Test ambient temperature via IPMI.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1196

Change-Id: I3356bda3fa1c50e0dd562ed22b6306a44a37f1d9
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <rahulmaheshwari@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot b/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot
index 6af146b..c065495 100644
--- a/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot
+++ b/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 *** Variables ***
 ${new_mc_id}=  HOST
+${allowed_temp_diff}=  ${1}
 *** Test Cases ***
@@ -146,6 +147,64 @@
     ${watchdog_state}=  Read Attribute  ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI}  Enabled
     Should Be Equal  ${watchdog_state}  ${0}
     ...  msg=msg=Verification failed for watchdog off check.
+Test Ambient Temperature Via IPMI
+    [Documentation]  Test ambient temperature via IPMI and verify using REST.
+    [Tags]  Test_Ambient_Temperature_Via_IPMI
+    #        Entity ID                       Entity Instance    Temp. Readings
+    # Inlet air temperature(40h)                      1               +19 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    5               +51 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    6               +50 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    7               +50 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    8               +50 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    9               +50 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    10              +48 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    11              +49 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    12              +47 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    8               +50 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    16              +51 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    24              +50 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    32              +43 C
+    # CPU temperature sensors(41h)                    40              +43 C
+    # Baseboard temperature sensors(42h)              1               +35 C
+    ${temp_reading}=  Run IPMI Standard Command  dcmi get_temp_reading -N 10
+    ${ambient_temp_line}=
+    ...  Get Lines Containing String  ${temp_reading}
+    ...  Inlet air temperature  case-insensitive
+    ${ambient_temp_ipmi}=  Fetch From Right  ${ambient_temp_line}  +
+    ${ambient_temp_ipmi}=  Remove String  ${ambient_temp_ipmi}  ${SPACE}C
+    ${ambient_temp_rest}=  Read Attribute
+    ...  ${SENSORS_URI}temperature/ambient  Value
+    # Example of ambient temperature via REST
+    #  "CriticalAlarmHigh": 0,
+    #  "CriticalAlarmLow": 0,
+    #  "CriticalHigh": 35000,
+    #  "CriticalLow": 0,
+    #  "Scale": -3,
+    #  "Unit": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC",
+    #  "Value": 21775,
+    #  "WarningAlarmHigh": 0,
+    #  "WarningAlarmLow": 0,
+    #  "WarningHigh": 25000,
+    #  "WarningLow": 0
+    # Get temperature value based on scale i.e. Value * (10 power Scale Value)
+    # e.g. from above case 21775 * (10 power -3) = 21775/1000
+    ${ambient_temp_rest}=  Evaluate  ${ambient_temp_rest}/1000
+    ${ipmi_rest_temp_diff}=
+    ...  Evaluate  abs(${ambient_temp_rest} - ${ambient_temp_ipmi})
+    Should Be True  ${ipmi_rest_temp_diff} <= ${allowed_temp_diff}
+    ...  msg=Ambient temperature above allowed threshold ${allowed_temp_diff}.
 *** Keywords ***
 Set Management Controller ID String