2 more redfish local user test cases

Test Cases:
Test 27: Verify Create User Without Enabling It
Test 24: Verify Redfish User Persistence After Reboot
Execution logs: https://pastebin.com/Pjxcb6JJ

Change-Id: I9299e646ab0e99d4fc42ed4ed6e6e31279f49781
Signed-off-by: Sandhya Somashekar <sansomas@in.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Maksym Yepaneshnikov <Maksym_Yepaneshnikov@jabil.com>
diff --git a/redfish/account_service/test_user_account.robot b/redfish/account_service/test_user_account.robot
index 0ebe3f7..98cd76b 100644
--- a/redfish/account_service/test_user_account.robot
+++ b/redfish/account_service/test_user_account.robot
@@ -19,38 +19,73 @@
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp}  ${True}
 Redfish Create and Verify Users
-    [Documentation]  Create Redfish users with various roles
+    [Documentation]  Create Redfish users with various roles.
     [Tags]  Redfish_Create_and_Verify_Users
     [Template]  Redfish Create And Verify User
-     # username       password    role_id         enabled
-       admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}
-       operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}
-       user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}
-       callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}
+    # username       password    role_id         enabled
+    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}
+    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}
+    user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}
+    callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}
 Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password
-    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password
+    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password.
     [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_User_with_Wrong_Password
     [Template]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password
-     # username       password    role_id         enabled  wrong_password
-       admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}  alskjhfwurh
-       operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}  12j8a8uakjhdaosiruf024
-       user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}  12
-       callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}  !#@D#RF#@!D
+    # username       password    role_id         enabled  wrong_password
+    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}  alskjhfwurh
+    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}  12j8a8uakjhdaosiruf024
+    user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}  12
+    callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}  !#@D#RF#@!D
 Verify Login with Deleted Redfish Users
-    [Documentation]  Verify login with deleted Redfish Users
+    [Documentation]  Verify login with deleted Redfish Users.
     [Tags]  Verify_Login_with_Deleted_Redfish_Users
     [Template]  Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User
-     # username       password    role_id         enabled
-       admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}
-       operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}
-       user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}
-       callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}
+    # username       password    role_id         enabled
+    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}
+    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}
+    user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}
+    callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}
+Verify User Creation Without Enabling it
+    [Documentation]  Verify User Creation Without Enabling it.
+    [Tags]  Verify_User_Creation_Without_Enabling_it
+    [Template]  Redfish Create And Verify User
+    # username       password    role_id         enabled
+    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${False}
+    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${False}
+    user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${False}
+    callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${False}
+Verify Redfish User Persistence After Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish user persistence after reboot.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_User_Persistence_After_Reboot
+    # Create Redfish users.
+    Redfish Create User  admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}
+    Redfish Create User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}
+    Redfish Create User  user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}
+    Redfish Create User  callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}
+    # Reboot BMC.
+    Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
+    # Verify users after reboot.
+    Redfish Verify User  admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}
+    Redfish Verify User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}
+    Redfish Verify User  user_user      TestPwd123  User            ${True}
+    Redfish Verify User  callback_user  TestPwd123  Callback        ${True}
+    # Delete created users.
+    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user
+    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user
+    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user_user
+    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/callback_user
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -66,6 +101,50 @@
     FFDC On Test Case Fail
+Redfish Create User
+    [Documentation]  Redfish create user.
+    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # username            The username to be created.
+    # password            The password to be assigned.
+    # role_id             The role id of the user to be created
+    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
+    # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
+    #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).
+    # Create specified user.
+    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
+    ...  UserName=${username}  Password=${password}  RoleId=${role_id}  Enabled=${enabled}
+    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts  body=&{payload}
+    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}]
+Redfish Verify User
+    [Documentation]  Redfish user verification.
+    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # username            The username to be created.
+    # password            The password to be assigned.
+    # role_id             The role id of the user to be created
+    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
+    # Trying todo a login with created user
+    ${is_redfish}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}
+    # Doing a check of the rerurned status
+    Should Be Equal  ${is_redfish}  ${enabled}
+    # We do not needed to login with created user (user could be in disabled status)
+    Redfish.Login
+    # Validate Role Id of created user.
+    ${role_config}=  Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute
+    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}  RoleId
+    Should Be Equal  ${role_id}  ${role_config}
 Redfish Create And Verify User
     [Documentation]  Redfish create and verify user.
     [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
@@ -78,47 +157,16 @@
     # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
     #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).
-    # Example:
-    #{
-    #"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ManagerAccount.ManagerAccount",
-    #"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test1",
-    #"@odata.type": "#ManagerAccount.v1_0_3.ManagerAccount",
-    #"Description": "User Account",
-    #"Enabled": true,
-    #"Id": "test1",
-    #"Links": {
-    #  "Role": {
-    #    "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator"
-    #  }
-    #},
+    Redfish Create User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
-    # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist.
-    Run Keyword And Ignore Error
-    ...  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
-    # Create specified user.
-    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
-    ...  UserName=${username}  Password=${password}  RoleId=${role_id}  Enabled=${enabled}
-    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts  body=&{payload}
-    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}]
-    Redfish.Logout
-    # Login with created user.
-    Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}
-    # Validate Role Id of created user.
-    ${role_config}=  Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute
-    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}  RoleId
-    Should Be Equal  ${role_id}  ${role_config}
-    Redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
+    Redfish Verify User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
     # Delete Specified User
-    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
+    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}
 Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password
-    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password
+    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password.
     [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}  ${wrong_password}
     # Description of argument(s):
@@ -130,22 +178,7 @@
     #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).
     # wrong_password      Any invalid password.
-    # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist.
-    Run Keyword And Ignore Error
-    ...  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
-    # Create specified user.
-    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
-    ...  UserName=${username}  Password=${password}  RoleId=${role_id}  Enabled=${enabled}
-    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts  body=&{payload}
-    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}]
-    Redfish.Logout
-    # Login with created user.
-    Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}
-    Redfish.Logout
+    Redfish Create User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
     # Attempt to login with created user with invalid password.
     Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
@@ -154,11 +187,11 @@
     # Delete newly created user.
-    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
+    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}
 Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User
-    [Documentation]  Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User
+    [Documentation]  Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User.
     [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
     # Description of argument(s):
@@ -169,30 +202,14 @@
     # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
     #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).
-    # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist.
-    Run Keyword And Ignore Error
-    ...  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
-    Redfish.Login
-    # Create specified user.
-    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
-    ...  UserName=${username}  Password=${password}  RoleId=${role_id}  Enabled=${enabled}
-    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts  body=&{payload}
-    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}]
-    Redfish.Logout
-    # Login with created user.
-    Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}
-    Redfish.Logout
-    Redfish.Login
+    Redfish Create User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}
     # Delete newly created user.
-    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
+    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}
-    # Attempt to login with deleted user account.
-    Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
-    ...  Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}
+    ${is_redfish}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}
+    # Doing a check of the rerurned status
+    Should Be Equal  ${is_redfish}  ${False}
+    Redfish.Login