Removed older REST certificate testing suite

Change-Id: I5c0b03d840c50d432ebcb4c96b10d588bfee60a8
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <>
diff --git a/tests/test_certificate.robot b/tests/test_certificate.robot
deleted file mode 100755
index 3469418..0000000
--- a/tests/test_certificate.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test certificate in OpenBMC.
-Resource       ../lib/rest_client.robot
-Resource       ../lib/resource.robot
-Resource       ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
-Resource       ../lib/certificate_utils.robot
-Suite Setup    Suite Setup Execution
-Test Teardown  Test Teardown Execution
-Force Tags     Certificate_Test
-*** Test Cases ***
-Test Server Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Valid Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test server certificate install with valid certificate
-    ...  and valid private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Server                Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
-Test Server Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Valid Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test server certificate install with empty certificate
-    ...  and valid private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Server                Empty Certificate Valid Privatekey  error
-Test Server Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Empty Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test server certificate install with valid certificate
-    ...  and empty private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Server                Valid Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
-Test Server Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Empty Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test server certificate install with empty certificate
-    ...  and empty private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Server                Empty Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
-Test Server Certificate Install With Expired Certificate
-    [Documentation]  Test server certificate install with expired certificate.
-    [Tags]  Test_Server_Certificate_Install_With_Expired_Certificate
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Server                Expired Certificate                 error
-Test Client Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Valid Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test client certificate install with valid certificate
-    ...  and valid private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Client                Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
-Test Client Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Valid Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test client certificate install with empty certificate
-    ...  and valid private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Valid_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Client                Empty Certificate Valid Privatekey  error
-Test Client Certificate Install With Valid Certificate And Empty Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test client certificate install with valid certificate
-    ...  and empty private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Client                Valid Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
-Test Client Certificate Install With Empty Certificate And Empty Private Key
-    [Documentation]  Test client certificate install with empty certificate
-    ...  and empty private key.
-    [Tags]  Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate_And_Empty_Private_Key
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Client                Empty Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
-Test Client Certificate Install With Expired Certificate
-    [Documentation]  Test client certificate install with expired certificate.
-    [Tags]  Test_Client_Certificate_Install_With_Expired_Certificate
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    Client                Expired Certificate                 error
-Test CA Certificate Install With Valid Certificate
-    [Documentation]  Test CA certificate install with valid certificate.
-    [Tags]  Test_CA_Certificate_Install_With_Valid_Certificate
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    CA                    Valid Certificate                   ok
-Test CA Certificate Install With Empty Certificate
-    [Documentation]  Test CA certificate install with empty certificate.
-    [Tags]  Test_CA_Certificate_Install_With_Empty_Certificate
-    [Template]  Certificate Install Via REST
-    # Certificate type    Certificate file format             Expected Status
-    CA                    Empty Certificate                   error
-Test Delete Server Certificate
-    [Documentation]  Delete server certificate and verify.
-    [Tags]  Test_Delete_Server_Certificate
-    ${cert_file_path}=  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl
-    ...  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey
-    ${file_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
-    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
-    Install Certificate File On BMC  ${SERVER_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    ...  data=${file_data}
-    OpenBMC Delete Request  ${SERVER_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    # Adding delay after certificate deletion
-    Sleep  30s
-    ${bmc_cert_content}=  Get Certificate Content From BMC Via Openssl
-    Should Not Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
-Test Delete Client Certificate
-    [Documentation]  Delete client certificate and verify.
-    [Tags]  Test_Delete_Client_Certificate
-    ${cert_file_path}=  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl
-    ...  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey
-    ${file_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
-    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
-    Install Certificate File On BMC  ${CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    ...  data=${file_data}
-    OpenBMC Delete Request  ${CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    # Adding delay after certificate deletion
-    Sleep  30s
-    ${msg}=  Run Keyword And Expect Error  *
-    ...  Get Certificate File Content From BMC  Client
-    Should Contain  ${msg}  No such file or directory  ignore_case=True
-Test Delete CA Certificate
-    [Documentation]  Delete CA certificate and verify.
-    [Tags]  Test_Delete_CA_Certificate
-    ${cert_file_path}=  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl
-    ...  Valid Certificate
-    ${file_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
-    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
-    Install Certificate File On BMC  ${CA_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    ...  data=${file_data}
-    OpenBMC Delete Request  ${CA_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    # Adding delay after certificate deletion.
-    Sleep  30s
-    ${msg}=  Run Keyword And Expect Error  *
-    ...  Get Certificate File Content From BMC  CA
-    Should Contain  ${msg}  No such file or directory  ignore_case=True
-Test Continuous Server Certificate Install
-    [Documentation]  Stress server certificate installtion.
-    [Tags]  Test_Continuous_Server_Certificate_Install
-    Repeat Keyword  3 times  Certificate Install Via REST
-    ...  Server  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
-Test Continuous Client Certificate Install
-    [Documentation]  Stress client certificate installtion.
-    [Tags]  Test_Continuous_Client_Certificate_Install
-    Repeat Keyword  3 times  Certificate Install Via REST
-    ...  Client  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
-Certificate Install Via REST
-    [Documentation]  Test certificate install in the BMC via REST.
-    [Arguments]  ${cert_type}  ${cert_format}  ${expected_status}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # cert_type           Certificate type (e.g. "Server" or "Client").
-    # cert_format         Certificate file format
-    #                     (e.g. Valid_Certificate_Valid_Privatekey).
-    # expected_status     Expected status of certificate installation REST
-    #                     request(i.e. "ok" or "error").
-    ${cert_file_path}=  Run Keyword if  '${cert_format}' == 'Expired Certificate'
-    ...  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl  ${cert_format}  -10
-    ...  ELSE  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl  ${cert_format}
-    ${file_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
-    Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'Server'
-    ...    Install Certificate File On BMC  ${SERVER_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    ...    ${expected_status}  ${1}  data=${file_data}
-    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
-    ...    Install Certificate File On BMC  ${CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    ...    ${expected_status}  ${1}  data=${file_data}
-    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'
-    ...    Install Certificate File On BMC  ${CA_CERTIFICATE_URI}
-    ...    ${expected_status}  ${1}  data=${file_data}
-    # Adding delay after certificate installation.
-    sleep  10s
-    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
-    Should Not Be Empty  ${cert_file_content}
-    ${bmc_cert_content}=  Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'Server'
-    ...    Get Certificate Content From BMC Via Openssl
-    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
-    ...    Get Certificate File Content From BMC  Client
-    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'
-    ...    Get Certificate File Content From BMC  CA
-    Run Keyword if  '${expected_status}' == 'ok'
-    ...  Should Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
-    ...  ELSE IF  '${expected_status}' == 'error'
-    ...  Should Not Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
-Suite Setup Execution
-    [Documentation]  Do suite setup tasks.
-    # Create certificate sub-directory in current working directory.
-    Create Directory  certificate_dir
-    OperatingSystem.Directory Should Exist  ${EXECDIR}${/}certificate_dir
-Test Teardown Execution
-    [Documentation]  Do the post test teardown.
-    Empty Directory  ${EXECDIR}${/}certificate_dir
-    FFDC On Test Case Fail