Redfish NTP server set

Following test cases automated:
- Verify NTP Server Set.
- Verify NTP Server Value Not Duplicated.

Change-Id: I3b974eddb922ca2a125f0bd5af111e41584995f0
Signed-off-by: Sivas SRR <>
diff --git a/redfish/managers/test_managers_bmc_time.robot b/redfish/managers/test_managers_bmc_time.robot
index ea01908..59df69b 100644
--- a/redfish/managers/test_managers_bmc_time.robot
+++ b/redfish/managers/test_managers_bmc_time.robot
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 *** Variables ***
 ${max_time_diff_in_seconds}  6
 ${invalid_datetime}          "2019-04-251T12:24:46+00:00"
+${ntp_server_1}              ""
+${ntp_server_2}              ""
 *** Test Cases ***
@@ -56,6 +58,28 @@
     Redfish Set DateTime  ${invalid_datetime}  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}]
+Verify NTP Server Set
+    [Documentation]  Verify NTP server set.
+    [Tags]  Verify_NTP_Server_Set
+    Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}  body={'NTPServers': ['${ntp_server_1}', '${ntp_server_2}']}
+    ${network_protocol}=  Redfish.Get Properties  ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}
+    Should Contain  ${network_protocol["NTP"]["NTPServers"]}  ${ntp_server_1}
+    ...  msg=NTP server value ${ntp_server_1} not stored.
+    Should Contain  ${network_protocol["NTP"]["NTPServers"]}  ${ntp_server_2}
+    ...  msg=NTP server value ${ntp_server_2} not stored.
+Verify NTP Server Value Not Duplicated
+    [Documentation]  Verify NTP servers value not same for both primary and secondary server.
+    [Tags]  Verify_NTP_Server_Value_Not_Duplicated
+    Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}  body={'NTPServers': ['${ntp_server_1}', '${ntp_server_1}']}
+    ${network_protocol}=  Redfish.Get Properties  ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}
+    Should Contain X Times  ${network_protocol["NTP"]["NTPServers"]}  ${ntp_server_1}  1
+    ...  msg=NTP primary and seconday server values should not be same.
 *** Keywords ***
 Test Teardown Execution
@@ -86,4 +110,3 @@
     Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}Managers/bmc  body={'DateTime': '${date_time}'}
     ...  &{kwargs}