ffdc: Integrate ffdc script into robot framework flow.

This commit provides interface to enable automation tests (robot/jenkins)
to activate the new cli ffdc collector.

- Patchset 1: Initial commit for review.
- Patchset 2: Redesing and fixing issues
- Patchset 3: Fix build issue (pycodestyle)
- Patchset 4: Default ffdc store location running direct CLI
- Patchset 5: Addressing review comments and questions
- Patchset 6: Restore direct CLI default location to /tmp
- Patchset 7: Addressing issues from comments
              Also extend socket timeout for long-running command peltool -a
- Patchset 8: Use Builtin().log_to_console("") method in the bridge code
- Patchset 9: Rebase

- Standalone script: python3 ./ffdc/collect_ffdc.py
- Within robot env: python3 -m robot .... -v FFDC_DEFAULT:0 ./tools/myffdc.robot

Signed-off-by: Peter D  Phan <peterp@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ic892c48efe7dbdb3a4345ba89c3a0257f03a7ffb
diff --git a/lib/ffdc_cli_robot_script.py b/lib/ffdc_cli_robot_script.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6780dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ffdc_cli_robot_script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(__file__.split(__file__.split("/")[-1])[0] + "../ffdc")
+from ffdc_collector import ffdc_collector
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn as robotBuildIn
+# (Sub) String constants used for input dictionary key search
+def ffdc_robot_script_cli(**kwargs):
+    r"""
+    For the specified host, this method provide automation testcases the interface to
+    the new ffdc collector ../ffdc/ffdc_collector.py via robot variable FFDC_DEFAULT
+    variable FFDC_DEFAULT:1, by default use the existing ffdc collection method.
+    variable FFDC_DEFAULT:0 use the new ffdc method
+    Command examples:
+    (1) Legacy ffdc collection
+    python3 -m robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:<> -v OPENBMC_USERNAME:<> \
+                                        -v OPENBMC_PASSWORD:<> ./tools/myffdc.robot
+    (2) New ffdc collection
+    python3 -m robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:<> -v OPENBMC_USERNAME:<> \
+                        -v OPENBMC_PASSWORD:<> -v FFDC_DEFAULT:0  ./tools/myffdc.robot
+    Description of argument(s)in dictionary: xx can be anything appropriate
+        xx_HOST:hostname                name/ip of the targeted (remote) system
+        xx_USERNAME:username            user on the targeted system with access to FFDC files
+        xx_PASSWORD:password            password for user on targeted system
+        xx_CONFIG:ffdc_config           configuration file listing commands and files for FFDC
+        xx_LOCATION:location            where to store collected FFDC.  Default: <current dir>/logs/
+        xx_TYPE:remote_type             os type of the remote host.
+        xx_PROTOCOL:remote_protocol     Protocol to use to collect data. Default: 'ALL'
+        ENV_VAR:env_vars                User define CLI env vars '{"key : "value"}'. Default: ""
+        ECONFIG:econfig                 User define env vars YAML file. Default: ""
+        LOG_LEVEL:log_level             CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. Default: INFO
+    Code examples:
+    (1) openbmc_ffdc.robot activate this method with no parm
+        Run Keyword If  ${FFDC_DEFAULT} == ${1}  FFDC
+    ...    ELSE  ffdc_robot_script_cli
+    (2) Method invocation with parms
+        ffdc_from = {'OS_HOST' : 'os host name or ip',
+                     'OS_USERNAME' : 'os username',
+                     'OS_PASSWORD' : 'password for os_username',
+                     'OS_TYPE'     : 'os_type, ubuntu, rhel, aix, etc',
+                    }
+        ffdc_robot_script_cli(ffdc_from)
+    """
+    robotBuildIn().log_to_console("Collecting FFDC - CLI log collector script")
+    if not kwargs:
+        dict_of_parms = {}
+        # When method is invoked with no parm,
+        # use robot variables
+        dict_of_parms["OPENBMC_HOST"] = \
+            robotBuildIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_HOST}", default=None)
+        dict_of_parms["OPENBMC_USERNAME"] = \
+            robotBuildIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_USERNAME}", default=None)
+        dict_of_parms["OPENBMC_PASSWORD"] = \
+            robotBuildIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}", default=None)
+        dict_of_parms["REMOTE_TYPE"] = "OPENBMC"
+        run_ffdc_collector(dict_of_parms)
+    else:
+        if isinstance(kwargs, dict):
+            # When method is invoked with user defined dictionary,
+            # dictionary keys has the following format
+            # xx_HOST; xx_USERNAME, xx_PASSWORD, xx_TYPE
+            # where xx is one of OPENBMC, OS, or os_type LINUX/UBUNTU/AIX
+            run_ffdc_collector(**kwargs)
+def run_ffdc_collector(dict_of_parm):
+    r"""
+    Process input parameters and collect information
+    Description of argument(s)in dictionary: xx can be anything appropriate
+        xx_HOST:hostname                name/ip of the targeted (remote) system
+        xx_USERNAME:username            user on the targeted system with access to FFDC files
+        xx_PASSWORD:password            password for user on targeted system
+        xx_CONFIG:ffdc_config           configuration file listing commands and files for FFDC
+        xx_LOCATION:location            where to store collected FFDC.  Default: <current dir>/logs/
+        xx_TYPE:remote_type             os type of the remote host.
+        xx_PROTOCOL:remote_protocol     Protocol to use to collect data. Default: 'ALL'
+        ENV_VAR:env_vars                User define CLI env vars '{"key : "value"}'. Default: ""
+        ECONFIG:econfig                 User define env vars YAML file. Default: ""
+        LOG_LEVEL:log_level             CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. Default: INFO
+    """
+    # Clear local variables
+    remote = None
+    username = None
+    password = None
+    config = None
+    location = None
+    remote_type = None
+    protocol = None
+    env_vars = None
+    econfig = None
+    log_level = None
+    # Process input key/value pairs
+    for key in dict_of_parm.keys():
+        if HOST in key:
+            remote = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif USER in key:
+            username = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif PASSWD in key:
+            password = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif CONFIG in key:
+            config = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif LOC in key:
+            location = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif TYPE in key:
+            remote_type = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif PROTOCOL in key:
+            protocol = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif ENV_VARS in key:
+            env_vars = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif ECONFIG in key:
+            econfig = dict_of_parm[key]
+        elif LOGLEVEL in key:
+            log_level = dict_of_parm[key]
+    # Set defaults values for parms
+    # that are not specified with input and have acceptable defaults.
+    if not location:
+        # Default FFDC store location
+        location = robotBuildIn().get_variable_value("${EXECDIR}", default=None) + "/logs"
+        ffdc_collector.validate_local_store(location)
+    if not config:
+        # Default FFDC configuration
+        script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        config = script_path + "/../ffdc/ffdc_config.yaml"
+    if not protocol:
+        protocol = "ALL"
+    if not env_vars:
+        env_vars = ""
+    if not econfig:
+        econfig = ""
+    if not log_level:
+        log_level = "INFO"
+    # If minimum required inputs are met, go collect.
+    if (remote and username and password and remote_type):
+        # Execute data collection
+        this_ffdc = ffdc_collector(remote,
+                                   username,
+                                   password,
+                                   config,
+                                   location,
+                                   remote_type,
+                                   protocol,
+                                   env_vars,
+                                   econfig,
+                                   log_level)
+        this_ffdc.collect_ffdc()
diff --git a/lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot b/lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
index de11927..f2dfc8f 100755
--- a/lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+++ b/lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 Resource           openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
 Resource           dump_utils.robot
 Library            openbmc_ffdc.py
+Library            ffdc_cli_robot_script.py
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -51,6 +52,17 @@
     Return From Keyword If  ${OVERRIDE_FFDC_ON_TEST_CASE_FAIL}
-    Run Keyword If  '${TEST_STATUS}' == 'FAIL'  FFDC
+    Run Keyword If  '${TEST_STATUS}' == 'FAIL'  Launch FFDC
     Log Test Case Status
+Launch FFDC
+    [Documentation]  Call point to call FFDC robot or FFDC script.
+    ...              FFDC_DEFAULT set to 1, by default, in resource.robot
+    ...              FFDC_DEFAULT:1  use legacy ffdc collector
+    ...              FFDC_DEFAULT:0  use new ffdc collector.
+    Run Keyword If  ${FFDC_DEFAULT} == ${1}  FFDC    # Keyword from openbmc_ffdc.py
+    ...    ELSE  ffdc_robot_script_cli               # Keyword from ffdc_cli_robot_script.py
diff --git a/lib/resource.robot b/lib/resource.robot
index b3ad7ee..f5d0d81 100755
--- a/lib/resource.robot
+++ b/lib/resource.robot
@@ -142,6 +142,10 @@
 ${LDAP_USER}                ${EMPTY}
+# General tool variables
+# FFDC_DEFAULT == 1; use Default FFDC methods
+${FFDC_DEFAULT}            ${1}
 *** Keywords ***
 Get Inventory Schema
     [Documentation]  Get inventory schema.