Address issue for deprecated syntax

    - Change from :FOR to FOR/END to address a new WARNING in
      the new robot version.
    - Change for accessing a variable like ${software_object}[Path]

Sample warning message as mention below.

FOR loop starting on line 26: For loop header
': FOR' is deprecated. Use 'FOR' instead.

Accessing variable items using
syntax is deprecated. Use
'${software_object}[RequestedActivation]' instead

Change-Id: I2473064178fdd5aba45d1fefa21a91e26852c615
Signed-off-by: Sushil Singh <>
diff --git a/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot b/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot
index a2eacb0..3b72fe1 100644
--- a/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot
+++ b/redfish/extended/test_service_restart_policy.robot
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@
     ...               xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.service
     ...               xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.service
     ...               xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.service
-    : FOR  ${SERVICE}  IN  @{services}
-    \    Check Service Autorestart  ${SERVICE}
+    FOR  ${SERVICE}  IN  @{services}
+      Check Service Autorestart  ${SERVICE}
+    END
 Kill Services And Expect Service Restart
diff --git a/redfish/extended/test_software_manager.robot b/redfish/extended/test_software_manager.robot
index b523f12..bdb43ab 100755
--- a/redfish/extended/test_software_manager.robot
+++ b/redfish/extended/test_software_manager.robot
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     FOR  ${uri}  IN  @{object_uris}
       ${object}=  Read Properties  ${uri}
       Continue For Loop If  not 'Purpose' in ${object}
-      Should Contain Any  &{object}[Purpose]  ${VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST}  ${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}
+      Should Contain Any  ${object}[Purpose]  ${VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST}  ${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}
@@ -130,9 +130,10 @@
     ${software_ids}=  Get Software Objects Id  ${software_purpose}
-    : FOR  ${id}  IN  @{software_ids}
-    \  Length Should Be  ${id}  ${8}
-    \  Should Match Regexp  ${id}  [0-9a-f]*
+    FOR  ${id}  IN  @{software_ids}
+      Length Should Be  ${id}  ${8}
+      Should Match Regexp  ${id}  [0-9a-f]*
+    END
 Verify Software Path
@@ -141,10 +142,11 @@
     ${software_uris}=  Get Software Objects  ${software_purpose}
-    : FOR  ${uri}  IN  @{software_uris}
-    \  ${software_object}=  Get Host Software Property  ${uri}
-    \  Return From Keyword If  len('&{software_object}[Path]') == ${0}
-    \  BMC Execute Command  [ -d "${path}" ]
+    FOR  ${uri}  IN  @{software_uris}
+      ${software_object}=  Get Host Software Property  ${uri}
+      Return From Keyword If  len('${software_object}[Path]') == ${0}
+      BMC Execute Command  [ -d "${path}" ]
+    END
 Verify Software RequestedActivation
@@ -153,10 +155,10 @@
     ${software_uris}=  Get Software Objects  ${software_purpose}
-    : FOR  ${uri}  IN  @{software_uris}
-    \  ${software_object}=  Get Host Software Property  ${uri}
-    \  Should Contain Any  &{software_object}[RequestedActivation]
+    FOR  ${uri}  IN  @{software_uris}
+      ${software_object}=  Get Host Software Property  ${uri}
+      Should Contain Any  ${software_object}[RequestedActivation]  ${REQUESTED_ACTIVE}  ${REQUESTED_NONE}
+    END
 Verify Software Activation Association
@@ -191,8 +193,9 @@
     ${obj_path_list}=  Get Software Objects  ${software_purpose}
-    : FOR  ${index}  IN  @{obj_path_list}
-    \  Verify Inventory Association  ${index}  ${assoiation_path}
+    FOR  ${index}  IN  @{obj_path_list}
+      Verify Inventory Association  ${index}  ${assoiation_path}
+    END
 Verify Inventory Association
@@ -238,12 +241,15 @@
     #   "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/2f974579",
     #   "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/136cf504"
     # ]
     ${obj_list}=  Get Software Objects  ${software_purpose}
-    : FOR  ${index}  IN  @{obj_list}
-    \  ${resp}=  Get Host Software Property  ${index}
-    \  Verify Software Properties  ${resp}  ${software_purpose}
-    \  Run Keyword If  '${software_purpose}' == '${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}'
-    ...  Check BMC Version  ${index}  ${resp["Version"]}
+    FOR  ${index}  IN  @{obj_list}
+      ${resp}=  Get Host Software Property  ${index}
+      Verify Software Properties  ${resp}  ${software_purpose}
+      Run Keyword If  '${software_purpose}' == '${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}'
+      ...  Check BMC Version  ${index}  ${resp["Version"]}
+    END
 Verify Software Properties