Adding Testcases for Set In Progress, Set MAC Address, Get Cipher suite privilege, Set Authentication Type support, Set IP Address Source.

Testcases :
  - Verify Set In Progress
  - Verify Invaild Set MAC Address Via IPMI
  - Verify Get and Set MAC Address Via IPMI
  - Verify Cipher Suite privilege
  - Verify SET On Authentication Type
  - Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Loaded By BIOS
  - Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Obtained By BMC
  - Verify IP Address Source Set To Unspecified Address Source

Request data for chassis status present in data/

Verify Set In Progress - Sets the Set In progress byte to set-inprogress and set-complete. Verifies the response byte.

Verify Invaild Set MAC Address Via IPMI - Sets the invalid MAC address given in variable section and verifies the error code.

Verify Get and Set MAC Address Via IPMI - Sets the valid MAC Address and verifies it. Restores the default MAC address once the test is complete.

Verify Cipher Suite privilege - Get the Cipher Suite privilege and verifies the response byte and cipher suite length.

Verify Set On Authentication Type - Verifies set Authentication type support and verified error response byte since it is read only byte.

Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Loaded By BIOS - verified set IP address source to address loaded by BIOS or system software and verify error response code.

Verify IP Address Source Set To Address Obtained By BMC - verified set IP address source to address obtained by BMC running other address assignment protocol and verify error response code.

Verify IP Address Source Set To Unspecified Address Source - verified set IP address source to unspecified address and verify error response code.

Tested: Run robot ipmi/test_ipmi_network_verificaton.robot

Signed-off-by: chithrag <>
Change-Id: I6ac5eca06d1bc9b61f999a532fa5c34647d76aba
3 files changed
tree: 287e24db052e9b2a65380e373a081b6cfca83134
  1. bin/
  2. data/
  3. docs/
  4. extended/
  5. ffdc/
  6. gui/
  7. ipmi/
  8. lib/
  9. network/
  10. oem/
  11. openpower/
  12. pldm/
  13. redfish/
  14. security/
  15. snmp/
  16. syslib/
  17. systest/
  18. templates/
  19. test_lists/
  20. tests/
  21. tools/
  22. xcat/
  23. .gitignore
  24. .markdownlint.yaml
  28. OWNERS
  30. requirements.txt
  32. robot_standards
  33. setup.cfg
  34. tox.ini

Features of OpenBMC Test Automation

Interface Feature List

  • REST
  • DMTF Redfish
  • Out-of-band IPMI
  • SSH to BMC and Host OS

Key Feature List

  • Power on/off
  • Reboot Host
  • Reset BMC
  • Code update BMC and host
  • Power management
  • Fan controller
  • HTX bootme
  • XCAT execution
  • Network
  • IPMI support (generic and DCMI compliant)
  • Factory reset
  • RAS (Reliability, availability and serviceability)
  • Web UI testing
  • Secure boot
  • SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
  • Remote Logging via Rsyslog
  • LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  • Certificate
  • Local User Management(Redfish/IPMI)
  • DateTime
  • Event Logging
  • PLDM (Platform Level Data Model) via pldmtool

Debugging Supported List

  • SOL collection
  • FFDC collection
  • Error injection from host

Installation Setup Guide

If using Python 3.x, use the corresponding pip3 to install packages. Note: Older Python 2.x is not actively supported.

REST base packages:

    $ pip install -U requests
    $ pip install -U robotframework-requests
    $ pip install -U robotframework-httplibrary

Python redfish library packages: For more detailed intstructions see python-redfish-library

    $ pip install redfish

SSH and SCP base packages: For more detailed installation instructions see robotframework-sshlibrary

    $ pip install robotframework-sshlibrary
    $ pip install robotframework-scplibrary

Installing requirement dependencies:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

you'll find this file once your clone openbmc-test-automation repository.

Installing tox:

    $ pip install -U tox

Installing expect:

    $ sudo apt-get install expect (Ubuntu example)

OpenBMC Test Development

These documents contain details on developing OpenBMC test code and debugging.

OpenBMC Test Documentation

Supported Systems Architecture

OpenBMC test infrastructure is proven capable of running on:

  • x86 systems running OpenBMC firmware stack.

Testing Setup Steps

To verify the installation setup is completed and ready to execute.

  • Download the openbmc-test-automation repository:
    $ git clone
    $ cd openbmc-test-automation
  • Execute basic setup test run:
    $ robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:xx.xx.xx.xx templates/test_openbmc_setup.robot
    where xx.xx.xx.xx is the BMC hostname or IP.

Test Layout

There are several sub-directories within the openbmc-test-automation base which contain test suites, tools, templates, etc. These sub-directories are classified as follows:

tests/: Contains the general test cases for OpenBMC stack functional verification. The "tests" subdirectory uses legacy REST and will be deprecated at some point and therefore no longer supported.

extended/: Contains test cases for boot testing, code update testing using legacy REST, etc.

systest/: Contains test cases for HTX bootme testing.

xcat/: Contains test cases for XCAT automation.

gui/test/: Contains test cases for testing web-based interface built on AngularJS.

gui/gui_test/: Contains test cases for testing web-based user interface built on Vue.js.

pldm/: Contains test cases for platform management subsystem (base, bios, fru, platform, OEM).

snmp/: Contains test cases for SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) configuration testing.

openpower/ras/: Contains test cases for RAS (Reliability, Availability and Serviceability) for an OpenPOWER system.

openpower/secureboot/: Contains test cases for secure boot testing on a secure boot feature enabled OpenPOWER system only.

tools/: Contains various tools.

templates/: Contains sample code examples and setup testing.

test_list/: Contains the argument files used for skipping test cases (e.g "skip_test", "skip_test_extended", etc.) or grouping them (e.g "HW_CI", "CT_basic_run", etc.).

Redfish Test Layout

OpenBMC is moving steadily towards DTMF Redfish, which is an open industry standard specification and schema that meets the expectations of end users for simple, modern and secure management of scalable platform hardware.

redfish/: Contains test cases for DMTF Redfish-related feature supported on OpenBMC.

redfish/extended/: Contains test cases for combined legacy REST and DMTF Redfish-related feature supported on OpenBMC.

Note: Work in progress test development parameter -v REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE:1 to force the test suites to execute in redfish mode only.


To run openbmc-automation first you need to install the prerequisite Python packages which will help to invoke tests through tox (Note that tox version 2.3.1 or greater is required) or via Robot CLI command.

Robot Command Line

  • Execute all test suites for tests/:

    $ robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:xx.xx.xx.xx  tests
  • Execute a test suite:

    $ robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:xx.xx.xx.xx redfish/extended/test_basic_ci.robot
  • Initialize the following test variables which will be used during test execution:

    User can forward declare as environment variables:

    $ export OPENBMC_HOST=<openbmc machine IP address/hostname>
    $ export OPENBMC_USERNAME=<openbmc username>
    $ export OPENBMC_PASSWORD=<openbmc password>
    $ export IPMI_COMMAND=<Dbus/External>


    User can input as robot variables as part of the CLI command:

    -v OPENBMC_HOST:<openbmc machine IP address/hostname>
    -v OPENBMC_USERNAME:<openbmc username>
    -v OPENBMC_PASSWORD:<openbmc password>
  • For QEMU tests, set the following environment variables as well:

    $ export SSH_PORT=<ssh port number>
    $ export HTTPS_PORT=<https port number>
  • Run tests:

    $ tox tests
  • How to run individual test:

    One specific test:

    $ tox -e default -- --include Power_On_Test  tests/test_basic_poweron.robot

    No preset environment variables, default configuration for all supported systems:

    $ OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x tox -e default -- tests

    No preset environment variables, one test case from a test suite:

    $ OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x tox -e default -- --include Power_On_Test tests/test_basic_poweron.robot

    No preset environment variables, the entire test suite:

    $ OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x tox -e default -- tests

    No preset environment variables, the entire test suite excluding test cases using argument file:

    $ OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x tox -e default -- --argumentfile test_lists/skip_test tests

    Exclude test list for supported systems:

    Palmetto:  test_lists/skip_test_palmetto
    Witherspoon:  test_lists/skip_test_witherspoon
  • Run IPMI tests:

    Running only out-of-band IPMI tests:

    $ robot -v IPMI_COMMAND:External -v OPENBMC_HOST:x.x.x.x --argumentfile test_lists/witherspoon/skip_inband_ipmi tests/ipmi/

    Running only inband IPMI tests:

    $ robot -v IPMI_COMMAND:Inband -v OPENBMC_HOST:x.x.x.x -v OS_HOST:x.x.x.x -v OS_USERNAME:xxxx -v OS_PASSWORD:xxxx --argumentfile test_lists/witherspoon/skip_oob_ipmi tests/ipmi/
  • Run GUI tests:

    By default, GUI runs with Firefox browser and headless mode. Example with chrome browser and header mode:

    $ robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:x.x.x.x -v GUI_BROWSER:gc -v GUI_MODE:header gui/test/

    Run GUI default CI test bucket:

    $ robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:x.x.x.x --argumentfile test_lists/BMC_WEB_CI gui/test/
  • Run LDAP tests:

    Before using LDAP test functions, be sure appropriate LDAP user(s) and group(s) have been created on your LDAP server. Note: There are multiple ways to create LDAP users / groups and all depend on your LDAP server. One common way for openldap is ldapadd / ldapmodify refer For ldapsearch, refer to "". Microsoft ADS: refer to

    Note: Currently, LDAP test automation for Redfish API is in progress. The format to invoke LDAP test is as follows:

    $ cd redfish/account_service/
    $ robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:x.x.x.x -v LDAP_SERVER_URI:<ldap(s)//LDAP Hostname / IP> -v LDAP_BIND_DN:<LDAP Bind DN> -v LDAP_BASE_DN:<LDAP Base DN> -v LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD:<LDAP Bind password> -v LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE:<LDAP search scope> -v LDAP_SERVER_TYPE:<LDAP server type> -v LDAP_USER:<LDAP user-id> -v LDAP_USER_PASSWORD:<LDAP PASSWORD> -v GROUP_NAME:<Group Name> -v GROUP_PRIVILEGE:<Privilege>  ./test_ldap_configuration.robot
  • How to run CI and CT bucket test:

    Default CI test bucket list:

    $ OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x tox -e default -- --argumentfile test_lists/HW_CI tests

    Default CI smoke test bucket list:

    $ OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x tox -e default -- --argumentfile test_lists/CT_basic_run tests
  • Run extended tests:

    For-loop test (default iteration is 10):

    $ robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:x.x.x.x -v OPENBMC_SYSTEMMODEL:xxxxxx -v ITERATION:n -v LOOP_TEST_COMMAND:xxxxxx extended/full_suite_regression.robot

    Example using tox testing a test suite for 5 iterations "witherspoon":

    OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x  LOOP_TEST_COMMAND="tests/test_fw_version.robot" ITERATION=5 OPENBMC_SYSTEMMODEL=witherspoon tox -e witherspoon -- ./extended/full_suite_regression.robot
  • Host CPU architecture

    By default openbmc-test-automation framework assumes that host CPU is based on the POWER architecture. If your host CPU is x86 add -v PLATFORM_ARCH_TYPE:x86 variable setting to your CLI commands or set an environment variable:

    $ export PLATFORM_ARCH_TYPE=x86

Jenkins jobs tox commands

  • HW CI tox command:
    $ OPENBMC_HOST=x.x.x.x tox -e default -- --argumentfile test_lists/HW_CI tests