Adding Testcases for Set In Progress, Set MAC Address, Get Cipher suite privilege, Set Authentication Type support, Set IP Address Source.

Testcases :
  - Verify Set In Progress
  - Verify Invaild Set MAC Address Via IPMI
  - Verify Get and Set MAC Address Via IPMI
  - Verify Cipher Suite privilege
  - Verify SET On Authentication Type
  - Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Loaded By BIOS
  - Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Obtained By BMC
  - Verify IP Address Source Set To Unspecified Address Source

Request data for chassis status present in data/

Verify Set In Progress - Sets the Set In progress byte to set-inprogress and set-complete. Verifies the response byte.

Verify Invaild Set MAC Address Via IPMI - Sets the invalid MAC address given in variable section and verifies the error code.

Verify Get and Set MAC Address Via IPMI - Sets the valid MAC Address and verifies it. Restores the default MAC address once the test is complete.

Verify Cipher Suite privilege - Get the Cipher Suite privilege and verifies the response byte and cipher suite length.

Verify Set On Authentication Type - Verifies set Authentication type support and verified error response byte since it is read only byte.

Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Loaded By BIOS - verified set IP address source to address loaded by BIOS or system software and verify error response code.

Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Obtained By BMC - verified set IP address source to address obtained by BMC running other address assignment protocol and verify error response code.

Verify IP Address Source Set To Unspecified Address Source - verified set IP address source to unspecified address and verify error response code.

Tested: Run robot ipmi/test_ipmi_network_verificaton.robot

Signed-off-by: chithrag <>
Change-Id: I6ac5eca06d1bc9b61f999a532fa5c34647d76aba
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
index 4b68d4f..d6e2d33 100644
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -132,7 +132,15 @@
             "0x0c 0x02",
             "11 02",
             "11 is Parameter revision, 02 is Configuration parameter data e.g. Cipher Suite Entry count",
-        ]
+        ],
+        'Set':
+        [
+            # raw command, expected output, error response
+            "0x0c 0x01",
+            "11 00",
+            "Unknown (0x82)",
+            "Invalid data field in request",
+        ],