Display and verify system info.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#549

Change-Id: If62200edb57edac9763003d30967384414a15e33
Signed-off-by: Leonel Gonzalez <lgonzalez@us.ibm.com>
diff --git a/syslib/utils_config.robot b/syslib/utils_config.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7317c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syslib/utils_config.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation      Keywords for system data information.
+Resource           ../syslib/utils_os.robot
+*** Variables ***
+*** Keywords ***
+Get PNOR Info
+    [Documentation]  Get PNOR information.
+    ${version}  ${stderr}=  Execute Command  pflash -r /dev/stdout -P VERSION
+    ...  return_stderr=True
+    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
+    Log  ${\n}version: ${version}  console=yes
+    [Return]  ${version}
+Get Inventory
+    [Documentation]  Get system inventory.
+    ${inventory}  ${stderr}=  Execute Command  lshw -short  return_stderr=True
+    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
+    Log  ${\n}inventory: ${inventory}  console=yes
+    [Return]  ${inventory}
+Get Memory Count
+    [Documentation]  Get Memory Count.
+    ${memory_count}  ${stderr}=
+    ...  Execute Command  lshw -short | grep memory | wc -l  return_stderr=True
+    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
+    Log  ${\n}memory count: ${memory_count}  console=yes
+    [Return]  ${memory_count}
+Verify Memory Count
+    [Documentation]  Verify memory count.
+    [Arguments]  ${expected_memory_count}
+    ${memory_count}=  Get Memory Count
+    Log  ${\n}memory count: ${memory_count}  console=yes
+    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${memory_count}  ${expected_memory_count}
+    ...  Error: memory count doesn't match expected count.
+Get Dimm Count
+    [Documentation]  Get DIMM count.
+    ${dimm_count}  ${stderr}=  Execute Command  lshw -short | grep DIMM | wc -l
+    ...  return_stderr=True
+    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
+    Log  ${\n}dimm_count: ${dimm_count}  console=yes
+    [Return]  ${dimm_count}
+Verify Dimm Count
+    [Documentation]  Verify DIMM count.
+    [Arguments]  ${expected_dimm_count}
+    ${dimm_count}=  Get Dimm Count
+    Log  ${\n}dimm_count: ${dimm_count}  console=yes
+    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${dimm_count}  ${expected_dimm_count}
+    ...  msg=Error: dimm count doesn't match expected count.
+Verify Opal-Prd Installed
+    [Documentation]  Check whether opal-prd.service is running on OS.
+    ${output}  ${stderr}=  Execute Command  systemctl status opal-prd.service
+    ...  return_stderr=True
+    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
+    Log  ${\n}${output}  console=yes
+    Should Not Contain  ${output}  could not be found
+    ...  msg=Error: opal-prd.service is not installed.