Bring BMC to stable state

The use of this logic is to bring the BMC state to a stable standby.
Providing a new test case that will take whatever action is necessary
to bring the BMC to a stable, standby state.  For our purposes, a i
stable state is defined as:
    - BMC is communicating (pinging, sshing and REST commands working)
    - Power state is 0 (off)
    - BMC state is "BMC_READY" or "HOST_POWERED_OFF"
    - Boot policy is "RESTORE_LAST_STATE"

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#224

Change-Id: I5f88dfae59c51271f6dabe3e40ce7ccef598b310
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <>
diff --git a/extended/standby_bmc.robot b/extended/standby_bmc.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ef3f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extended/standby_bmc.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     This module will take whatever action is necessary
+...               to bring the BMC to a stable, standby state.  For our
+...               purposes, a stable state is defined as:
+...                  - BMC is communicating
+...                   (pinging, sshing and REST commands working)
+...                  - Power state is 0 (off)
+...                  - BMC state is "BMC_READY" or "HOST_POWERED_OFF"
+...                  - Boot policy is "RESTORE_LAST_STATE"
+Resource          ../lib/boot/boot_resource_master.robot
+Resource          ../lib/utils.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST_SETTING}      /org/openbmc/settings/host0
+*** Test cases ***
+Get to Stable State
+    [Documentation]    BMC cleanup drive to stable state
+    ...                1. Ping Test
+    ...                2. SSH Connection session Test
+    ...                3. REST Connection session Test
+    ...                4. Reboot BMC if REST Test failed
+    ...                5. Check BMC state for standby
+    ...                6. Issue poweroff if not already in
+    ...                   standby state
+    ...                7. Update restore policy
+    [Tags]  Get to Stable State
+    Wait For Host To Ping  ${OPENBMC_HOST}  1 mins
+    Open Connection And Log In   host=${OPENBMC_HOST}
+    ${l_rest} =   Run Keyword And Return Status
+    ...    Initialize OpenBMC
+    Run Keyword If  '${l_rest}' == '${False}'
+    ...    Reboot and Wait for BMC Online
+    ${l_ready} =   Run Keyword And Return Status
+    ...    Get BMC State and Expect Standby
+    Run Keyword If  '${l_ready}' == '${False}'
+    ...    Initiate Power Off
+    Update Policy Setting   RESTORE_LAST_STATE
+*** Keywords ***
+Reboot and Wait for BMC Online
+    [Documentation]    Reboot BMC and wait for it to come online
+    ...                and boot to standby
+    Trigger Warm Reset via Reboot
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
+    ...    5 min   10 sec    BMC Online Test
+    Wait For BMC Standby
+BMC Online Test
+    [Documentation]   BMC ping, SSH, REST connection Test
+    ${l_status} =   Run Keyword and Return Status
+    ...   Verify Ping and REST Authentication
+    Run Keyword If  '${l_status}' == '${False}'
+    ...   Fail  msg=System not in ideal state to continue [ERROR]
+Wait For BMC Standby
+    [Documentation]   Wait Until BMC standby post BMC reboot
+    @{states}=   Create List   BMC_READY   HOST_POWERED_OFF
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
+    ...    10 min   10 sec   Verify BMC State   ${states}
+Get BMC State and Expect Standby
+    [Documentation]   Get BMC state and should be at standby
+    @{states}=     Create List   BMC_READY   HOST_POWERED_OFF
+    ${bmc_state}=  Get BMC State
+    Should Contain  ${states}   ${bmc_state}
+Update Policy Setting
+    [Documentation]   Update the given restore policy
+    [arguments]   ${policy}
+    ${valueDict} =     create dictionary  data=${policy}
+    Write Attribute    ${HOST_SETTING}    power_policy   data=${valueDict}
+    ${currentPolicy}=  Read Attribute     ${HOST_SETTING}   power_policy
+    Should Be Equal    ${currentPolicy}   ${policy}