
     ...   ELSE
@@ -180,11 +223,14 @@
     # expected_error Expected error optionally provided in testcase (e.g. 401 /
     #                authentication error, etc. )
-    ${user_cmd_args}=  Set Variable  redfishtool raw -r ${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${login_user} -p ${login_pasword} -S Always
+    ${user_cmd_args}=  Set Variable
+    ...  redfishtool raw -r ${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${login_user} -p ${login_pasword} -S Always
     Run Keyword If  ${login_user} == ""
-    ...   Redfishtool Patch  '{"RoleId":${newRole}}'  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}  ${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}
+    ...   Redfishtool Patch  '{"RoleId":${newRole}}'
+          ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}  ${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}
     ...   ELSE
-    ...   Redfishtool Patch  '{"RoleId":${newRole}}'  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}  ${user_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}
+    ...   Redfishtool Patch  '{"RoleId":${newRole}}'
+          ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}  ${user_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}
 Redfishtool Delete User
@@ -222,6 +268,7 @@
     ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  redfishtool Get
     ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}
     [return]  ${status}
@@ -237,9 +284,179 @@
     ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} GET ${uri}
     Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
     [Return]  ${cmd_output}
+Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate
+    [Documentation]  Install and verify certificate using Redfishtool.
+    [Arguments]  ${cert_type}  ${cert_format}  ${expected_status}  ${delete_cert}=${True}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # cert_type           Certificate type (e.g. "Client" or "CA").
+    # cert_format         Certificate file format
+    # expected_status     Expected status of certificate install Redfishtool
+    #                     request (i.e. "ok" or "error").
+    # delete_cert         Certificate will be deleted before installing if this True.
+    Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'CA' and '${delete_cert}' == '${True}'
+    ...  Delete All CA Certificate Via Redfisthtool
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'Client' and '${delete_cert}' == '${True}'
+    ...  Redfishtool Delete Certificate Via BMC CLI  ${cert_type}
+    ${cert_file_path}=  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl  ${cert_format}
+    ${bytes}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${file_data}=  Decode Bytes To String  ${bytes}  UTF-8
+    ${certificate_uri}=  Set Variable If
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'  ${REDFISH_LDAP_CERTIFICATE_URI}
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'  ${REDFISH_CA_CERTIFICATE_URI}
+    ${cert_id}=  Redfishtool Install Certificate File On BMC  ${certificate_uri}  data=${file_data}
+    Logging  Installed certificate id: ${cert_id}
+    # Adding delay after certificate installation.
+    Sleep  30s
+    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${bmc_cert_content}=  Redfishtool GetAttribute  ${certificate_uri}/${cert_id}  CertificateString
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_status}' == 'ok'  Should Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
+    [Return]  ${cert_id}
+Delete All CA Certificate Via Redfisthtool
+    [Documentation]  Delete all CA certificate via Redfish.
+    ${cmd_output}=  Redfishtool Get  /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/Truststore/Certificates
+    ${json_object}=  To JSON  ${cmd_output}
+    ${cert_list}=  Set Variable  ${json_object["Members"]}
+    FOR  ${cert}  IN  @{cert_list}
+      Redfishtool Delete  ${cert[""]}  ${root_cmd_args}  ${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}
+    END
+Redfishtool Delete Certificate Via BMC CLI
+    [Documentation]  Delete certificate via BMC CLI.
+    [Arguments]  ${cert_type}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # cert_type           Certificate type (e.g. "Client" or "CA").
+    ${certificate_file_path}  ${certificate_service}  ${certificate_uri}=
+    ...  Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
+    ...    Set Variable  /etc/nslcd/certs/cert.pem  phosphor-certificate-manager@nslcd.service
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'
+    ...    Set Variable  ${ROOT_CA_FILE_PATH}  phosphor-certificate-manager@authority.service
+    ${file_status}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
+    ...  [ -f ${certificate_file_path} ] && echo "Found" || echo "Not Found"
+    Return From Keyword If  "${file_status}" != "Found"
+    BMC Execute Command  rm ${certificate_file_path}
+    BMC Execute Command  systemctl restart ${certificate_service}
+    BMC Execute Command  systemctl daemon-reload
+Redfishtool Install Certificate File On BMC
+    [Documentation]  Install certificate file in BMC using POST operation.
+    [Arguments]  ${uri}  ${status}=ok  &{kwargs}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # uri         URI for installing certificate file via Redfishtool.
+    #             e.g. "/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates".
+    # status      Expected status of certificate installation via Redfishtool.
+    #             e.g. error, ok.
+    # kwargs      A dictionary of keys/values to be passed directly to
+    #             POST Request.
+    Initialize OpenBMC  20  ${quiet}=${1}  ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}  ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary  Content-Type=application/octet-stream
+    ...  X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN}
+    Set To Dictionary  ${kwargs}  headers  ${headers}
+    ${ret}=  Post Request  openbmc  ${uri}  &{kwargs}
+    ${content_json}=  To JSON  ${ret.content}
+    ${cert_id}=  Set Variable If  '${ret.status_code}' == '${HTTP_OK}'  ${content_json["Id"]}  -1
+    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == 'ok'
+    ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ret.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${status}' == 'error'
+    ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ret.status_code}  ${HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}
+    Delete All Sessions
+    [Return]  ${cert_id}
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace server certificate.
+    [Arguments]   ${cert_type}  ${cert_format}  ${expected_status}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # cert_type        Certificate type (e.g. "Client", "Server" or "CA").
+    # cert_format      Certificate file format
+    #                  (e.g. "Valid_Certificate_Valid_Privatekey").
+    # expected_status  Expected status of certificate replace Redfishtool
+    #                  request (i.e. "ok" or "error").
+    Create Directory  certificate_dir
+    # Install certificate before replacing client or CA certificate.
+    ${cert_id}=  Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
+    ...    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  ${cert_type}  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'
+    ...    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  ${cert_type}  Valid Certificate  ok
+    ${cert_file_path}=  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl  ${cert_format}
+    ${bytes}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${file_data}=  Decode Bytes To String  ${bytes}  UTF-8
+    ${certificate_uri}=  Set Variable If
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'Server'  ${REDFISH_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_URI}/1
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'  ${REDFISH_LDAP_CERTIFICATE_URI}/1
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'  ${REDFISH_CA_CERTIFICATE_URI}/${cert_id}
+    ${certificate_dict}=  Create Dictionary${certificate_uri}
+    ${dict_objects}=  Create Dictionary  CertificateString=${file_data}
+    ...  CertificateType=PEM  CertificateUri=${certificate_dict}
+    ${string}=  Convert To String  ${dict_objects}
+    ${string}=  Replace String  ${string}  '  "
+    ${payload}=  Set Variable  '${string}'
+    ${response}=  Redfishtool Post
+    ...  ${payload}  /redfish/v1/CertificateService/Actions/CertificateService.ReplaceCertificate
+    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${bmc_cert_content}=  Redfishtool GetAttribute  ${certificate_uri}  CertificateString
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_status}' == 'ok'
+    ...    Should Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...    Should Not Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
+Redfishtool GetAttribute
+    [Documentation]  Execute redfishtool for GET operation.
+    [Arguments]  ${uri}  ${Attribute}  ${cmd_args}=${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}=""
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # uri             URI for GET operation (e.g. /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/).
+    # Attribute       The specific attribute to be retrieved with the URI.
+    # cmd_args        Commandline arguments.
+    # expected_error  Expected error optionally provided in testcase (e.g. 401 /
+    #                 authentication error, etc. ).
+    ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} GET ${uri}
+    Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
+    ${json_object}=  To JSON  ${cmd_output}
+    [Return]  ${json_object["CertificateString"]}
 Redfishtool Post
     [Documentation]  Execute redfishtool for  Post operation.
     [Arguments]  ${payload}  ${uri}  ${cmd_args}=${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}=""
@@ -254,6 +471,7 @@
     ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} POST ${uri} --data=${payload}
     Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
     [Return]  ${cmd_output}
@@ -270,6 +488,7 @@
     ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} PATCH ${uri} --data=${payload}
     Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
     [Return]  ${cmd_output}
@@ -285,6 +504,7 @@
     ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} DELETE ${uri}
     Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
     [Return]  ${cmd_output}