ffdc: Add checking for scp get_transport error.

When there is an error on scp get_transport,
- Inform user of the error.
- Continue FFDC generation on remote host.
- Inform user to manually offload data.

- Run OK scenarios.
- Run SCPException and SocketException scenarios.

Signed-off-by: Peter D  Phan <peterp@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I606bc9530fb1f4b1b1bbe75c5797337f0bd76f2a
diff --git a/ffdc/ssh_utility.py b/ffdc/ssh_utility.py
index 3a028e6..f1524a7 100644
--- a/ffdc/ssh_utility.py
+++ b/ffdc/ssh_utility.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
 from paramiko.ssh_exception import BadHostKeyException
 from paramiko.buffered_pipe import PipeTimeout as PipeTimeout
-import scp
+from scp import SCPClient, SCPException
 import sys
 import socket
 from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout
@@ -94,7 +94,14 @@
         Create a scp connection for file transfer.
-        self.scpclient = scp.SCPClient(self.sshclient.get_transport())
+        try:
+            self.scpclient = SCPClient(self.sshclient.get_transport())
+            print("\n\t[Check] %s SCP transport established.\t [OK]" % self.hostname)
+        except (SCPException, SocketTimeout, PipeTimeout) as e:
+            self.scpclient = None
+            print("\n>>>>>\tERROR: SCP get_transport has failed. %s %s" % (e.__class__, e))
+            print(">>>>>\tScript continues generating FFDC on %s." % self.hostname)
+            print(">>>>>\tCollected data will need to be manually offloaded.")
     def scp_file_from_remote(self, remote_file, local_file):
@@ -111,7 +118,7 @@
             self.scpclient.get(remote_file, local_file)
-        except (scp.SCPException, SocketTimeout, PipeTimeout) as e:
+        except (SCPException, SocketTimeout, PipeTimeout) as e:
             # Log command with error. Return to caller for next file, if any.
             print("\n>>>>>\tERROR: Fail scp %s from remotehost %s %s\n\n" % (remote_file, e.__class__, e))
             return False