Added test case to verify old logs deleted
Added testcase:
- Verify Older Logs Are Deleted When Count Crosses Max
Change-Id: Ie107cdaadefa118ace4a297890f127836a0e102e
Signed-off-by: manashsarma <>
diff --git a/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot b/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
index 0110057..dd1b2e7 100644
--- a/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
+++ b/openpower/pel/test_bmc_pel.robot
@@ -574,6 +574,34 @@
Unrecoverable HOST 1500, Unrecoverable BMC 1500 60
+Verify Old Logs Are Deleted When Count Crosses Max
+ [Documentation] Verify that when the count crosses max, older logs are deleted.
+ [Tags] Verify_Old_Logs_Are_Deleted_When_Count_Crosses_Max
+ Redfish Purge Event Log
+ # Create 3000 error logs.
+ FOR ${count} IN RANGE ${3000}
+ # Retrieve the IDs of the logs.
+ ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
+ # Now create 3001st log to cross threshold limit and trigger error logs rotation.
+ # Wait few seconds for error logs rotation to complete.
+ Sleep 10s
+ # Now verify that first log is no more available but the 3000th is available.
+ ${1st_id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} 0
+ ${3000th_id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} 3000
+ ${output}= peltool -i ${1st_id}
+ Should Contain ${output} PEL not found
+ ${output}= peltool -i ${3000th_id}
+ Should Not Contain ${output} PEL not found
Verify Reverse Order Of PEL Logs
[Documentation] Verify PEL command to output PEL logs in reverse order.
[Tags] Verify_Reverse_PEL_Logs