Changed all FFDC functions to return list of generated files.

It is important for FFDC functions to return a complete list of
generated files rather than leaving the caller to guess what files were
created or have to go searching for them.

Also added to the comments and fixed some minor style issues.

Change-Id: I3eda99a150b99d56f44874931703f93cbac7ca19
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot b/lib/openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot
index df8bab7..28e413f 100755
--- a/lib/openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot
+++ b/lib/openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 Resource           openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
 Resource           rest_client.robot
 Resource           utils.robot
+Resource           list_utils.robot
 Library            SSHLibrary
 Library            OperatingSystem
 Library            Collections
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
     # Description of argument(s):
     # ffdc_function_list  A colon-delimited list naming the kinds of FFDC that
-    #                     is to be collected
+    #                     are to be collected
     #                     (e.g. "FFDC Generic Report:BMC Specific Files").
     #                     Acceptable values can be found in the description
     #                     field of FFDC_METHOD_CALL in
@@ -36,12 +37,23 @@
     #                     from lib/
     @{entries}=  Get FFDC Method Index
+    # Example entries:
+    # entries:
+    #   entries[0]:  BMC LOGS
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
     :FOR  ${index}  IN  @{entries}
-    \    Method Call Keyword List  ${index}  ${ffdc_function_list}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Method Call Keyword List  ${index}
+    ...      ${ffdc_function_list}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...      ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
     Run Key U  SSHLibrary.Close All Connections
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 Method Call Keyword List
-    [Documentation]  Iterate the list through keyword index.
+    [Documentation]  Process FFDC request and return a list of generated files.
     [Arguments]  ${index}  ${ffdc_function_list}=${EMPTY}
     # Description of argument(s):
@@ -50,7 +62,16 @@
     # ffdc_function_list  See ffdc_function_list description in
     #                     "Call FFDC Methods" (above).
-    @{method_list}=  Get ffdc method call  ${index}
+    @{method_list}=  Get FFDC Method Call  ${index}
+    # Example method_list:
+    # method_list:
+    #   method_list[0]:
+    #     method_list[0][0]: FFDC Generic Report
+    #     method_list[0][1]: BMC FFDC Manifest
+    #   method_list[1]:
+    #     method_list[1][0]: Get Request FFDC
+    #     method_list[1][1]: BMC FFDC Get Requests
+    # (etc.)
     # If function list is empty assign default (i.e. a list of all allowable
     # values).  In either case, convert ffdc_function_list from a string to
@@ -61,9 +82,15 @@
     ...  ELSE
     ...    Split String  ${ffdc_function_list}  separator=:
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
     :FOR  ${method}  IN  @{method_list}
-    \    Execute Keyword Method  ${method[0]}  ${method[1]}
-    ...      @{ffdc_function_list}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Execute Keyword Method  ${method[0]}
+    ...      ${method[1]}  @{ffdc_function_list}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...      ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 Execute Keyword Method
     [Documentation]  Call into BMC method keywords. Don't let one
@@ -82,11 +109,14 @@
     #                     in this case, it should be a list rather than a
     #                     colon-delimited value.
-    ${status}  ${ret_values}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
-    ...  List Should Contain Value  ${ffdc_function_list}  ${description}
-    Run Keyword If  '${status}' != 'PASS'  Return from Keyword
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
-    Run Key  ${keyword_name}  ignore=1
+    ${index}=  Get Index From List  ${ffdc_function_list}  ${description}
+    Run Keyword If  '${index}' == '${-1}'  Return from Keyword
+    ...  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ${status}  ${ffdc_file_list}=  Run Key  ${keyword_name}  ignore=1
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 # Method : BMC FFDC Manifest                                   #
@@ -94,12 +124,15 @@
 BMC FFDC Manifest
-    [Documentation]    Get the commands index for the FFDC_BMC_CMD,
-    ...                login to BMC and execute commands.
+    [Documentation]  Run the ssh commands from FFDC_BMC_CMD and return a list
+    ...              of generated files.
-    @{entries}=     Get ffdc cmd index
-    :FOR  ${index}  IN   @{entries}
-    \     Iterate BMC Command List Pairs   ${index}
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List  ${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
+    @{entries}=  Get FFDC Cmd Index
+    :FOR  ${index}  IN  @{entries}
+    \    Iterate BMC Command List Pairs  ${index}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 Iterate BMC Command List Pairs
@@ -113,16 +146,15 @@
 Execute Command and Write FFDC
-    [Documentation]    Execute command on BMC or OS and write to ffdc
-    ...                By default to ffdc_report.txt file else to
-    ...                specified file path.
-    [Arguments]        ${key_index}
-    ...                ${cmd}
-    ...                ${logpath}=${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
-    ...                ${target}=BMC
+    [Documentation]  Run a command on the BMC or OS, write the output to the
+    ...              specified file and return a list of generated files.
+    [Arguments]  ${key_index}  ${cmd}  ${logpath}=${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
+    ...          ${target}=BMC
-    Run Keyword If   '${logpath}' == '${FFDC_FILE_PATH}'
-    ...    Write Cmd Output to FFDC File   ${key_index}  ${cmd}
+    Run Keyword If  '${logpath}' == '${FFDC_FILE_PATH}'
+    ...    Write Cmd Output to FFDC File  ${key_index}  ${cmd}
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List  ${log_path}
     ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  ${target} Execute Command \ ${cmd} \ ignore_err=${1}
     ${status}  ${ret_values}=  Run Key  ${cmd_buf}  ignore=${1}
@@ -137,6 +169,8 @@
     ...    ERROR output:${\n}${stderr}${\n}Output:${\n}${stdout}${\n}
     ...    ${logpath}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 # Method : BMC FFDC Files                                      #
@@ -145,23 +179,41 @@
-    [Documentation]    Get the command list and iterate
-    @{entries}=     Get ffdc file index
-    :FOR  ${index}  IN   @{entries}
-    \     Create File and Write Data   ${index}
+    [Documentation]  Run the commands from FFDC_BMC_FILE and return a list of
+    ...              generated files.
+    @{entries}=  Get FFDC File Index
+    # Example of entries:
+    # entries:
+    #   entries[0]: BMC FILES
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
+    :FOR  ${index}  IN  @{entries}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Create File and Write Data  ${index}
+    \     ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...       ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 Create File and Write Data
-    [Documentation]    Create files to current FFDC log directory,
-    ...                executes command and write to corresponding
-    ...                file name in the current FFDC directory.
-    [Arguments]        ${key_index}
+    [Documentation]  Run commands from FFDC_BMC_FILE to create FFDC files and
+    ...              return a list of generated files.
+    [Arguments]  ${key_index}
-    @{cmd_list}=      Get ffdc bmc file   ${key_index}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # key_index  The index into the FFDC_BMC_FILE dictionary.
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
+    @{cmd_list}=  Get FFDC BMC File  ${key_index}
     :FOR  ${cmd}  IN  @{cmd_list}
-    \   ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=   ${LOG_PREFIX}   ${cmd[0]}.txt
-    \   Execute Command and Write FFDC  ${cmd[0]}  ${cmd[1]}   ${logpath}
+    \    ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${LOG_PREFIX}  ${cmd[0]}.txt
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Execute Command and Write FFDC  ${cmd[0]}
+    ...      ${cmd[1]}  ${logpath}
+    \     ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...       ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
@@ -203,71 +255,111 @@
 Log FFDC Get Requests
-    [Documentation]    Create file in current FFDC log directory.
-    ...                Do openbmc get request and write to
-    ...                corresponding file name.
-    ...                JSON pretty print for logging to file.
-    [Arguments]        ${key_index}
+    [Documentation]  Run the get requests associated with the key and return a
+    ...              list of generated files.
+    [Arguments]  ${key_index}
-    @{cmd_list}=  Get ffdc get request  ${key_index}
+    # Note: Output will be in JSON pretty_print format.
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # key_index  The key to the FFDC_GET_REQUEST dictionary that contains the
+    #            get requests that are to be run.
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
+    @{cmd_list}=  Get FFDC Get Request  ${key_index}
     :FOR  ${cmd}  IN  @{cmd_list}
-    \   ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${LOG_PREFIX}  ${cmd[0]}.txt
-    \   ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${cmd[1]}  quiet=${1}
-    \   ${status}=    Run Keyword and Return Status
-    ...   Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    ${HTTP_OK}
-    \   Run Keyword If   '${status}' == '${False}'  Continue For Loop
-    \   ${jsondata}=  to json  ${resp.content}    pretty_print=True
-    \   Write Data To File  ${\n}${jsondata}${\n}  ${logpath}
+    \    ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${LOG_PREFIX}  ${cmd[0]}.txt
+    \    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${cmd[1]}  quiet=${1}
+    \    ${status}=  Run Keyword and Return Status
+    ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    \    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == '${False}'  Continue For Loop
+    \    ${jsondata}=  to json  ${resp.content}  pretty_print=True
+    \    Write Data To File  ${\n}${jsondata}${\n}  ${logpath}
+    \    Append To List  ${ffdc_file_list}  ${logpath}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 BMC FFDC Get Requests
-    [Documentation]    Get the command list and iterate
+    [Documentation]  Iterate over get request list and return a list of
+    ...              generated files.
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
     @{entries}=  Get ffdc get request index
+    # Example of entries:
+    # entries:
+    #  entries[0]:  GET REQUESTS
     :FOR  ${index}  IN  @{entries}
-    \   Log FFDC Get Requests   ${index}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Log FFDC Get Requests  ${index}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...  ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
-    [Documentation]    Create file in current FFDC log directory.
-    ...                Executes OS command and write to
-    ...                corresponding file name.
-    [Arguments]        ${key_index}
+Log OS All distros FFDC
+    [Documentation]  Run commands from FFDC_OS_ALL_DISTROS_FILE to create FFDC
+    ...              files and return a list of generated files.
+    [Arguments]  ${key_index}
-    @{cmd_list}=  get ffdc os all distros call  ${key_index}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # key_index  The index into the FFDC_OS_ALL_DISTROS_FILE dictionary.
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
+    @{cmd_list}=  Get FFDC OS All Distros Call  ${key_index}
     :FOR  ${cmd}  IN  @{cmd_list}
-    \   ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${LOG_PREFIX}  ${cmd[0]}.txt
-    \   Execute Command and Write FFDC  ${cmd[0]}  ${cmd[1]}  ${logpath}
-    \   ...  target=OS
+    \    ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${LOG_PREFIX}  ${cmd[0]}.txt
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Execute Command and Write FFDC  ${cmd[0]}
+    ...      ${cmd[1]}  ${logpath}  target=OS
+    \    ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...      ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
-    [Documentation]    Create file in current FFDC log directory.
-    ...                Executes OS command and write to
-    ...                corresponding file name.
-    [Arguments]        ${key_index}  ${linux_distro}
+    [Documentation]  Run commands from the FFDC_OS_<distro>_FILE to create FFDC
+    ...              files and return a list of generated files.
+    [Arguments]  ${key_index}  ${linux_distro}
-    @{cmd_list}=  get ffdc os distro call  ${key_index}  ${linux_distro}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # key_index  The index into the FFDC_OS_<distro>_FILE dictionary.
+    # linux_distro  Your OS's linux distro (e.g. "UBUNTU", "RHEL", etc).
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
+    @{cmd_list}=  Get FFDC OS Distro Call  ${key_index}  ${linux_distro}
     :FOR  ${cmd}  IN  @{cmd_list}
-    \   ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${LOG_PREFIX}  ${cmd[0]}.txt
-    \   Execute Command and Write FFDC  ${cmd[0]}  ${cmd[1]}  ${logpath}
-    \   ...  target=OS
+    \    ${logpath}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${LOG_PREFIX}  ${cmd[0]}.txt
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Execute Command and Write FFDC  ${cmd[0]}
+    ...      ${cmd[1]}  ${logpath}  target=OS
+    \    ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...      ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 OS FFDC Files
-    [Documentation]    Get the command list and iterate
+    [Documentation]  Run the commands from FFDC_OS_ALL_DISTROS_FILE to create
+    ...              FFDC files and return a list of generated files.
     [Arguments]  ${OS_HOST}=${OS_HOST}  ${OS_USERNAME}=${OS_USERNAME}
-    ...   ${OS_PASSWORD}=${OS_PASSWORD}
-    Return From Keyword If  '${OS_HOST}' == '${EMPTY}'
-    ...   No OS Host Provided
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
-    # If can't ping, return
-    ${rc}=  Run Keyword and Return Status  Ping Host  ${OS_HOST}
-    Return From Keyword If  '${rc}' == '${False}'
-    ...   Could not ping OS.
+    Run Keyword If  '${OS_HOST}' == '${EMPTY}'  Run Keywords
+    ...  Print Timen  No OS Host provided so no OS FFDC will be done.  AND
+    ...  Return From Keyword  ${ffdc_file_list}
-    ${stdout}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  OS Execute Command  uptime  ignore_err=${1}
-    Return From Keyword If  '${rc}' != '${0}'  Could not connect to OS.
+    ${match_state}=  Create Dictionary  os_ping=^1$  os_login=^1$
+    ...  os_run_cmd=^1$
+    ${status}  ${ret_values}=  Run Keyword and Ignore Error  Check State
+    ...  ${match_state}  quiet=0
+    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == 'FAIL'  Run Keywords
+    ...  Print Error  The OS is not communicating so no OS FFDC will be done.\n
+    ...  AND
+    ...  Return From Keyword  ${ffdc_file_list}
     ${stdout}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  OS Execute Command
     ...  . /etc/os-release; echo $ID  ignore_err=${0}
@@ -275,45 +367,78 @@
     Rpvars  linux_distro
-    @{entries}=  Get ffdc os all distros index
+    @{entries}=  Get FFDC OS All Distros Index
     :FOR  ${index}  IN  @{entries}
-    \   Log OS ALL DISTROS FFDC  ${index}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Log OS All distros FFDC  ${index}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...      ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
     Return From Keyword If
     ...  '${linux_distro}' == '${EMPTY}' or '${linux_distro}' == 'None'
-    ...  Could not determine Linux Distribution.
+    ...  ${ffdc_file_list}
     @{entries}=  Get ffdc os distro index  ${linux_distro}
     :FOR  ${index}  IN  @{entries}
-    \   Log OS SPECIFIC DISTRO FFDC  ${index}  ${linux_distro}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_sub_list}=  Log OS SPECIFIC DISTRO FFDC  ${index}
+    ...      ${linux_distro}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_list}=  Smart Combine Lists  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    ...      ${ffdc_file_sub_list}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 System Inventory Files
-    [Documentation]  Copy systest os_inventory files.
+    [Documentation]  Copy systest os_inventory files and return a list of
+    ...              generated files..
     # The os_inventory files are the result of running
     # systest/htx_hardbootme_test.  If these files exist
     # they are copied to the FFDC directory.
     # Global variable ffdc_dir_path is the path name of the
     # directory they are copied to.
-    Copy Files  os_inventory_*.json  ${ffdc_dir_path}
-    Remove Files  os_inventory_*.json
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
+    ${globex}=  Set Variable  os_inventory_*.json
+    @{file_list}=  OperatingSystem.List Files In Directory  .  ${globex}
+    Copy Files  ${globex}  ${ffdc_dir_path}
+    : FOR  ${file_name}  IN  @{file_list}
+    \    Append To List  ${ffdc_file_list}  ${ffdc_dir_path}${file_name}
+    Run Keyword and Ignore Error  Remove Files  ${globex}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 SCP Coredump Files
-    [Documentation]  Copy core dump file from BMC to local system.
+    [Documentation]  Copy core dump files from BMC to local system and return a
+    ...              list of generated file names.
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
     # Check if core dump exist in the /tmp
     ${core_files}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  ls /tmp/core_*
-    @{core_list} =  Split String    ${core_files}
+    ...  ignore_err=${1}
+    Run Keyword If  '${rc}' != '${0}'  Return From Keyword  ${ffdc_file_list}
+    @{core_list}=  Split String  ${core_files}
     # Copy the core files
     Run Key U  Open Connection for SCP
     :FOR  ${index}  IN  @{core_list}
-    \  scp.Get File  ${index}  ${LOG_PREFIX}${index.lstrip("/tmp/")}
+    \    ${ffdc_file_path}=  Catenate  ${LOG_PREFIX}${index.lstrip("/tmp/")}
+    \    ${status}=  Run Keyword and Return Status
+    ...  scp.Get File  ${index}  ${ffdc_file_path}
+    \    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == '${False}'  Continue For Loop
+    \    Append To List  ${ffdc_file_list}  ${ffdc_file_path}
     # Remove the file from remote to avoid re-copying on next FFDC call
-    \  BMC Execute Command  rm ${index}
+    \    BMC Execute Command  rm ${index}  ignore_err=${1}
     # I can't find a way to do this: scp.Close Connection
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 Collect eSEL Log
@@ -321,10 +446,12 @@
     ...              to elog formatted string text file.
     [Arguments]  ${log_prefix_path}=${LOG_PREFIX}
+    @{ffdc_file_list}=  Create List
     ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}/enumerate  quiet=${1}
     ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
     ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-    Return From Keyword If  '${status}' == '${False}'
+    Return From Keyword If  '${status}' == '${False}'  ${ffdc_file_list}
     ${content}=  To Json  ${resp.content}
     # Grab the list of entries from logging/entry/
@@ -364,10 +491,14 @@
     ${out}=  Run  which
     ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
     ...  Should Contain  ${out}
-    Return From Keyword If  '${status}' == '${False}'
+    Return From Keyword If  '${status}' == '${False}'  ${ffdc_file_list}
     Convert eSEL To Elog Format  ${logpath}
+    Append To List  ${ffdc_file_list}  ${logpath}
+    [Return]  ${ffdc_file_list}
 Convert eSEL To Elog Format