Enable basic infrastructure for clock testing

What infrastructure support is enabled
     - Added keywords to set time owner and mode.
     - Added basic test cases to set valid/invalid time owner
     - Added basic test cases to set valid/invalid time mode
     - Sets default value after test case execution

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#58

Change-Id: Ia7ec2ea84a7457248a36c23a129537d87bd18bf5
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <rahulmaheshwari@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/tests/test_time.robot b/tests/test_time.robot
index fe90337..126aee0 100755
--- a/tests/test_time.robot
+++ b/tests/test_time.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 *** Settings ***
 Documentation          This suite is for testing System time in Open BMC.
+Resource               ../lib/rest_client.robot
 Resource               ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
 Resource               ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@
 Suite Setup            Open Connection And Log In
 Suite Teardown         Close All Connections
-Test Teardown          FFDC On Test Case Fail
+Test Teardown          Post Test Execution
 *** Variables ***
 ${SYSTEM_TIME_INVALID}     01/01/1969 00:00:00
@@ -62,11 +63,118 @@
     ${msg}=    Run Keyword And Expect Error    *    Run IPMI Standard Command    sel time set ""
     Should Start With    ${msg}    Specified time could not be parsed
+Set NTP Time Mode
+    [Documentation]   ***GOOD PATH***
+    ...               This testcase is to set time mode as NTP using REST
+    ...               URI and then verify using REST API.\n
+    [Tags]  Set_NTP_Time_Mode
+    Set Time Mode   NTP
+    ${boot} =   Read Attribute  /org/openbmc/settings/host0    time_mode
+    Should Be Equal    ${boot}    NTP
+Set Manual Time Mode
+    [Documentation]   ***GOOD PATH***
+    ...               This testcase is to set time mode as manual using REST
+    ...               URI and then verify using REST API.\n
+    [Tags]  Set_Manual_Time_Mode
+    Set Time Mode   Manual
+    ${boot} =   Read Attribute  /org/openbmc/settings/host0    time_mode
+    Should Be Equal    ${boot}    Manual
+Set Time Owner as BMC
+    [Documentation]   ***GOOD PATH***
+    ...               This testcase is to set time owner as BMC using REST
+    ...               URI and then verify using REST API.\n
+    [Tags]  Set_Time_Owner_as_BMC
+    Set Time Owner   BMC
+    ${boot} =   Read Attribute  /org/openbmc/settings/host0    time_owner
+    Should Be Equal    ${boot}    BMC
+Set Time Owner as Host
+    [Documentation]   ***GOOD PATH***
+    ...               This testcase is to set time owner as Host using REST
+    ...               URI and then verify using REST API.\n
+    [Tags]  Set_Time_Owner_as_Host
+    Set Time Owner   Host
+    ${boot} =   Read Attribute  /org/openbmc/settings/host0    time_owner
+    Should Be Equal    ${boot}    Host
+Set Invalid Time Mode
+    [Documentation]   ***BAD PATH***
+    ...               This testcase is to verify that invalid value for time
+    ...               mode can not be set and proper error is thrown by
+    ...               REST API for the same.
+    [Tags]  Set_Invalid_Time_Mode
+    ${resp} =   Set Time Mode   abc
+    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    error
+    ${boot} =   Read Attribute  /org/openbmc/settings/host0    time_mode
+    Should Not Be Equal    ${boot}    abc
+Set Invalid Time Owner
+    [Documentation]   ***BAD PATH***
+    ...               This testcase is to verify that invalid value for time
+    ...               owner can not be set and proper error is thrown by
+    ...               REST API for the same.
+    [Tags]  Set_Invalid_Time_Owner
+    ${resp} =   Set Time Owner   xyz
+    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    error
+    ${boot} =   Read Attribute  /org/openbmc/settings/host0    time_owner
+    Should Not Be Equal    ${boot}    xyz
 *** Keywords ***
 Get BMC Time And Date
-    ${stdout}    ${stderr}    ${output}=  Execute Command    date "+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"    return_stdout=True    return_stderr= True    return_rc=True
+    ${stdout}    ${stderr}    ${output}=
+    ...          Execute Command    date "+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
+    ...          return_stdout=True    return_stderr= True    return_rc=True
     Should Be Equal    ${output}    ${0}    msg=${stderr}
-    ${resp}=    Convert Date    ${stdout}     date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S      exclude_millis=yes
+    ${resp}=     Convert Date    ${stdout}     date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S
+    ...          exclude_millis=yes
     Should Not Be Empty    ${resp}
     [return]    ${resp}
+Set Time Owner
+    [Arguments]    ${args}
+    ${timeowner} =   Set Variable   ${args}
+    ${valueDict} =   create dictionary   data=${timeowner}
+    ${resp} =   OpenBMC Put Request
+    ...         /org/openbmc/settings/host0/attr/time_owner    data=${valueDict}
+    ${jsondata} =    to json    ${resp.content}
+    [return]    ${jsondata['status']}
+Set Time Mode
+    [Arguments]    ${args}
+    ${timemode} =   Set Variable   ${args}
+    ${valueDict} =   create dictionary   data=${timemode}
+    ${resp} =   OpenBMC Put Request
+    ...         /org/openbmc/settings/host0/attr/time_mode    data=${valueDict}
+    ${jsondata} =    to json    ${resp.content}
+    [return]    ${jsondata['status']}
+Post Test Execution
+    [Documentation]  Perform operations after test execution. It first try to
+    ...              capture FFDC in case of test case failure. Later it sets
+    ...              default values for time mode and owner.
+    Run Keyword If Test Failed    FFDC On Test Case Fail
+    Set Time Mode   NTP
+    Set Time Owner   BMC