Method to split FFDC files by time stamp

There is no major change from the existing logic but more of a
restructuring for maintainability.

The changes introduces the following functionaliies
   - Split FFDC into files by failure time stamp
   - Remove SCP logic and use execute and create logic flow
   - Add method call to directly invoke user define keywords
     as part of the default FFDC list
   - Method to save test case execution history

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#77

Change-Id: Ia16fdde942a5e9cbf6909f1530e9c6f2a1c6ab0a
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <>
diff --git a/lib/openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot b/lib/openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4890ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation      Utility keywords for FFDC
+Library            String
+Library            DateTime
+Resource           resource.txt
+Resource           connection_client.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${PRINT_LINE}      ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+${MSG_INTRO}       This report contains the following information:
+${MSG_DETAIL}      ${\n}\t\t[ Detailed Logs Captured Section ]
+${HEADER_MSG}      ${\n}\t\t---------------------------
+...                ${\n}\t\t FIRST FAILURE DATA CAPTURE
+...                ${\n}\t\t---------------------------
+${FOOTER_MSG}      ${\n}${PRINT_LINE} ${\n}
+${FFDC_LOG_PATH}   ${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}
+${TEST_HISTORY}    ${FFDC_LOG_PATH}${/}test_history.txt
+*** Keywords ***
+Get Test Dir and Name
+    [Documentation]    SUITE_NAME and TEST_NAME are automatic variables
+    ...                and is populated dynamically by the robot framework
+    ...                during execution 
+    ${suite_name}=     Get strip string   ${SUITE_NAME}
+    ${suite_name}=     Catenate  SEPARATOR=    ${FFDC_TIME}_   ${suite_name}
+    ${test_name}=      Get strip string   ${TEST_NAME}
+    ${test_name}=   Catenate  SEPARATOR=  ${FFDC_TIME}_   ${test_name}
+    [return]  ${suite_name}   ${test_name}
+Create FFDC Directory
+    [Documentation]    Creates directory and report file
+    Create Directory   ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}
+    Create FFDC Report File
+Create FFDC Report File
+    [Documentation]     Create a generic file name for ffdc
+    Set Suite Variable
+    ...  ${FFDC_FILE_PATH}   ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}${/}${FFDC_TIME}_ffdc_report.txt
+    Create File         ${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
+Write Data to File
+    [Documentation]     Write data to the ffdc report document
+    [Arguments]         ${data}=      ${filepath}=${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
+    Append To File      ${filepath}   ${data}
+Get Current Time Stamp
+    [Documentation]     Get the current time stamp data
+    ${cur_time}=    Get Current Date   result_format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f
+    ${cur_time}=    Get strip string   ${cur_time}
+    [return]   ${cur_time}
+Header Message
+    [Documentation]     Write header message to the report document manifest.
+    ...                 are auto variables and are populated dynamically by the
+    ...                 robot framework during execution 
+    ...                 1. Writes opening statement headers msg
+    ...                 2. Add Test setup and config information
+    ...                 3. Types of data collection
+    Write Data to File    ${HEADER_MSG}
+    Write Data to File    ${FOOTER_MSG}
+    Write Data to File    Test Suite File\t\t: ${SUITE_NAME} ${\n}
+    Write Data to File    Test Case Name\t\t: ${TEST_NAME}${\n}
+    Write Data to File    Test Source File\t: ${SUITE_SOURCE}${\n}
+    Write Data to File    Failure Time Stamp\t: ${FFDC_TIME}${\n}
+    Write Data to File    Test Error Message\t: ${TEST_MESSAGE}${\n}
+    Write Data to File    Test Documentation\t:${\n}${TEST_DOCUMENTATION}${\n}
+    Write Data to File    ${FOOTER_MSG}
+    Test Setup Info
+    Write Data to File    ${\n}${MSG_INTRO}${\n}
+    # --- FFDC header notes ---
+    @{entries}=     Get ffdc cmd index
+    :FOR  ${index}  IN   @{entries}
+    \   Write Data to File   * ${index.upper()}
+    \   Write Data to File   ${\n}
+    Write Data to File    ${MSG_DETAIL}
+Write Cmd Output to FFDC File
+    [Documentation]      Write cmd output data to the report document
+    [Arguments]          ${name_str}   ${cmd}
+    Write Data to File   ${FOOTER_MSG}
+    Write Data to File   ${ENTRY_INDEX.upper()} : ${name_str}\t
+    Write Data to File   Executed : ${cmd}
+    Write Data to File   ${FOOTER_MSG}
+Test Setup Info
+    [Documentation]      BMC IP, Model and other information 
+    Write Data to File   ${\n}-----------------------${\n} 
+    Write Data to File   Test Setup Information:
+    Write Data to File   ${\n}-----------------------${\n} 
+    Write Data to File   OPENBMC HOST \t: ${OPENBMC_HOST}${\n}
+    Write Data to File   
+    ...   SYSTEM TYPE \t: ${OPENBMC_MODEL.replace('./data/','').replace('.py','')}${\n}${\n}