DCMI: Set and Get DCMI Management Controller Identifier String

- Created new script for Set and Get DCMI Management Controller Identifier String.

     - Ran All The Scripts Successfully

Change-Id: I8085617716949a73ccf7dbb5b20502a03ee4d721
Signed-off-by: ganesanb <ganesanb@ami.com>
diff --git a/ipmi/dcmi/test_dcmi_management_controller.robot b/ipmi/dcmi/test_dcmi_management_controller.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee4ab4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipmi/dcmi/test_dcmi_management_controller.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation    Module to test dcmi management controller functionality.
+Resource         ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
+Resource         ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource         ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
+Resource         ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
+Resource         ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot
+Variables        ../../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py
+Variables        ../../data/dcmi_raw_cmd_table.py
+Variables        ../../data/ipmi_variable.py
+Library          ../../lib/ipmi_utils.py
+Library          ../../lib/utilities.py
+Library          ../../lib/utils.py
+Library          JSONLibrary
+*** Variables ***
+${hostname_file_path}  /etc/hostname
+*** Test Cases ***
+Validate IPMI Response Length
+    [Documentation]  Check ipmi response length.
+    [Tags]  Validate_IPMI_Response_Length
+    ${rsp}=  Get DCMI Management Controller Identifier String
+    @{ipmi_cmd_rsp_list}=  Split String  ${rsp}
+    # ipmi_cmd_rsp_list = ["00", "0a", "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09"]
+    # rsp_length = 10
+    # string_length = 0a
+    ${rsp_length}=  Get Length  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[2:]}
+    ${string_length}=  Get Response Length In Hex  ${rsp_length}
+    # ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[1] = 0a
+    # string_length = 0a
+    # the above condition is equal.
+    # suppose if string_length and ipmi_cmd_rsp_lst[1] not matches then it will fails.
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[1]}  ${string_length}
+    ...  msg=Id string length in ipmi response is showing wrongly
+Test Hostname is Same With Management Controller Identifier String
+    [Documentation]  Check hostname was verified with get management controller identfier string.
+    [Tags]  Validate_Hostname_With_Get_DCMI_MCID_String
+    ${rsp}=  Get DCMI Management Controller Identifier String
+    @{ipmi_cmd_rsp_list}=  Split String  ${rsp}
+    ${bmc_console_hostname_bytes_list}=  Get Hostname From BMC Console
+    Lists Should Be Equal  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[2:]}  ${bmc_console_hostname_bytes_list}
+    ...  msg=response get from dcmi get mcid cmd and hostname from "cat /etc/os-release" cmd is not same.
+Test Get Management Controller Identifier String
+    [Documentation]  Validate set and get mcid string.
+    [Tags]  Set_And_Get_Management_Controller_Identifier_String
+    [Setup]  Get Default MCID
+    [Teardown]  Set Default MCID
+    # Set Hostname via DCMI Management Controller Identifier String Command.
+    ${cmd_rsp}=  Set DCMI Management Controller Identifier String
+    @{cmd_rsp_list}=  Split String  ${cmd_rsp}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
+    ...  Valid Value  cmd_rsp_list[1]  valid_values=['${number_of_bytes_to_write}']
+    ${rsp}=  Get DCMI Management Controller Identifier String
+    @{ipmi_cmd_rsp_list}=  Split String  ${rsp}
+    # Verify number of bytes that was set and id string length are same.
+    ${string_length}=  Get Response Length In Hex  ${random_int}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
+    ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[1]}  ${string_length}
+    ...  msg=Number of bytes that was set and id string length are not same.
+    # Verify ID String Length and data.
+    # ipmi_cmd_rsp_list = ["00", "0a", "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09"]
+    # rsp_length = 10
+    # string_length = 0a
+    # ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[1] = 0a
+    # ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[1] is equal to string_length
+    # the above condition is equal.
+    # suppose if string_length and ipmi_cmd_rsp_lst[1] not matches then it will fails.
+    ${rsp_length}=  Get Length  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[2:]}
+    ${string_length}=  Get Response Length In Hex  ${rsp_length}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
+    ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[1]}  ${string_length}
+    ...  msg=Id string length in ipmi response is showing wrongly
+    # Verify get dcmi management controller identifier string command response
+    # and the bytes used for Set DCMI MCID string.
+    ${set_dcmi_mcid_cmd}=
+    ...  convert_prefix_hex_list_to_non_prefix_hex_list  ${string_hex_list}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
+    ...  Lists Should Be Equal  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[2:]}  ${set_dcmi_mcid_cmd}
+    ...  msg=Bytes given in dcmi set mcid command and string bytes got from dcmi get mcid command are not same
+    # Verify Hostname of cat /etc/hostname and get dcmi management controller identifier string command.
+    ${bytes_list}=  Get Hostname From BMC Console
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
+    ...  Lists Should Be Equal  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[2:]}  ${bytes_list}
+    ...  msg=Bytes got from dcmi get mcid command and hostname from "cat /etc/os-release" command is not same.
+*** Keywords ***
+Get Default MCID
+    [Documentation]  Get default mcid.
+    ${default_mcid}=  Get DCMI Management Controller Identifier String
+    Set Test Variable  ${default_mcid}
+Set Default MCID
+    [Documentation]  Set default mcid.
+    @{ipmi_cmd_rsp_list}=  Split String  ${default_mcid}
+    ${number_of_bytes_to_write}=  Set Variable  ${ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[1]}
+    ${bytes_in_int}=  Convert To Integer  ${number_of_bytes_to_write}  16
+    ${bytes_to_write}=  Evaluate  ${bytes_in_int} + 1
+    ${no_of_bytes_to_write}=  Get Response Length In Hex  ${bytes_to_write}
+    @{tmp_lst}=  Create List
+    FOR  ${bytes}  IN  @{ipmi_cmd_rsp_list[2:]}
+      Append To List  ${tmp_lst}  0x${bytes}
+    END
+    ${default_hex}=  Catenate  @{tmp_lst}
+    ...  0x${no_of_bytes_to_write} ${default_hex}
+    Run External IPMI Raw Command  ${cmd}
+Get DCMI Management Controller Identifier String
+    [Documentation]  Get DCMI MCID String.
+    ${resp}=  Run External IPMI Raw Command  ${mcid_get_cmd}
+    [Return]  ${resp}
+Set DCMI Management Controller Identifier String
+    [Documentation]  Set DCMI MCID String.
+    # 16 bytes maximum as per dcmi spec
+    ${random_int}=  Evaluate  random.randint(1, 15)  modules=random
+    ${random_string}=  Generate Random String  ${random_int}
+    ${string_hex_list}=  convert_name_into_bytes_with_prefix  ${random_string}
+    ${random_hex}=  Catenate  @{string_hex_list}
+    ${number_of_random_string}=  Evaluate  ${random_int} + 1
+    ${number_of_bytes_to_write}=  Get Response Length In Hex  ${number_of_random_string}
+    ...  0x${number_of_bytes_to_write} ${random_hex} 0x00
+    ${resp}=  Run External IPMI Raw Command  ${mcid_set_cmd}
+    Set Test Variable  ${string_hex_list}
+    Set Test Variable  ${random_int}
+    Set Test Variable  ${number_of_bytes_to_write}
+    [Return]  ${resp}
+Get Hostname From BMC Console
+    [Documentation]  Get hostname.
+    ${cmd}=  Catenate  cat ${hostname_file_path}
+    ${bmc_hostname}=  BMC Execute Command  ${cmd}
+    ${name}=  Convert To List  ${bmc_hostname}
+    ${hostname_bytes}=  convert_name_into_bytes_without_prefix  ${name[0]}
+    [Return]  ${hostname_bytes}
+Get Response Length In Hex
+    [Documentation]  Get response length in hex.
+    [Arguments]  ${resp_length}
+    ${length}=  Convert To Hex  ${resp_length}
+    ${length_1}=  Get Length  ${length}
+    ${length_2}=  Set Variable IF
+    ...  '${length_1}' == '1'  0${length}
+    ...  '${length_1}' != '1'  ${length}
+    ${resp_length_3}=  Convert To Lower Case  ${length_2}
+    [Return]  ${resp_length_3}