Added Refresh GUI keyword for the page to load compeletly after refresh

Change-Id: I34e037dfd88e75e8a43e0f1c0259071e6f6520e5
Signed-off-by: Ashwini Chandrappa <>
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/overview_menu/test_overview_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/overview_menu/test_overview_menu.robot
index 4edc2bf..a61f37a 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/overview_menu/test_overview_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/overview_menu/test_overview_menu.robot
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 ${xpath_launch_serial_over_lan}        //*[@data-test-id='overviewQuickLinks-button-solConsole']
 ${xpath_led_button}                    //*[@data-test-id='overviewQuickLinks-checkbox-serverLed']
 *** Test Cases ***
 Verify Existence Of All Sections In Overview Page
@@ -128,17 +129,14 @@
     [Documentation]  Turn on server LED via GUI and verify its status via Redfish.
     [Tags]  Verify_Server_LED_Turn_On
-    # Turn Off the server LED via Redfish.
+    # Turn Off the server LED via Redfish and refresh GUI.
     Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/Systems/system  body={"IndicatorLED":"Off"}   valid_status_codes=[200, 204]
+    Refresh GUI
-    # Refresh GUI.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_refresh_button}
-    Wait Until Page Contains Element  ${xpath_led_button}
-    # Turn on the server LED via GUI and sleep.
+    # Turn ON the LED via GUI.
     Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_led_button}  0  0
-    # Cross check that server LED on state via Redfish.
+    # Cross check that server LED ON state via Redfish.
     ${led_status}=  Redfish.Get Attribute  /redfish/v1/Systems/system  IndicatorLED
     Should Be True  '${led_status}' == 'Lit'
@@ -147,14 +145,11 @@
     [Documentation]  Turn off server LED via GUI and verify its status via Redfish.
     [Tags]  Verify_Server_LED_Turn_Off
-    # Turn On the server LED via Redfish.
+    # Turn On the server LED via Redfish and refresh GUI.
     Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/Systems/system  body={"IndicatorLED":"Lit"}   valid_status_codes=[200, 204]
+    Refresh GUI
-    # Refresh GUI.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_refresh_button}
-    Wait Until Page Contains Element  ${xpath_led_button}
-    # Now turn off the LED via GUI.
+    # Turn OFF the LED via GUI.
     Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_led_button}  0  0
     # Cross check that server LED off state via Redfish.
@@ -179,4 +174,3 @@
     Click Element  ${xpath_overview_menu}
     Wait Until Page Contains Element  ${xpath_overview_page_header}
diff --git a/gui/lib/gui_resource.robot b/gui/lib/gui_resource.robot
index a7dcd9c..38266f4 100644
--- a/gui/lib/gui_resource.robot
+++ b/gui/lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -120,3 +120,11 @@
     Click Element  ${xpath_profile_settings}
     Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_default_UTC}  0  0
     Click Element  ${xpath_profile_save_button}
+Refresh GUI
+    [Documentation]  Refresh GUI via refresh button in header.
+    Click Element  ${xpath_refresh_button}
+    # Added delay for page to load fully after refresh.
+    Sleep  5s