opt.tcl function gen_print_help - Added code to wrap main help text

Change-Id: Ib65bb1553a7b690577aa4c5c836cbefad3c78906
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <micwalsh@us.ibm.com>
diff --git a/lib/opt.tcl b/lib/opt.tcl
index 7132ee0..b9b10f9 100755
--- a/lib/opt.tcl
+++ b/lib/opt.tcl
@@ -436,7 +436,12 @@
   # Retrieve the general program help text from the help_dict and print it.
   set help_entry [dict get $help_dict ${program_name}]
   puts ""
-  puts [lindex $help_entry 0]
+  append cmd_buf "echo '[escape_bash_quotes [lindex $help_entry 0]]' | fold"
+  append cmd_buf " --spaces --width=80"
+  set out_buf [eval exec bash -c {$cmd_buf}]
+  puts "$out_buf"
   if { $pos_parms != "" } {
     puts ""