redfish: extended: dump: fix "Verify Download BMC Dump" test failed

"Verify Download BMC Dump" test item in test_bmc_dump.robot got failed.

Root cause:
From test report that error message is
JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0).
Due to this test item using REST method "Create User Initiated Dump"
to create bmc dump and got failed. Thus, "Get The Dump Id" return unexpected value.

Using Redfish method to create BMC Dump according current bmcweb design.

Run robot "Verify Download BMC Dump" of test_bmc_dump.robot

Signed-off-by: Tim Lee <>
Change-Id: I14b25408277809d5de6148fed91a36b85ede479e
diff --git a/redfish/extended/test_bmc_dump.robot b/redfish/extended/test_bmc_dump.robot
index 5f7b8fa..b97b851 100644
--- a/redfish/extended/test_bmc_dump.robot
+++ b/redfish/extended/test_bmc_dump.robot
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     [Documentation]  Verify that a BMC dump can be downloaded to the local machine.
     [Tags]  Verify_Download_BMC_Dump
-    ${dump_id}=  Create User Initiated Dump
+    ${dump_id}=  Create User Initiated BMC Dump Via Redfish
     ${dump_dict}=  Get Dump Dict
     ${bmc_dump_name}=  Fetch From Right  ${dump_dict['${dump_id}']}  /
     ${bmc_dump_checksum}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
diff --git a/redfish/extended/test_websocket.robot b/redfish/extended/test_websocket.robot
index 6ab49f2..afb86e6 100755
--- a/redfish/extended/test_websocket.robot
+++ b/redfish/extended/test_websocket.robot
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps
     Start Websocket Monitor  dump
-    ${dump_id}=  Create User Initiated BMC Dump Using Redfish
+    ${dump_id}=  Create User Initiated BMC Dump Via Redfish
     Check Existence Of BMC Dump File  ${dump_id}
     # Check that the monitor received notification of the dump.
diff --git a/redfish/managers/test_bmc_dumps.robot b/redfish/managers/test_bmc_dumps.robot
index b2112d9..6ee639c 100644
--- a/redfish/managers/test_bmc_dumps.robot
+++ b/redfish/managers/test_bmc_dumps.robot
@@ -179,43 +179,6 @@
 *** Keywords ***
-Create User Initiated BMC Dump Via Redfish
-    [Documentation]  Generate user initiated BMC dump via Redfish and return the dump id number (e.g., "5").
-    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary  DiagnosticDataType=Manager
-    ${resp}=  Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/Dump/Actions/LogService.CollectDiagnosticData
-    ...  body=${payload}  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_ACCEPTED}]
-    # Example of response from above Redfish POST request.
-    # "": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0",
-    # "@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task",
-    # "Id": "0",
-    # "TaskState": "Running",
-    # "TaskStatus": "OK"
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  5 min  15 sec  Is Task Completed  ${resp.dict['Id']}
-    ${task_id}=  Set Variable  ${resp.dict['Id']}
-    ${task_dict}=  Redfish.Get Properties  /redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/${task_id}
-    # Example of HttpHeaders field of task details.
-    # "Payload": {
-    #   "HttpHeaders": [
-    #     "Host: <BMC_IP>",
-    #      "Accept-Encoding: identity",
-    #      "Connection: Keep-Alive",
-    #      "Accept: */*",
-    #      "Content-Length: 33",
-    #      "Location: /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/Dump/Entries/2"]
-    #    ],
-    #    "HttpOperation": "POST",
-    #    "JsonBody": "{\"DiagnosticDataType\":\"Manager\"}",
-    #     "TargetUri": "/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/Dump/Actions/LogService.CollectDiagnosticData"
-    # }
-    [Return]  ${task_dict["Payload"]["HttpHeaders"][-1].split("/")[-1]}
 Get BMC Dump Entries
     [Documentation]  Return BMC dump ids list.
@@ -245,17 +208,6 @@
     [return]  ${usage_output}
-Is Task Completed
-    [Documentation]  Verify if the given task is completed.
-    [Arguments]   ${task_id}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # task_id        Id of task which needs to be checked.
-    ${task_dict}=  Redfish.Get Properties  /redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/${task_id}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${task_dict['TaskState']}  Completed
 Test Teardown Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test teardown operation.