XCAT testing: Continuous power status and rvitals

This change includes:
    1. Power on BMC node.
    2. Repeatedly get power status and verify.
    3. Get temperature reading through XCAT.
    4. Get voltage reading through XCAT.
    5. Get wattage reading through XCAT.
    6. Get fanspeed through XCAT.

This resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#779

Change-Id: I16e8bfcc65471d7012955788e8e35c4f71e02aa0
Signed-off-by: Prashanth Katti <prkatti1@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/xcat/test_xcat_group.robot b/xcat/test_xcat_group.robot
index ce3dd54..3df04c8 100644
--- a/xcat/test_xcat_group.robot
+++ b/xcat/test_xcat_group.robot
@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@
 Library         String
 Suite Setup  Validate XCAT Setup
+Suite Teardown  Close All Connections
 *** Variables ***
 ${poweron_flag}   ON
 ${poweroff_flag}  OFF
 *** Test Cases ***
@@ -93,6 +95,93 @@
     : FOR  ${bmc_node}  IN  @{bmc_nodes}
     \  Validate Power Status Via XCAT  ${bmc_node}  ${poweroff_flag}
+Continuous Node Power Status
+    [Documentation]  Continuously get the power status.
+    # This keyword verifies the REST connectivity between XCAT and the BMC node.
+    [Tags]  Continuos_Node_Power_Status
+    # Performing this operation only on one BMC node.
+    Power On Via XCAT  ${BMC_LIST[1]}
+    # Get the power status of the node repeatedly.
+    # By default it gets power status 1000 times.
+    # It bascially stress the BMC node and test REST implementation
+    # of the BMC node
+    : FOR  ${index}  IN RANGE  1  ${NUM_POWER_STATUS_CHECKS}
+    \  Validate Power Status Via XCAT  ${BMC_LIST[1]}  ${poweron_flag}
+Get Temperature Reading Via XCAT
+    [Documentation]  Get temperature reading via XCAT.
+    [Tags]  Get_Temperature_Reading_Via_XCAT
+    # Sample output of the keyword:
+    # node1: Ambient: 28.62 C
+    # node1: P0 Vcs Temp: 35 C
+    # node1: P0 Vdd Temp: 35 C
+    # node1: P0 Vddr Temp: 35 C
+    # node1: P0 Vdn Temp: 35 C
+    # node1: P1 Vcs Temp: 33 C
+    # node1: P1 Vdd Temp: 33 C
+    # node1: P1 Vddr Temp: 34 C
+    # node1: P1 Vdn Temp: 34 C
+    # Get temperature reading from each BMC node.
+    : FOR  ${bmc}  IN  @{BMC_LIST}
+    \  ${temp_reading}=  Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT  ${bmc}  temp
+    \  Should Match  ${temp_reading}  ${bmc}* C
+    \  Log  \n Temperature reading on $[bmc}\n ${temp_reading}
+Get Fanspeed Via XCAT
+    [Documentation]  Get fanspeed via XCAT.
+    [Tags]  Get_Fanspeed_Reading_Via_XCAT
+    # Sample output of the keyword:
+    # node1: Fan0 0: 10714 RPMS
+    # node1: Fan1 0: 10216 RPMS
+    # node1: Fan2 0: 14124 RPMS
+    # node1: Fan3 0: 11114 RPMS
+    # Get fanspeed from each BMC node.
+    : FOR  ${bmc}  IN  @{BMC_LIST}
+    \  ${fanspeed}=  Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT  ${bmc}  fanspeed
+    \  Should Match  ${fanspeed}  ${bmc}* RPMS
+    \  Log  \n fanspeed on $[bmc}\n ${fanspeed}
+*** Comment ***
+Get Voltage Reading Via XCAT
+    [Documentation]  Get voltage via XCAT.
+    [Tags]  Get_Voltage_Via_XCAT
+    # Sample output of the keyword:
+    # node1: No attributes returned from the BMC.
+    # BMC node is not returning anything, this will fail at present.
+    # Get voltage reading from each BMC node.
+    : FOR  ${bmc}  IN  @{BMC_LIST}
+    \  ${voltage}=  Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT  ${bmc}  voltage
+    \  Log  \n Voltage reading on $[bmc}\n ${voltage}
+Get Wattage Via XCAT
+    [Documentation]  Get wattage via XCAT.
+    [Tags]  Get_Wattage_Via_XCAT
+    # Sample output of the keyword:
+    # node1: No attributes returned from the BMC.
+    # BMC node is not returning anything, this will fail at present.
+    # Get wattage reading from each BMC node.
+    : FOR  ${bmc}  IN  @{BMC_LIST}
+    \  ${wattage}=  Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT  ${bmc}  wattage
+    \  Log  \n Wattage reading on $[bmc}\n ${wattage}
 *** Keywords ***
 Validate XCAT Setup