Add PLDM test suite to test firmware boot side

     - New PLDM test suite to test firmware boot side in loop
     - Added new parameter to skip state checking post BMC reset

    robot -v OPENBMCHOST:xx.xx.xx.xx -v pldm/test_firmware_boot_side.robot

Change-Id: I6ffc639736427325e996ba993d395672a4637f82
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 6220591..266e774 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     return state
-def wait_for_reboot(start_boot_seconds):
+def wait_for_reboot(start_boot_seconds, wait_state_check=True):
     Wait for the BMC to complete a previously initiated reboot.
@@ -41,10 +41,12 @@
                         by the caller prior to initiating a reboot.  It can be
                         obtained as follows:
                         state = st.get_state(req_states=['epoch_seconds'])
+    wait_state_check    By default check the state, ignore if set to False.
-    st.wait_state(st.standby_match_state, wait_time="10 mins", interval="10 seconds")
+    if wait_state_check:
+        st.wait_state(st.standby_match_state, wait_time="10 mins", interval="10 seconds")
diff --git a/pldm/test_firmware_boot_side.robot b/pldm/test_firmware_boot_side.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bde3888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pldm/test_firmware_boot_side.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation    Test firmware boot side switch using pldmtool.
+# Test Procedure:
+# 1. Power off the host or post firmware is updated.
+# 2. Check the firmware boot side ( login to BMC and execute )
+#    Example:
+#    pldmtool bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a fw_boot_side
+#    It should return response either Temp or Perm
+# 3. Set the firmware boot side to Temp or Perm accordingly
+#    Example:
+#    pldmtool bios SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue -a fw_boot_side -d Temp
+# 4. Power on
+# 5. BMC take reset during power on ( expected )
+# 6. Check the system booted to Runtime
+# 7. Verify the boot side is still same which was set.
+Library          Collections
+Library          ../lib/
+Resource         ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
+Resource         ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Test Setup       Printn
+Test Teardown    FFDC On Test Case Fail
+*** Variables ***
+# By default 2, to ensure, it performs both Perm and Temp side switch and boot.
+${LOOP_COUNT}     2
+# This dictionary is for Temp -> Perm or vice versa in the test code.
+&{FW_BOOT_SIDE_DICT}  Perm=Temp  Temp=Perm
+*** Test Cases ***
+Test Firmware Boot Side Using Pldmtool
+    [Documentation]   Power off the host , set the firmware boot side via pldmtool,
+    ...               power on the host and confirm the fw_boot_side attribute is
+    ...               still set.
+    [Tags]  Test_Firmware_Boot_Side_Using_Pldmtool
+    [Template]  Firmware Side Switch Power On Loop
+    # iteration
+    ${LOOP_COUNT}
+*** Keywords ***
+Firmware Side Switch Power On Loop
+    [Documentation]   Number of iteration, test should perform switch side and boot.
+    [Arguments]  ${iteration}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # iteration      Number of switch it needs to perform.
+    FOR  ${count}  IN RANGE  0  ${iteration}
+        Print Timen  The Current Loop Count is ${count} of ${iteration}
+        # Get the current system state before BMC reset.
+        ${state}=  Get Pre Reboot State
+        Redfish Power Off  stack_mode=skip
+        ${cur_boot_side}=  PLDM Get BIOS Attribute  fw_boot_side
+        Print Timen  Current BIOS attribute fw_boot_side: ${cur_boot_side}
+        ${next_boot_side}=  Set Variable  ${FW_BOOT_SIDE_DICT["${cur_boot_side["CurrentValue"]}"]}
+        Print Timen  Set BIOS attribute fw_boot_side: ${next_boot_side}
+        PLDM Set BIOS Attribute  fw_boot_side  ${next_boot_side}
+        ${cur_boot_side}=  PLDM Get BIOS Attribute  fw_boot_side
+        Print Timen   Next boot will apply BIOS attribute fw_boot_side: ${cur_boot_side}
+        Print Timen  Perform power on operation and expect BMC to take reset.
+        Redfish Power Operation  On
+        Print Timen  Wait for the BMC to take reset and come back online.
+        Wait For Reboot  start_boot_seconds=${state['epoch_seconds']}  wait_state_check=0
+        Print Timen  BMC rebooted, wait for host to boot to Runtime.
+        # Post BMC reset, host should auto power on back to runtime.
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  10 min  20 sec  Is Boot Progress Runtime Matched
+        # Verify the system is booting up with the new fw_boot_side set.
+        ${cur_boot_side}=  PLDM Get BIOS Attribute  fw_boot_side
+        Should Be Equal As Strings  ${cur_boot_side["CurrentValue"]}  ${next_boot_side}
+        Print Timen  Current: ${cur_boot_side["CurrentValue"]} and set side: ${next_boot_side} are same.
+    END
+Is Boot Progress Runtime Matched
+    [Documentation]  Get BootProgress state and expect boot state mismatch.
+    # Match any of the BootProgress state SystemHardwareInitializationComplete|OSBootStarted|OSRunning
+    ${boot_progress}  ${host_state}=  Redfish Get Boot Progress
+    Should Contain Any  ${boot_progress}  SystemHardwareInitializationComplete  OSBootStarted  OSRunning