blob: a24aa320abc4cde70c64eb8c4cd0375e964de1bc [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This test suite will validate the "OpenBMC ASMI Menu ->
... Server Overview" module.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Test Setup OpenBMC Test Setup
Test Teardown OpenBMC Test Closure
*** Variables ***
${xpath_select_overview_1} //*[@id="nav__top-level"]/li[1]/a/span
${xpath_select_overview_2} //a[@href='#/overview/system']
${string_display_content} Server overview
*** Test Case ***
Verify Title Text Content
[Documentation] Verify display of title text from "Server Overview"
... module of OpenBMC GUI.
[Tags] Verify_Title_Text_Content
Verify Display Content
*** Keywords ***
Verify Display Content
[Documentation] Verify displaying of text.
Click Button ${xpath_select_overview_1}
Click Button ${xpath_select_overview_2}
Page Should Contain ${string_display_content}