black: re-format

black and isort are enabled in the openbmc-build-scripts on Python files
to have a consistent formatting.  Re-run the formatter on the whole

Change-Id: If1010ead857d41364c024bf8145a979a9377d382
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
diff --git a/ffdc/lib/ b/ffdc/lib/
index 01b39dd..fb44121 100644
--- a/ffdc/lib/
+++ b/ffdc/lib/
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-import paramiko
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import AuthenticationException
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import NoValidConnectionsError
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import BadHostKeyException
-from paramiko.buffered_pipe import PipeTimeout as PipeTimeout
-from scp import SCPClient, SCPException
-import time
-import socket
 import logging
+import socket
+import time
 from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout
+import paramiko
+from paramiko.buffered_pipe import PipeTimeout as PipeTimeout
+from paramiko.ssh_exception import (
+    AuthenticationException,
+    BadHostKeyException,
+    NoValidConnectionsError,
+    SSHException,
+from scp import SCPClient, SCPException
 class SSHRemoteclient:
@@ -20,7 +23,6 @@
     def __init__(self, hostname, username, password):
         Description of argument(s):
@@ -38,7 +40,6 @@
         self.password = password
     def ssh_remoteclient_login(self):
         Method to create a ssh connection to remote host.
@@ -48,23 +49,31 @@
             # SSHClient to make connections to the remote server
             self.sshclient = paramiko.SSHClient()
             # setting set_missing_host_key_policy() to allow any host
-            self.sshclient.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+            self.sshclient.set_missing_host_key_policy(
+                paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()
+            )
             # Connect to the server
-            self.sshclient.connect(hostname=self.hostname,
-                                   username=self.username,
-                                   password=self.password,
-                                   banner_timeout=120,
-                                   timeout=60,
-                                   look_for_keys=False)
+            self.sshclient.connect(
+                hostname=self.hostname,
+                username=self.username,
+                password=self.password,
+                banner_timeout=120,
+                timeout=60,
+                look_for_keys=False,
+            )
-        except (BadHostKeyException, AuthenticationException,
-                SSHException, NoValidConnectionsError, socket.error) as e:
+        except (
+            BadHostKeyException,
+            AuthenticationException,
+            SSHException,
+            NoValidConnectionsError,
+            socket.error,
+        ) as e:
             is_ssh_login = False
         return is_ssh_login
     def ssh_remoteclient_disconnect(self):
         Clean up.
@@ -75,8 +84,7 @@
         if self.scpclient:
-    def execute_command(self, command,
-                        default_timeout=60):
+    def execute_command(self, command, default_timeout=60):
         Execute command on the remote host.
@@ -85,25 +93,26 @@
-        empty = ''
+        empty = ""
         cmd_start = time.time()
-            stdin, stdout, stderr = \
-                self.sshclient.exec_command(command, timeout=default_timeout)
+            stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshclient.exec_command(
+                command, timeout=default_timeout
+            )
             start = time.time()
             while time.time() < start + default_timeout:
                 # Need to do read/write operation to trigger
                 # paramiko exec_command timeout mechanism.
                 xresults = stderr.readlines()
-                results = ''.join(xresults)
+                results = "".join(xresults)
             cmd_exit_code =
             # Convert list of string to one string
-            err = ''
-            out = ''
+            err = ""
+            out = ""
             for item in results:
                 err += item
             for item in stdout.readlines():
@@ -111,30 +120,53 @@
             return cmd_exit_code, err, out
-        except (paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException,
-                paramiko.ChannelException, SocketTimeout) as e:
+        except (
+            paramiko.AuthenticationException,
+            paramiko.SSHException,
+            paramiko.ChannelException,
+            SocketTimeout,
+        ) as e:
             # Log command with error. Return to caller for next command, if any.
-            logging.error("\n\tERROR: Fail remote command %s %s" % (e.__class__, e))
-            logging.error("\tCommand '%s' Elapsed Time %s" %
-                          (command, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time() - cmd_start))))
+            logging.error(
+                "\n\tERROR: Fail remote command %s %s" % (e.__class__, e)
+            )
+            logging.error(
+                "\tCommand '%s' Elapsed Time %s"
+                % (
+                    command,
+                    time.strftime(
+                        "%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time() - cmd_start)
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
             return 0, empty, empty
     def scp_connection(self):
         Create a scp connection for file transfer.
-            self.scpclient = SCPClient(self.sshclient.get_transport(), sanitize=lambda x: x)
-  "\n\t[Check] %s SCP transport established.\t [OK]" % self.hostname)
+            self.scpclient = SCPClient(
+                self.sshclient.get_transport(), sanitize=lambda x: x
+            )
+                "\n\t[Check] %s SCP transport established.\t [OK]"
+                % self.hostname
+            )
         except (SCPException, SocketTimeout, PipeTimeout) as e:
             self.scpclient = None
-            logging.error("\n\tERROR: SCP get_transport has failed. %s %s" % (e.__class__, e))
-  "\tScript continues generating FFDC on %s." % self.hostname)
-  "\tCollected data will need to be manually offloaded.")
+            logging.error(
+                "\n\tERROR: SCP get_transport has failed. %s %s"
+                % (e.__class__, e)
+            )
+                "\tScript continues generating FFDC on %s." % self.hostname
+            )
+                "\tCollected data will need to be manually offloaded."
+            )
     def scp_file_from_remote(self, remote_file, local_file):
         scp file in remote system to local with date-prefixed filename.
@@ -151,7 +183,9 @@
         except (SCPException, SocketTimeout, PipeTimeout, SSHException) as e:
             # Log command with error. Return to caller for next file, if any.
-                "\n\tERROR: Fail scp %s from remotehost %s %s\n\n" % (remote_file, e.__class__, e))
+                "\n\tERROR: Fail scp %s from remotehost %s %s\n\n"
+                % (remote_file, e.__class__, e)
+            )
             # Pause for 2 seconds allowing Paramiko to finish error processing before next fetch.
             # Without the delay after SCPException,
             #    next fetch will get 'paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException'> Channel closed Error.
diff --git a/ffdc/lib/ b/ffdc/lib/
index 08e4071..03f7983 100644
--- a/ffdc/lib/
+++ b/ffdc/lib/
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-import time
-import socket
 import logging
+import socket
 import telnetlib
+import time
 from collections import deque
 class TelnetRemoteclient:
     Class to create telnet connection to remote host for command execution.
-    def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, port=23, read_timeout=None):
+    def __init__(
+        self, hostname, username, password, port=23, read_timeout=None
+    ):
         Description of argument(s):
@@ -33,23 +33,35 @@
         self.read_timeout = read_timeout
     def tn_remoteclient_login(self):
         is_telnet = True
-            self.tnclient = telnetlib.Telnet(self.hostname, self.port, timeout=15)
-            if b'login:' in self.tnclient.read_until(b'login:', timeout=self.read_timeout):
-                self.tnclient.write(self.username.encode('utf-8') + b"\n")
+            self.tnclient = telnetlib.Telnet(
+                self.hostname, self.port, timeout=15
+            )
+            if b"login:" in self.tnclient.read_until(
+                b"login:", timeout=self.read_timeout
+            ):
+                self.tnclient.write(self.username.encode("utf-8") + b"\n")
-                if b'Password:' in self.tnclient.read_until(b'Password:', timeout=self.read_timeout):
-                    self.tnclient.write(self.password.encode('utf-8') + b"\n")
+                if b"Password:" in self.tnclient.read_until(
+                    b"Password:", timeout=self.read_timeout
+                ):
+                    self.tnclient.write(self.password.encode("utf-8") + b"\n")
-                    n, match, pre_match = \
-                        self.tnclient.expect(
-                            [b'Login incorrect', b'invalid login name or password.', br'\#', br'\$'],
-                            timeout=self.read_timeout)
+                    n, match, pre_match = self.tnclient.expect(
+                        [
+                            b"Login incorrect",
+                            b"invalid login name or password.",
+                            rb"\#",
+                            rb"\$",
+                        ],
+                        timeout=self.read_timeout,
+                    )
                     if n == 0 or n == 1:
-                            "\n\tERROR: Telnet Authentication Failed.  Check userid and password.\n\n")
+                            "\n\tERROR: Telnet Authentication Failed.  Check"
+                            " userid and password.\n\n"
+                        )
                         is_telnet = False
                         # login successful
@@ -76,17 +88,15 @@
             # the telnet object might not exist yet, so ignore this one
-    def execute_command(self, cmd,
-                        i_timeout=120):
+    def execute_command(self, cmd, i_timeout=120):
+        r"""
+        Executes commands on the remote host
-        r'''
-            Executes commands on the remote host
-            Description of argument(s):
-            cmd             Command to run on remote host
-            i_timeout       Timeout for command output
-                            default is 120 seconds
-        '''
+        Description of argument(s):
+        cmd             Command to run on remote host
+        i_timeout       Timeout for command output
+                        default is 120 seconds
+        """
         # Wait time for command execution before reading the output.
         # Use user input wait time for command execution if one exists.
@@ -97,23 +107,22 @@
             execution_time = 120
         # Execute the command and read the command output.
-        return_buffer = b''
+        return_buffer = b""
             # Do at least one non-blocking read.
             #  to flush whatever data is in the read buffer.
             while self.tnclient.read_very_eager():
             # Execute the command
-            self.tnclient.write(cmd.encode('utf-8') + b'\n')
+            self.tnclient.write(cmd.encode("utf-8") + b"\n")
-            local_buffer = b''
+            local_buffer = b""
             # Read the command output one block at a time.
             return_buffer = self.tnclient.read_very_eager()
             while return_buffer:
-                local_buffer = b''.join([local_buffer, return_buffer])
+                local_buffer = b"".join([local_buffer, return_buffer])
                 time.sleep(3)  # let the buffer fill up a bit
                 return_buffer = self.tnclient.read_very_eager()
         except (socket.error, EOFError) as e:
@@ -129,4 +138,4 @@
             logging.error("\t\t ERROR %s " % msg)
         # Return ASCII string data with ending PROMPT stripped
-        return local_buffer.decode('ascii', 'ignore').replace('$ ', '\n')
+        return local_buffer.decode("ascii", "ignore").replace("$ ", "\n")