Add code upload test cases for valid BMC images.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#783

Change-Id: I6b2844cfcda247677faefec37d317db9fe98b5c6
Signed-off-by: Charles Paul Hofer <>
diff --git a/extended/ b/extended/
index ddffe08..0b6bcd7 100644
--- a/extended/
+++ b/extended/
@@ -142,11 +142,16 @@
-def verify_image_upload():
+def verify_image_upload(timeout=3):
     Verify the image was uploaded correctly and that it created
-    a valid d-bus object
+    a valid d-bus object. If the first check for the image
+    fails, try again until we reach the timeout.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    timeout  How long, in minutes, to keep trying to find the
+             image on the BMC. Default is 3 minutes.
     image_version = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${image_version}")
@@ -159,15 +164,20 @@
     if (image_purpose == var.VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC or
         image_purpose == var.VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST):
         uri = var.SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI + image_version_id
-        status, ret_values =\
-        grk.run_key("Read Attribute  " + uri + "  Activation")
+        ret_values = ""
+        for itr in range(timeout * 2):
+            status, ret_values = \
+                grk.run_key("Read Attribute  " + uri + "  Activation")
-        if ((ret_values == var.READY) or (ret_values == var.INVALID)
-            or (ret_values == var.ACTIVE)):
-            return True
-        else:
-            gp.print_var(ret_values)
-            return False
+            if ((ret_values == var.READY) or (ret_values == var.INVALID)
+                    or (ret_values == var.ACTIVE)):
+                return True
+            else:
+                time.sleep(30)
+        # If we exit the for loop, the timeout has been reached
+        gp.print_var(ret_values)
+        return False
         return False
@@ -176,20 +186,23 @@
-def verify_image_not_in_bmc_uploads_dir(image_version):
+def verify_image_not_in_bmc_uploads_dir(image_version, timeout=3):
     Check that an image with the given version is not unpacked inside of the
     BMCs image uploads directory. If no image is found, retry every 30 seconds
-    for 3 minutes in case the BMC takes time unpacking the image.
+    until the given timeout is hit, in case the BMC takes time
+    unpacking the image.
     Description of argument(s):
     image_version  The version of the image to look for on the BMC.
+    timeout        How long, in minutes, to try to find an image on the BMC.
+                   Default is 3 minutes.
     grk.run_key('Open Connection And Log In')
     upload_dir_path = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${upload_dir_path}")
-    for i in range(6):
+    for i in range(timeout * 2):
         stat, grep_res = grk.run_key('Execute Command On BMC  '
                 + 'ls ' + upload_dir_path + '*/MANIFEST 2>/dev/null '
                 + '| xargs grep -rl "version=' + image_version + '"')
diff --git a/extended/test_uploadimage.robot b/extended/test_uploadimage.robot
index a362e5c..1b536c6 100644
--- a/extended/test_uploadimage.robot
+++ b/extended/test_uploadimage.robot
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
 ...                   Execution Method :
 ...                   python -m robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:<hostname>
 ...                   -v TFTP_SERVER:<TFTP server IP>
-...                   -v TFTP_FILE_NAME:<filename.tar>
-...                   -v IMAGE_FILE_PATH:<path/*.tar>
+...                   -v PNOR_TFTP_FILE_NAME:<filename.tar>
+...                   -v BMC_TFTP_FILE_NAME:<filename.tar>
+...                   -v PNOR_IMAGE_FILE_PATH:<path/*.tar>
+...                   -v BMC_IMAGE_FILE_PATH:<path/*.tar>
 ...                   -v BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH:<path> test_uploadimage.robot
 Resource              ../lib/connection_client.robot
@@ -32,29 +34,43 @@
 *** Test Cases ***
 Upload PNOR Image Via REST
-    [Documentation]  Upload an image via REST.
+    # Image File Path
+    [Documentation]  Upload a PNOR image via REST.
+    [Template]  Upload Image Via REST And Verify Success
     [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_Via_REST
-    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
-    ${IMAGE_VERSION}=  Get Version Tar  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
-    ${image_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
-    Upload Image To BMC  /upload/image  data=${image_data}
-    ${ret}=  Verify Image Upload
-    Should Be True  True == ${ret}
+Upload BMC Image Via REST
+    # Image File Path
+    [Documentation]  Upload a BMC image via REST.
+    [Template]  Upload Image Via REST And Verify Success
+    [Tags]  Upload_BMC_Image_Via_REST
 Upload PNOR Image Via TFTP
-    [Documentation]  Upload an image via TFTP.
+    # Image File Path
+    [Documentation]  Upload a PNOR image via TFTP.
+    [Template]  Upload Image Via TFTP And Verify Success
     [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_Via_TFTP
-    @{image}=  Create List  ${TFTP_FILE_NAME}  ${TFTP_SERVER}
-    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{image}
-    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...  ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP  data=${data}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-    Sleep  1 minute
-    ${image_version}=  Get Image Version From TFTP Server  ${TFTP_FILE_NAME}
-    ${ret}=  Verify Image Upload
-    Should Be True  True == ${ret}
+Upload BMC Image Via TFTP
+    # Image File Path
+    [Documentation]  Upload a BMC image via TFTP
+    [Template]  Upload Image Via TFTP And Verify Success
+    [Tags]  Upload_BMC_Image_Via_TFTP
 Upload PNOR Image With Bad Manifest Via REST
@@ -194,6 +210,45 @@
     OperatingSystem.Remove File  tftp_image.tar
     [Return]  ${version}
+Upload Image Via REST And Verify Success
+    [Documentation]  Upload an image to the BMC and check that it is unpacked.
+    # Upload the given good image to the BMC via REST, and check that the
+    # BMC has unpacked the image and created a valid D-Bus entry for it.
+    [Arguments]  ${image_file_path}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # image_file_path  The path to the image file to upload.
+    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${image_file_path}
+    ${image_version}=  Get Version Tar  ${image_file_path}
+    ${image_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${image_file_path}
+    Upload Image To BMC  /upload/image  data=${image_data}
+    ${ret}=  Verify Image Upload
+    Should Be True  ${ret}
+Upload Image Via TFTP And Verify Success
+    [Documentation]  Upload an image to the BMC and check that it was unpacked.
+    # Upload the given good image to the BMC via TFTP, and check that the
+    # BMC has unpacked the image and created a valid D-Bus entry for it.
+    [Arguments]  ${image_file_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # image_file_name  The name of the image file on the TFTP server.
+    @{image}=  Create List  ${image_file_name}  ${TFTP_SERVER}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{image}
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request
+    ...  ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP  data=${data}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    Sleep  1 minute
+    ${image_version}=  Get Image Version From TFTP Server  ${image_file_name}
+    ${ret}=  Verify Image Upload
+    Should Be True  ${ret}
 Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
     [Documentation]  Upload the given bad image to the BMC via REST and check
     ...              that the BMC did not unpack the invalid image.
diff --git a/lib/resource.txt b/lib/resource.txt
index 3aef429..fa8f66e 100755
--- a/lib/resource.txt
+++ b/lib/resource.txt
@@ -48,10 +48,13 @@
 # Upload Image parameters
-${TFTP_SERVER}       ${EMPTY}
+${TFTP_SERVER}              ${EMPTY}
+${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}          ${EMPTY}
 # Caller can specify a value for LAST_KNOWN_GOOD_VERSION to indicate that if
 # the machine already has that version on it, the update should be skipped.
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index f571971..7d41fa2 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@
 echo "--variable OS_PASSWORD:$OS_PASSWORD" >> $ARG_FILE
 echo "--variable TFTP_SERVER:$TFTP_SERVER" >> $ARG_FILE
-echo "--variable TFTP_FILE_NAME:$TFTP_FILE_NAME" >> $ARG_FILE