Test LED groups using new xyz interface.

  - Added keywords to Get and Set LEDs state using new
     xyz interface
  - Created testcases to set on and off all different LEDs
     using new xyz interface.
  - Added skip list for Barreleye.
  - Skipped new LED group TCs for NA system i.e. Barreleye
     and Palmetto.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#159

Change-Id: I0cc7a7226a7b2b10c3f326f4071bf192ebd65e70
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <rahulmaheshwari@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/data/variables.py b/data/variables.py
index 14c2a46..2070c51 100644
--- a/data/variables.py
+++ b/data/variables.py
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
 # Inventory URI
 HOST_INVENTORY_URI = '/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/'
+# Led URI variable
+LED_GROUPS_URI = '/xyz/openbmc_project/led/groups/'
   QEMU HTTPS variable:
diff --git a/test_lists/skip_test_barreleye b/test_lists/skip_test_barreleye
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c76503e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_lists/skip_test_barreleye
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+-e known_issue
+-e Execute_ipmi_BT_capabilities_command
+-e Test_Wrong_Reservation_ID
+-e Test_Correct_Reservation_ID
+-e Set_valid_Mac_address
+-e Revert_old_Mac_addres
+-e Set_invalid_Mac_address
+-e Validate_Heartbeat_LEDs_Test_Cases
+-e Validate_Identify_LEDs_Test_Cases
+-e Validate_Beep_LEDs_Test_Cases
+-e Verify_System_VPD_Properties
+-e Minimal_Fan_Inventory
+-e Empty_Fan_Test
+-e Create_and_delete_user_without_group_name
+-e Create_and_delete_user_with_user_group_name
+-e Create_multiple_users
+-e Create_and_delete_user_without_password
+-e Set_password_for_existing_user
+-e Set_password_with_empty_password_for_existing
+-e Create_existing_user
+-e Get_System_Time
+-e Set_Valid_System_Time
+-e Set_Invalid_System_Time
+-e Set_System_Time_with_no_time
+-e IPMI_Chassis_Status_On
+-e IPMI_Chassis_Status_Off
+-e IPMI_Chassis_Restore_Power_Policy
+-e Good_connection_for_testing
+-e get_directory_listing
+-e get_directory_listing_xyz
+-e get_names
+-e get_names_org
+-e Set_Host_Time_With_Both_And_NTP
+-e Set_BMC_Time_With_Split_And_Manual
+-e Check_BMC_Name_Property_Is_Set
+-e Check_BMC_Clocks_Name_Property_Is_Set
+-e Check_BMC_Clocks_Compatible_Property_Is_Set
+-e eSEL_Logging
+# Led groups test cases are NA for Barreleye and Palmetto
+-e LED_Group
diff --git a/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto b/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto
index 11d0797..e0c2c84 100644
--- a/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto
+++ b/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto
@@ -55,3 +55,5 @@
 -e eSEL_Logging
 -e NetworkManager
+# Led groups test cases are NA for Barreleye and Palmetto
+-e LED_Group
diff --git a/tests/test_ledgroup.robot b/tests/test_ledgroup.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..705780a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_ledgroup.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  Test LED groups in OpenBMC.
+Resource       ../lib/rest_client.robot
+Resource       ../lib/resource.txt
+Resource       ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Suite Setup    Setup The Suite
+Test Teardown  FFDC On Test Case Fail
+Force Tags  LED_Group
+*** Variables ***
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify CPU Fault LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify CPU's fault LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_CPU_Fault_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  cpu  Fault
+Verify Fan Fault LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify fan's fault LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Fan_Fault_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  Fan  Fault
+Verify DIMM Fault LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify DIMM's fault LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_DIMM_Fault_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  dimm  Fault
+Verify GPU Fault LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify GPU's fault LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_GPU_Fault_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  gpu  Fault
+Verify Power Supply Fault LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify power supply's fault LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Power_Supply_Fault_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  powersupply  Fault
+Verify Enclosure Fault LED Group
+    [Documentation]  Validate enclosure's fault LED.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Enclosure_Fault_LED_Group
+    Verify LED Group  Enclosure  Fault
+Verify Power State LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify power state LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Power_State_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  Power
+Verify Enclosure Identify LED Group
+    [Documentation]  Validate enclosure's identify LED.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Enclosure_Identify_LED_Group
+    Verify LED Group  Enclosure  Identify
+Verify Fan Identify LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify fan's identify LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Fan_Identify_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  Fan  Identify
+Verify Other Fault LEDs Group
+    [Documentation]  Verify other fault LEDs.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Other_Fault_LEDs_Group
+    Verify LED Group  systemFault
+    Verify LED Group  boxelderFault
+    Verify LED Group  bmcFault
+    Verify LED Group  motherboardFault
+*** Keywords ***
+Get LED State XYZ
+    [Documentation]  Returns state of given LED.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_name}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # led_name  Name of LED
+    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${LED_GROUPS_URI}${led_name}  Asserted
+    [Return]  ${state}
+Set LED State
+    [Documentation]  Set state of given LED to on or off.
+    [Arguments]  ${state}  ${led_name}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # state     LED's state to set, i.e. On or Off
+    # led_name  Name of LED
+    ${data}=  Run Keyword If
+    ...  '${state}' == 'On'  Create Dictionary  data=${True}
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${state}' == 'Off'  Create Dictionary  data=${False}
+    ...  ELSE  Fail  msg=Invalid LED state
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Put Request
+    ...  ${LED_GROUPS_URI}${led_name}/attr/Asserted  data=${data}
+    ${jsondata}=  to JSON  ${resp.content}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${jsondata['status']}  ok
+Verify LED Group
+    [Documentation]  Set and validate state of all LEDs with given name.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_prefix}  ${led_suffix}=${EMPTY}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # led_prefix  LED name's prefix
+    # led_suffix  LED name's suffix
+    ${led_list}=  Get LED List  ${led_prefix}  ${led_suffix}
+    ${list_length}=  Get Length  ${led_list}
+    Should Be True  ${list_length} > 0
+    ...  msg=No ${led_prefix} ${led_suffix} LED found
+    :FOR  ${led}  IN  @{led_list}
+    \  Set LED State  On  ${led}
+    \  ${resp}=  Get LED State XYZ  ${led}
+    \  Should Be Equal  ${resp}  ${1}
+    \  Set LED State  Off  ${led}
+    \  ${resp}=  Get LED State XYZ  ${led}
+    \  Should Be Equal  ${resp}  ${0}
+Setup The Suite
+    [Documentation]  Test setup before running this suite.
+    ${resp}=  Read Properties  ${LED_GROUPS_URI}
+    Set Suite Variable  ${LED_GROUPS}  ${resp}
+Get LED List
+    [Documentation]  Returns all LEDs with given name.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_prefix}  ${led_suffix}=${EMPTY}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # led_prefix  LED name's prefix
+    # led_suffix  LED name's suffix
+    ${list}=  Get Matches
+    ...  ${LED_GROUPS}  regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${led_prefix}.*${led_suffix}
+    ${led_list}=  Create List
+    : FOR  ${element}  IN  @{list}
+    \  ${element}=  Remove String  ${element}  ${LED_GROUPS_URI}
+    \  Append To List  ${led_list}  ${element}
+    Sort List  ${led_list}
+    [Return]  ${led_list}