GUI:Added new testcase to Verify Error Log Unresolved Status


    -Added testcase Verify_Default_Value_Of_Resolved_Field_In_Error_Logs

    - Ran above test case from sandbox successfully.

Change-Id: I4850783b1f43b6ef09795c4da0e7ac567dc61e9d
Signed-off-by: dnirmala <>
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot
index 684bccf..011f160 100755
--- a/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 ${xpath_clear_search}             //button[@title="Clear search input"]
 ${xpath_event_log_resolve}        //*[@name="switch"]
 ${xpath_event_logs_resolve}       //button[contains(text(),'Resolve')]
+${xpath_event_log_data}           //td[contains(text(),'Critical')]/following-sibling::td[3]
 *** Test Cases ***
@@ -168,10 +169,11 @@
     Create Error Logs  ${1}
     # Mark single event log as resolved.
     Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_event_log_resolve}  0  0
-    Page Should Contain  Successfully resolved 1 log.
+    # Given the time to get the notification.
+    Wait Until Page Contains  Successfully resolved 1 log  timeout=10
     Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  Successs
     # Verify the Redfish response after event log mark as resolved.
-    Get And Verify Value Of Resolved Attribute For Event Logs  ${True}
+    Get And Verify Status Of Resolved Field In Event Logs  ${True}
 Verify Resolving Multiple Error Logs In GUI
@@ -186,7 +188,18 @@
     Page Should Contain  Successfully resolved 3 logs.
     Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  Successs
     # Verify the event logs status from Redfish after mark as resolved.
-    Get And Verify Value Of Resolved Attribute For Event Logs  ${True}
+    Get And Verify Status Of Resolved Field In Event Logs  ${True}
+Verify Default Value Of Resolved Field In Error Log
+    [Documentation]   Verify that error log unresolved status from GUI
+    [Tags]  Verify_Default_Value_Of_Resolved_Field_In_Error_Log
+    Redfish Purge Event Log
+    Create Error Logs  ${1}
+    # Verify default value of resolved field from GUI.
+    Element Should Contain  ${xpath_event_log_data}  Unresolved
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -230,7 +243,7 @@
     Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_select_all_events}  0  0
-Get And Verify Value Of Resolved Attribute For Event Logs
+Get And Verify Status Of Resolved Field In Event Logs
     [Documentation]  Get event log entry and verify resolved attribute value.
     [Arguments]  ${expected_resolved_status}