IPMI: Fix for 'Test FRU Info Of Power Supplies'

    - In ipmi/test_ipmi_fru.robot.
    - Added verification for IPMI- 'product_name' and Redfish- 'Name' attribute values before comparing the FRU Info.

Tested: - Test_FRU_Info_Of_Power_Supplies.
Change-Id: I11a8b00338d529505b02a8d8928823b84fe1d077
Signed-off-by: Nandish-Matti <nandish.matti@ibm.com>
diff --git a/ipmi/test_ipmi_fru.robot b/ipmi/test_ipmi_fru.robot
index ced0622..c088a66 100644
--- a/ipmi/test_ipmi_fru.robot
+++ b/ipmi/test_ipmi_fru.robot
@@ -82,9 +82,14 @@
     FOR    ${key}    ${value}    IN    @{key_map}
       Exit For Loop IF    "${value}" == "${EMPTY}"
-      Should Contain  ${redfish_fru_component_obj['${value}']}
-      ...  ${ipmi_fru_component_obj['${key}']}
-      ...  msg=Comparison failed.
+      FOR  ${ipmi_fru_component}  IN  ${ipmi_fru_component_obj}
+        FOR  ${redfish_fru_component}  IN  ${redfish_fru_component_obj}
+          Run Keyword If  '${ipmi_fru_component['product_name']}' == '${redfish_fru_component['Name']}'
+          ...  Should Contain  ${redfish_fru_component_obj['${value}']}
+          ...  ${ipmi_fru_component_obj['${key}']}
+          ...  msg=Comparison failed.
+        END
+      END