Code to verify system uptime and configure SNMP managers with different ports

    Added test case to verify system uptime
    Added test case to configure multiple SNMP managers with different ports
    Added test case to verify system uptime resets on BMC reboot

Signed-off-by: Prashanth Katti <>
Change-Id: Ie75d2f1ec7556a4cc0f762a033f7fc2757e0b84e
diff --git a/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot b/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot
index 76f6914..8d1b6fb 100644
--- a/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot
+++ b/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot
@@ -149,6 +149,64 @@
+Verify SNMP SysUpTime
+    [Documentation]  Verify SNMP SysUpTime.
+    [Tags]  Verify_SNMP_SysUpTime
+    Generate Error And Verify System Up Time
+Verify SNMP SysUpTime On BMC Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Verify SNMP SysUpTime on BMC reboot.
+    [Tags]  Verify_SNMP_SysUpTime_On_BMC_Reboot
+    # Reboot BMC to reset system uptime.
+    OBMC Reboot (off)
+    ${uptime}=  Generate Error And Verify System Up Time
+    # Check if uptime is reset after reboot.
+    Should Be True  ${uptime} <= 1  msg=SNMP SysUpTime is not reset on reboot
+Configure Multiple SNMP Managers With Non-default Port And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Configure multiple SNMP Managers with non-default port And Verify.
+    [Tags]  Configure_Multiple_SNMP_Managers_With_Non_Default_Port_And_Verify
+    [Teardown]  Run Keywords
+    ...  Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    ...  AND
+    ...  Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR2_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    # Configure multiple SNMP managers with non-default port.
+    Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR2_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    # Verify if SNMP managers are configured.
+    Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC  ${SNMP_MGR2_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+Configure Multiple SNMP Managers With Different Ports And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Configure multiple SNMP Managers with different ports And Verify.
+    [Tags]  Configure_Multiple_SNMP_Managers_With_Different_Ports_And_Verify
+    [Teardown]  Run Keywords
+    ...  Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT}
+    ...  AND
+    ...  Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR2_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    ...  AND
+    ...  Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR3_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT2}
+    # Configure multiple SNMP managers with diffrent ports.
+    Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT}
+    Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR2_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR3_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT2}
+    # Verify if SNMP managers are configured.
+    Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT}
+    Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC  ${SNMP_MGR2_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1}
+    Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC  ${SNMP_MGR3_IP}  ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT2}
 *** Keywords ***
 Suite Setup Execution
@@ -159,3 +217,40 @@
     # Check for SNMP configurations.
     Valid Value  SNMP_MGR1_IP
     Valid Value  SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT
+Generate Error And Verify System Up Time
+    [Documentation]  Generate error and verify system up time.
+    # Get system uptime on BMC.
+    # Example output of uptime:
+    # (8055.79 15032.86)
+    ${cmd_output}   ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  cat /proc/uptime
+    @{times}=  Split String  ${cmd_output}
+    ${bmc_uptime_in_minutes}=  Evaluate  int(${times}[0])/60
+    ${trap}=  Create Error On BMC And Verify Trap
+    # Extract System up time from SNMP trap.
+    # Example - SNMP trap:
+    # DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (252367) 0:42:03.67
+    # SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871.
+    # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Gauge32: 54
+    # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Opaque: UInt64: 4622921648578756984
+    # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = INTEGER: 3
+    # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = STRING:
+    @{words}=  Split String  ${trap}[0]  =
+    ${timeticks}=  Fetch From Right  ${words}[1]  (
+    ${snmp_sysuptime}=  Fetch From Left  ${timeticks}  )
+    # SNMP SysUptime will be in milli seconds.
+    # Convert into minutes.
+    ${sysuptime_in_minutes}=  Evaluate  int(${snmp_sysuptime})/6000
+    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${bmc_uptime_in_minutes}  ${sysuptime_in_minutes}
+    [Return]  ${sysuptime_in_minutes}