New python machine state functions.

Change-Id: Ibe051099fcac6e358433a51b890b077988ad96bf
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..029ed7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module contains functions having to do with machine state: get_state,
+check_state, wait_state, etc.
+The 'State' is a composite of many pieces of data.  Therefore, the functions
+in this module define state as an ordered dictionary.  Here is an example of
+some test output showing machine state:
+  state[power]:                                   1
+  state[bmc]:                                     HOST_BOOTED
+  state[boot_progress]:                           FW Progress, Starting OS
+  state[os_ping]:                                 1
+  state[os_login]:                                1
+  state[os_run_cmd]:                              1
+Different users may very well have different needs when inquiring about
+state.  In the future, we can add code to allow a user to specify which
+pieces of info they need in the state dictionary.  Examples of such data
+might include uptime, state timestamps, boot side, etc.
+By using the wait_state function, a caller can start a boot and then wait for
+a precisely defined state to indicate that the boot has succeeded.  If
+the boot fails, they can see exactly why by looking at the current state as
+compared with the expected state.
+import gen_print as gp
+import gen_robot_print as grp
+import gen_valid as gv
+import commands
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+import re
+# We need utils.robot to get keywords like "Get Power State".
+def anchor_state(state):
+    r"""
+    Add regular expression anchors ("^" and "$") to the beginning and end of
+    each item in the state dictionary passed in.  Return the resulting
+    dictionary.
+    Description of Arguments:
+    state    A dictionary such as the one returned by the get_state()
+             function.
+    """
+    anchored_state = state
+    for key, match_state_value in anchored_state.items():
+        anchored_state[key] = "^" + str(anchored_state[key]) + "$"
+    return anchored_state
+def compare_states(state,
+                   match_state):
+    r"""
+    Compare 2 state dictionaries.  Return True if the match and False if they
+    don't.  Note that the match_state dictionary does not need to have an entry
+    corresponding to each entry in the state dictionary.  But for each entry
+    that it does have, the corresponding state entry will be checked for a
+    match.
+    Description of arguments:
+    state           A state dictionary such as the one returned by the
+                    get_state function.
+    match_state     A dictionary whose key/value pairs are "state field"/
+                    "state value".  The state value is interpreted as a
+                    regular expression.  Every value in this dictionary is
+                    considered.  If each and every one matches, the 2
+                    dictionaries are considered to be matching.
+    """
+    match = True
+    for key, match_state_value in match_state.items():
+        try:
+            if not re.match(match_state_value, str(state[key])):
+                match = False
+                break
+        except KeyError:
+            match = False
+            break
+    return match
+def get_os_state(os_host="",
+                 os_username="",
+                 os_password="",
+                 quiet=None):
+    r"""
+    Get component states for the operating system such as ping, login,
+    etc, put them into a dictionary and return them to the caller.
+    Description of arguments:
+    os_host      The DNS name or IP address of the operating system.
+                 This defaults to global ${OS_HOST}.
+    os_username  The username to be used to login to the OS.
+                 This defaults to global ${OS_USERNAME}.
+    os_password  The password to be used to login to the OS.
+                 This defaults to global ${OS_PASSWORD}.
+    quiet        Indicates whether status details (e.g. curl commands) should
+                 be written to the console.
+                 Defaults to either global value of ${QUIET} or to 1.
+    """
+    quiet = grp.set_quiet_default(quiet, 1)
+    # Set parm defaults where necessary and validate all parms.
+    if os_host == "":
+        os_host = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_HOST}")
+    error_message = gv.svalid_value(os_host, var_name="os_host",
+                                    invalid_values=[None, ""])
+    if error_message != "":
+        BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message))
+    if os_username == "":
+        os_username = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_USERNAME}")
+    error_message = gv.svalid_value(os_username, var_name="os_username",
+                                    invalid_values=[None, ""])
+    if error_message != "":
+        BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message))
+    if os_password == "":
+        os_password = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_PASSWORD}")
+    error_message = gv.svalid_value(os_password, var_name="os_password",
+                                    invalid_values=[None, ""])
+    if error_message != "":
+        BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message))
+    # See if the OS pings.
+    cmd_buf = "ping -c 1 -w 2 " + os_host
+    if not quiet:
+        grp.rpissuing(cmd_buf)
+    rc, out_buf = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd_buf)
+    if rc == 0:
+        pings = 1
+    else:
+        pings = 0
+    # Open SSH connection to OS.
+    cmd_buf = ["Open Connection", os_host]
+    if not quiet:
+        grp.rpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    ix = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    # Login to OS.
+    cmd_buf = ["Login", os_username, os_password]
+    if not quiet:
+        grp.rpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    status, msg = BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(*cmd_buf)
+    if status == "PASS":
+        login = 1
+    else:
+        login = 0
+    if login:
+        # Try running a simple command (uptime) on the OS.
+        cmd_buf = ["Execute Command", "uptime", "return_stderr=True",
+                   "return_rc=True"]
+        if not quiet:
+            grp.rpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+        output, stderr_buf, rc = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+        if rc == 0 and stderr_buf == "":
+            run_cmd = 1
+        else:
+            run_cmd = 0
+    else:
+        run_cmd = 0
+    # Create a dictionary containing the results of the prior commands.
+    cmd_buf = ["Create Dictionary", "ping=${" + str(pings) + "}",
+               "login=${" + str(login) + "}",
+               "run_cmd=${" + str(run_cmd) + "}"]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    os_state = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    return os_state
+def get_state(openbmc_host="",
+              openbmc_username="",
+              openbmc_password="",
+              os_host="",
+              os_username="",
+              os_password="",
+              quiet=None):
+    r"""
+    Get component states such as power state, bmc state, etc, put them into a
+    dictionary and return them to the caller.
+    Description of arguments:
+    openbmc_host      The DNS name or IP address of the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_HOST}.
+    openbmc_username  The username to be used to login to the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}.
+    openbmc_password  The password to be used to login to the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}.
+    os_host           The DNS name or IP address of the operating system.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_HOST}.
+    os_username       The username to be used to login to the OS.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_USERNAME}.
+    os_password       The password to be used to login to the OS.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_PASSWORD}.
+    quiet             Indicates whether status details (e.g. curl commands)
+                      should be written to the console.
+                      Defaults to either global value of ${QUIET} or to 1.
+    """
+    quiet = grp.set_quiet_default(quiet, 1)
+    # Set parm defaults where necessary and validate all parms.
+    if openbmc_host == "":
+        openbmc_host = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_HOST}")
+    error_message = gv.svalid_value(openbmc_host,
+                                    var_name="openbmc_host",
+                                    invalid_values=[None, ""])
+    if error_message != "":
+        BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message))
+    if openbmc_username == "":
+        openbmc_username = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_USERNAME}")
+    error_message = gv.svalid_value(openbmc_username,
+                                    var_name="openbmc_username",
+                                    invalid_values=[None, ""])
+    if error_message != "":
+        BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message))
+    if openbmc_password == "":
+        openbmc_password = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}")
+    error_message = gv.svalid_value(openbmc_password,
+                                    var_name="openbmc_password",
+                                    invalid_values=[None, ""])
+    if error_message != "":
+        BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message))
+    # Set parm defaults where necessary and validate all parms.  NOTE: OS parms
+    # are optional.
+    if os_host == "":
+        os_host = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_HOST}")
+        if os_host is None:
+            os_host = ""
+    if os_username is "":
+        os_username = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_USERNAME}")
+        if os_username is None:
+            os_username = ""
+    if os_password is "":
+        os_password = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_PASSWORD}")
+        if os_password is None:
+            os_password = ""
+    # Get the component states.
+    cmd_buf = ["Get Power State", "quiet=${" + str(quiet) + "}"]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    power = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    cmd_buf = ["Get BMC State", "quiet=${" + str(quiet) + "}"]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    bmc = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    cmd_buf = ["Get Boot Progress", "quiet=${" + str(quiet) + "}"]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    boot_progress = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    # Create composite state dictionary.
+    cmd_buf = ["Create Dictionary", "power=${" + str(power) + "}",
+               "bmc=" + bmc, "boot_progress=" + boot_progress]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    state = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    if os_host != "":
+        # Create an os_up_match dictionary to test whether we are booted enough
+        # to get operating system info.
+        cmd_buf = ["Create Dictionary", "power=^${1}$", "bmc=^HOST_BOOTED$",
+                   "boot_progress=^FW Progress, Starting OS$"]
+        grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+        os_up_match = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+        os_up = compare_states(state, os_up_match)
+        if os_up:
+            # Get OS information...
+            os_state = get_os_state(os_host=os_host,
+                                    os_username=os_username,
+                                    os_password=os_password,
+                                    quiet=quiet)
+            for key, state_value in os_state.items():
+                # Add each OS value to the state dictionary, pre-pending
+                # "os_" to each key.
+                new_key = "os_" + key
+                state[new_key] = state_value
+    return state
+def check_state(match_state,
+                invert=0,
+                print_string="",
+                openbmc_host="",
+                openbmc_username="",
+                openbmc_password="",
+                os_host="",
+                os_username="",
+                os_password="",
+                quiet=None):
+    r"""
+    Check that the Open BMC machine's composite state matches the specified
+    state.  On success, this keyword returns the machine's composite state as a
+    dictionary.
+    Description of arguments:
+    match_state       A dictionary whose key/value pairs are "state field"/
+                      "state value".  The state value is interpreted as a
+                      regular expression.  Example call from robot:
+                      ${match_state}=  Create Dictionary  power=^1$
+                      ...  bmc=^HOST_BOOTED$
+                      ...  boot_progress=^FW Progress, Starting OS$
+                      ${state}=  Check State  &{match_state}
+    invert            If this flag is set, this function will succeed if the
+                      states do NOT match.
+    print_string      This function will print this string to the console prior
+                      to getting the state.
+    openbmc_host      The DNS name or IP address of the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_HOST}.
+    openbmc_username  The username to be used to login to the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}.
+    openbmc_password  The password to be used to login to the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}.
+    os_host           The DNS name or IP address of the operating system.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_HOST}.
+    os_username       The username to be used to login to the OS.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_USERNAME}.
+    os_password       The password to be used to login to the OS.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_PASSWORD}.
+    quiet             Indicates whether status details should be written to the
+                      console.  Defaults to either global value of ${QUIET} or
+                      to 1.
+    """
+    quiet = grp.set_quiet_default(quiet, 1)
+    grp.rprint(print_string)
+    # Initialize state.
+    state = get_state(openbmc_host=openbmc_host,
+                      openbmc_username=openbmc_username,
+                      openbmc_password=openbmc_password,
+                      os_host=os_host,
+                      os_username=os_username,
+                      os_password=os_password,
+                      quiet=quiet)
+    if not quiet:
+        grp.rprint_var(state)
+    match = compare_states(state, match_state)
+    if invert and match:
+        fail_msg = "The current state of the machine matches the match" +\
+                   " state:\n" + gp.sprint_varx("state", state)
+        BuiltIn().fail("\n" + gp.sprint_error(fail_msg))
+    elif not invert and not match:
+        fail_msg = "The current state of the machine does NOT match the" +\
+                   " match state:\n" +\
+                   gp.sprint_varx("state", state)
+        BuiltIn().fail("\n" + gp.sprint_error(fail_msg))
+    return state
+def wait_state(match_state,
+               wait_time="1 min",
+               interval="1 second",
+               invert=0,
+               openbmc_host="",
+               openbmc_username="",
+               openbmc_password="",
+               os_host="",
+               os_username="",
+               os_password="",
+               quiet=None):
+    r"""
+    Wait for the Open BMC machine's composite state to match the specified
+    state.  On success, this keyword returns the machine's composite state as
+    a dictionary.
+    Description of arguments:
+    match_state       A dictionary whose key/value pairs are "state field"/
+                      "state value".  See check_state (above) for details.
+    wait_time         The total amount of time to wait for the desired state.
+                      This value may be expressed in Robot Framework's time
+                      format (e.g. 1 minute, 2 min 3 s, 4.5).
+    interval          The amount of time between state checks.
+                      This value may be expressed in Robot Framework's time
+                      format (e.g. 1 minute, 2 min 3 s, 4.5).
+    invert            If this flag is set, this function will for the state of
+                      the machine to cease to match the match state.
+    openbmc_host      The DNS name or IP address of the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_HOST}.
+    openbmc_username  The username to be used to login to the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}.
+    openbmc_password  The password to be used to login to the BMC.
+                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}.
+    os_host           The DNS name or IP address of the operating system.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_HOST}.
+    os_username       The username to be used to login to the OS.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_USERNAME}.
+    os_password       The password to be used to login to the OS.
+                      This defaults to global ${OS_PASSWORD}.
+    quiet             Indicates whether status details should be written to the
+                      console.  Defaults to either global value of ${QUIET} or
+                      to 1.
+    """
+    quiet = grp.set_quiet_default(quiet, 1)
+    if not quiet:
+        if invert:
+            alt_text = "cease to "
+        else:
+            alt_text = ""
+        grp.rprint_timen("Checking every " + str(interval) + " for up to " +
+                         str(wait_time) + " for the state of the machine to " +
+                         alt_text + "match the state shown below.")
+        grp.rprint_var(match_state)
+    cmd_buf = ["Check State", match_state, "invert=${" + str(invert) + "}",
+               "print_string=#", "openbmc_host=" + openbmc_host,
+               "openbmc_username=" + openbmc_username,
+               "openbmc_password=" + openbmc_password, "os_host=" + os_host,
+               "os_username=" + os_username, "os_password=" + os_password,
+               "quiet=${1}"]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    state = BuiltIn().wait_until_keyword_succeeds(wait_time, interval,
+                                                  *cmd_buf)
+    if not quiet:
+        grp.rprintn()
+        if invert:
+            grp.rprint_timen("The states no longer match:")
+        else:
+            grp.rprint_timen("The states match:")
+        grp.rprint_var(state)
+    return state