Tools used in OpenBMC Test Automation

IPMItool considerations:

IPMItool version 1.8.18 or later.

    $ ipmitool -V
    ipmitool version 1.8.18

Hardware Test Executive (HTX):

HTX is a suite of test tools for stressing system hardware. It is routinely used by the test suites under systest/. Refer to README

Remote Logging via Rsyslog

Refer to README

Converting SELs to readable format:

Pre-requisite: A Power Linux system is required.

  • Obtain the SEL (System Error Log) parser tools:

    $ tar -xvf host_fw_debug.tar
    • Rename the untarred files with:
    $ for file_name in host_fw_debug* ; do mv $file_name ${file_name#host_fw_debug} ; done

    The files of interest are: hbotStringFile hbicore.syms

  • The error log binary parser is also required:

  • To generate a readable error log from binary SEL data:

    Create a directory and copy the binary files there. Next,

    $ export PATH=$PATH:<path to directory>

    And run

    $ -l SEL_data -p decode_obmc_data --op

    where SEL_data is the file containing SEL binary data and option "--op" will refer "opal-elog-parse" instead or errl.

    The output file SEL_data.txt contains the readable error log (SEL) data.

The opal-prd Tool:

opal-prd is a tool used by the Energy Scale and RAS tests. It should be installed on the OS of the system under test before running those tests.

opal-prd may be installed on Ubuntu with: apt install opal-prd and on RedHat with: yum install opal-prd

Obtain a copy of GitHub issues in CSV format:

Note: You will be prompted to enter your GitHub password.


$ cd tools/
$ python github_issues_to_csv <github user> <github repo>

Example for getting openbmc issues:

$ python github_issues_to_csv <github user>  openbmc/openbmc

Example for getting openbmc-test-automation issues:

$ python github_issues_to_csv <github user>  openbmc/openbmc-test-automation

Generate Documentation for Robot Test Cases:


$ ./tools/generate_test_document <Robot test directory path> <test case document file path>

Example for generating tests cases documentation for tests directory:

$ ./tools/generate_test_document tests testsdirectoryTCdocs.html

Example for generating tests cases documentation: Note: Invoke the tool without arguments:

$ ./tools/generate_test_document

Non-Volatile Memory Express Command Line Interface (nvme-cli):

nvme-cli is a linux command line tool for accessing Non-Volatile Storage (NVM) media attached via PCIe bus.


To install nvme-cli on RedHat:

yum install name-cli

To install nvme-cli on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install nvme-cli

The Hdparm tool:

hdparm is a command line utility for setting and viewing hardware parameters of hard disk drives.

To install hdparm on RedHat:

yum install hdparm

To install hdparm on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hdparm

OpenSSL tool:

OpenSSL is an open-source command line tool that is commonly used to generate certificates and private keys, create CSRs and identify certificate information.

To generate a self-signed certificate with a private key:

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -days <number of days a certificate is valid for> -keyout <certificate filename> -out <certificate filename> -subj "/O=<Organization Name>/CN=<Common Name>"


openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -days 365 -keyout certificate.pem -out certificate.pem -subj "/O=XYZ Corporation /"

To view installed certificates on a OpenBMC system:

openssl s_client -connect <BMC_IP>:443 -showcerts

Refer to the OpenSSL manual for more details.