Update test tag and typo fixes in test scripts

      - Fix tag mismatch with test cases
      - Fix typo in code documentation

      Checked with codespell and tag checker tool.

Change-Id: I4de23c9225cdd46ffa8868e94e0d8d4a410853f4
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <gkeishin@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot
index 1a5b978..8176e47 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 Disable IPMI Via GUI And Verify Persistency On BMC Reboot
     [Documentation]  Login to GUI Policies page,disable IPMI and
-    ...  verify persistency of IPMI command doesnot work on BMC reboot.
+    ...  verify persistency of IPMI command does not work on BMC reboot.
     [Tags]  Disable_IPMI_Via_GUI_And_Verify_Persistency_On_BMC_Reboot
     [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  2 min  15 sec  Enable IPMI Protocol  ${True}
     ...  AND  Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  2 min  15 sec  Run IPMI Standard Command  sel info
diff --git a/lib/utilities.py b/lib/utilities.py
index 1994fe7..2b7660f 100755
--- a/lib/utilities.py
+++ b/lib/utilities.py
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
     Reverse given string (From LSB first to MSB first) and converts to HEX.
-    Input stirng     0a 00
+    Input string     0a 00
     Return string    0a
     datalist = string.split(" ")
diff --git a/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot b/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot
index 809b2c6..acac692 100644
--- a/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot
+++ b/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     Should Be Equal  active  ${ActiveState}
     ...  msg=Logging service not in active state.
-Kill The List Of Services And Expect Killed Service Get Restarted
+Kill The List Of Services And Expect Killed Service Gets Restarted
     [Documentation]  Kill the given services and expect again services get restarted automatically.
     [Tags]  Kill_The_List_Of_Services_And_Expect_Killed_Service_Gets_Restarted