Add MAC and NTP to Openbmctool Network tests.

Resolve openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1930

Change-Id: If561d332e3b45e8ee7e07bff15099db964649449
Signed-off-by: Naman Navin Hegde <>
diff --git a/lib/bmc_network_utils.robot b/lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
index 9b3605f..337aef6 100644
--- a/lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
+++ b/lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
@@ -314,4 +314,3 @@
     ${nameservers}=  Split String  ${stdout}
     [Return]  ${nameservers}
diff --git a/openpower/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool_network.robot b/openpower/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool_network.robot
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 427f42c..28d4b4e
--- a/openpower/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool_network.robot
+++ b/openpower/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool_network.robot
@@ -24,94 +24,127 @@
+${mac_address}          76:e2:84:14:87:91
 ${parser}               |grep "ipv4"|awk -F/ 'NR==1{print$5}'
+${eth0_resource_path}   /xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0
 ${ignore_err}           ${0}
 *** Test Cases ***
 Verify GetIP
-     [Documentation]  Verify that can run the getIP command.
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the getIP command.
      [Tags]  Verify_GetIP
      ${ip_records}=  Network  getIP  I=eth0
      ${addresses}=  Nested Get  Address  ${ip_records}
      Verify IP On BMC  ${addresses}[${0}]
 Verify AddIP
-    [Documentation]  Verify that can run the addIP command.
+    [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the addIP command.
     [Tags]  Verify_AddIP
     Network  addIP  I=${interface}  a=${ip}  l=24  p=ipv4
     Wait And Verify IP On BMC  ${ip}
 Verify GetDefaultGW
-    [Documentation]  Verify that can run the getDefaultGW command.
+    [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the getDefaultGW command.
     [Tags]  Verify_GetDefaultGW
     ${default_gw}=  Network  getDefaultGW
     Verify Gateway On BMC  ${default_gw}
 Verify RemoveIP
-    [Documentation]  Verify that can run the rmIP command.
+    [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the rmIP command.
     [Tags]  Verify_RemoveIP
     Network  addIP  I=${interface}  a=${ip}  l=24  p=ipv4
     Wait And Verify IP On BMC  ${ip}
     Network  rmIP  I=${interface}  a=${ip}
     ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Wait And Verify IP On BMC  ${ip}
     Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${False}
 Verify SetDNS
-     [Documentation]  Verify that can run the setDNS command.
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the setDNS command.
      [Tags]  Verify_SetDNS
      Network  setDNS  I=eth0  d=${dns_ip}
      ${dns_config}=  CLI Get Nameservers
      Should Contain  ${dns_config}  ${dns_ip}
 Verify GetDNS
-     [Documentation]  Verify that can run the getDNS command.
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the getDNS command.
      [Tags]  Verify_GetDNS
      Network  setDNS  I=eth0  d=${dns_ip}
      ${dns_data}=  Network  getDNS  I=eth0
      ${dns_config}=  CLI Get Nameservers
      Should Contain  ${dns_config}  ${dns_data}[${0}]
 Verify SetHostName
-     [Documentation]  Verify that can run the setHostName command.
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the setHostName command.
      [Tags]  Verify_SetHostName
      Network  setHostName  H=randomName
      ${bmc_hostname}=  Get BMC Hostname
      Should Be Equal As Strings  ${bmc_hostname}  randomName
 Verify GetHostName
-     [Documentation]  Verify that can run the getHostName command.
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the getHostName command.
      [Tags]  Verify_GetHostName
      ${tool_hostname}=  Network  getHostName
      ${bmc_hostname}=  Get BMC Hostname
      Should Be Equal As Strings  ${bmc_hostname}  ${tool_hostname}
+Verify SetMACAddress
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can set a new MAC address.
+     [Tags]  Verify_SetMACAddress
+     Network  setMACAddress  I=eth0  MA=${mac_address}
+     Validate MAC On BMC  ${mac_address}
+Verify GetMACAddress
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can get the MAC address.
+     [Tags]  Verify_GetMACAddress
+     ${mac_addr}=  Network  getMACAddress  I=eth0
+     Validate MAC On BMC  ${mac_addr}
+Verify SetNTP
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the setNTP command.
+     [Tags]  Verify_SetNTP
+     Network  setNTP  I=eth0  N=${ntp_server}
+     # Get NTP server details via REST.
+     ${eth0}=  Read Properties  ${eth0_resource_path}  quiet=1
+     Rprint Vars  eth0
+     Valid Value  eth0['NTPServers'][0]  ['${ntp_server}']
+Verify GetNTP
+     [Documentation]  Verify that openbmctool can run the getNTP command.
+     [Tags]  Verify_GetNTP
+     Network  setNTP  I=eth0  N=${ntp_server}
+     # Get NTP server details via REST method.
+     ${eth0}=  Read Properties  ${eth0_resource_path}  quiet=1
+     Rprint Vars  eth0
+     ${tool_ntp}=  Network  getNTP  I=eth0
+     Valid Value  eth0['NTPServers'][0]  ['${tool_ntp}']
 *** Keywords ***
 Suite Setup Execution