Add testcase to verify peltool count operation
Added testcase:
- Verify Total PEL Count
Change-Id: I80a094b8cd9c3352f2d4be98500625ce334088c0
Signed-off-by: manashsarma <>
diff --git a/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot b/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
index d6af71c..5d4697c 100644
--- a/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
+++ b/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
@@ -556,6 +556,27 @@
Should Be True ${pel_ids}[0] > ${pel_ids}[1]
+Verify Total PEL Count
+ [Documentation] Verify total PEL count returned by peltool command.
+ [Tags] Verify_Total_PEL_Count
+ # Initially remove all logs.
+ Redfish Purge Event Log
+ # Generate a random number between 1-20.
+ ${random}= Evaluate random.randint(1, 20) modules=random
+ # Generate predictive error log multiple times.
+ FOR ${count} IN RANGE 0 ${random}
+ # Check PEL log count via peltool command and compare it with actual generated log count.
+ ${pel_records}= peltool -n
+ Should Be Equal ${pel_records['Number of PELs found']} ${random}
*** Keywords ***
Get Disk Usage For Error Logs