Adding BMC nodes, Power on/off using XCAT

This change includes:
    Adding BMC nodes to XCAT
    Verify added BMC nodes
    Powering on BMC nodes via XCAT
    Powering off BMC nodes via XCAT
    Checking power status of BMC nodes

This resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#620

Change-Id: Iaf73ab6142a09723b59317fd735004ca1bd0ff83
Signed-off-by: Prashanth Katti <>
diff --git a/xcat/xcat_testing.robot b/xcat/xcat_testing.robot
index dfee1f8..7a6fb1f 100644
--- a/xcat/xcat_testing.robot
+++ b/xcat/xcat_testing.robot
@@ -5,20 +5,43 @@
 Resource        ../lib/xcat/xcat_utils.robot
 Library         OperatingSystem
+Library         String
 Suite Setup  Validate XCAT Setup
+*** Variables ***
+${poweron_flag}   ON
+${poweroff_flag}  OFF
 *** Test Cases ***
 Add BMC Nodes To XCAT
     [Documentation]  Connect and add BMC nodes.
     [Tags]  Add_BMC_Nodes_To_XCAT
-    # It reads out file having list of BMC nodes and adds
-    # those nodes into XCAT.
+    # Add BMC nodes one by one and check whether it is successfully added.
+    : FOR  ${bmc}  IN  @{BMC_LIST}
+    \  Add Nodes To XCAT  ${bmc}
+    \  Validate Added Node  ${bmc}
-    # TBD- Adding BMC nodes to XCAT
-    #
+Power On Via XCAT And Validate
+    [Documentation]  Power on via XCAT and validate.
+    [Tags]  Power_On_Via_XCAT_And_Validate
+    # Power on each BMC node and validate the power status.
+    : FOR  ${bmc}  IN  @{BMC_LIST}
+    \  Power On Via XCAT  ${bmc}
+    \  Validate Power Status Via XCAT  ${bmc}  ${poweron_flag}
+Power Off Via XCAT And Validate
+    [Documentation]  Power off via XCAT and validate.
+    [Tags]  Power_Off_Via_XCAT_And_Validate
+    # Power off each BMC node and validate the power status.
+    : FOR  ${bmc}  IN  @{BMC_LIST}
+    \  Power Off Via XCAT  ${bmc}
+    \  Validate Power Status Via XCAT  ${bmc}  ${poweroff_flag}
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -32,3 +55,19 @@
     Should Not Be Empty  ${cmd_output}  msg=XCAT not installed.
     Log  \n XCAT Version is: \n${cmd_output}
+    # Get all the BMC nodes from the config file.
+    ${nodes}=  Get List Of BMC Nodes
+    # Make a list of BMC nodes.
+    @{BMC_LIST}=  Split To Lines  ${nodes}
+    Log To Console  BMC nodes to be added:\n ${BMC_LIST}
+    Set Suite Variable  @{BMC_LIST}
+Validate Power Status Via XCAT
+    [Documentation]  Validate power status.
+    [Arguments]  ${node}  ${flag}=ON
+    ${status}=  Get Power Status  ${node}
+    Run Keyword If  '${flag}' == 'ON'
+    ...  Should Contain  ${status}  on  msg=Host is off.
+    ...  ELSE  Should Contain  ${status}  off  msg=Host is on.