Redfish code update lab/ci usecases

Change-Id: I4b45ed9270776ba782b4d970cb8fb9df33bc8635
Signed-off-by: Sushil Singh <>
diff --git a/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot b/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
index ad091f8..ff0580f 100644
--- a/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
+++ b/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 Resource        bmc_redfish_utils.robot
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -99,3 +100,50 @@
     # Return the first list entry.
     [Return]  ${software_inventory}[0]
+Redfish Upload Image And Check Progress State
+    [Documentation]  Code update with ApplyTime.
+    [Arguments]  ${apply_time}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # policy     ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate").
+    Set ApplyTime  policy=${apply_Time}
+    Redfish Upload Image  ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
+    ${image_id}=  Get Latest Image ID
+    Rprint Vars  image_id
+    Check Image Update Progress State
+    ...  match_state='Disabled', 'Updating'  image_id=${image_id}
+    # Wait a few seconds to check if the update progress started.
+    Sleep  5s
+    Check Image Update Progress State
+    ...  match_state='Updating'  image_id=${image_id}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  8 min  20 sec
+    ...  Check Image Update Progress State
+    ...    match_state='Enabled'  image_id=${image_id}
+Reboot BMC And Verify BMC Image
+    [Documentation]  Reboot or wait for BMC standby post reboot and
+    ...  verify installed image is functional.
+    [Arguments]  ${apply_time}  ${start_boot_seconds}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # policy                ApplyTime allowed values
+    #                       (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate").
+    # start_boot_seconds    See 'Wait For Reboot' for details.
+    Run Keyword if  'OnReset' == '${apply_time}'
+    ...  Run Keyword
+    ...      Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...    Run Keyword
+    ...        Wait For Reboot  start_boot_seconds=${start_boot_seconds}
+    Redfish.Login
+    Redfish Verify BMC Version  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}