Added tests for informational HOST error log

Change-Id: I4145dc6482565a2c67d6a9d96307702ee52dc3da
Signed-off-by: manashsarma <>
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
index a3986f8..7a6cd51 100644
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -39,3 +39,6 @@
 CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_HOST_ERROR = ERROR_LOG_CREATE_BASE_CMD + 'xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Error.Event \
     xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 1 RAWPEL /tmp/FILE_NBMC_UNRECOVERABLE'
+CMD_INFORMATIONAL_HOST_ERROR = ERROR_LOG_CREATE_BASE_CMD + 'xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Error.Event \
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 1 RAWPEL /tmp/FILE_HOST_INFORMATIONAL'
diff --git a/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot b/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
index 2c6b483..8d830f6 100644
--- a/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
+++ b/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
@@ -520,12 +520,16 @@
     [Documentation]  Verify error logging rotation policy for non bmc error logs.
     [Tags]  Verify_Error_Logging_Rotation_Policy_With_HOST_Error_Logs
     [Setup]  Run Keywords  Open Connection for SCP  AND  scp.Put File  ${UNRECOVERABLE_FILE_PATH}
-    ...  /tmp/FILE_NBMC_UNRECOVERABLE  AND  Redfish.Login
     [Template]  Error Logging Rotation Policy
     # Error logs to be created                                % of total logging space when error
     #                                                         log exceeds max limit.
+    Informational HOST 3000                                                   15
     Unrecoverable HOST 3000                                                   30
+    Informational HOST 1500, Informational BMC 1500                           30
+    Informational HOST 1500, Unrecoverable BMC 1500                           45
     Unrecoverable HOST 1500, Informational BMC 1500                           45
     Unrecoverable HOST 1500, Predictive BMC 1500                              60
@@ -695,7 +699,19 @@
     ${disk_usage_percentage}=  Get Disk Usage For Error Logs
     ${percent_diff}=  Evaluate  ${disk_usage_percentage} - ${max_allocated_space_percentage}
     ${percent_diff}=   Evaluate  abs(${percent_diff})
-    Should Be True  ${percent_diff} <= 0.5
+    ${trimmed_as_expected}=  Run Keyword If  ${disk_usage_percentage} > ${max_allocated_space_percentage}
+    ...  Evaluate  ${percent_diff} <= 0.5
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...  Set Variable  True
+    # Check PEL log count via peltool command and compare it with actual generated log count.
+    ${pel_records}=  peltool  -n
+    ${no_pel_records}=  Set Variable  ${pel_records["Number of PELs found"]}
+    # Number of logs can be 80% of the total logs created after trimming.
+    ${expected_max_record}=   Evaluate  3000 * 0.8
+    Run Keyword If  ${trimmed_as_expected} == False   Should Be True  ${no_pel_records} <= ${expected_max_record}
 Create Error Log