Update test_os_reboot.robot suite to redfish

Change-Id: I9afeca43171fd3f4fb954df9e1027c735d32b1c5
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <gkeishin@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/redfish/extended/test_os_reboot.robot b/redfish/extended/test_os_reboot.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1954eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redfish/extended/test_os_reboot.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation   Module to test OS reboot functionality.
+Resource        ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource        ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
+Suite Setup     Run Key  Start SOL Console Logging
+Test Teardown   Test Teardown Execution
+*** Variables ***
+# User defined boot test iteration.
+${BOOT_LOOP_COUNT}   ${1}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Host Reboot Loop
+    [Documentation]  Boot OS and trigger reboot and expect
+    ...              OS to boot back.
+    [Tags]  Host_Reboot_Loop
+    # 1. Boot OS
+    # 2. Verify OS is booted
+    # 3. Issue "reboot" from OS
+    # 4. Verify if OS is booted back
+    # By default run test for 1 loop, else user input iteration.
+    # Fails immediately if any of the execution rounds fail.
+    # Note: Host Reboot is implemented by the OBMC Boot Test tool.
+    # OBMC Boot Test will take the necessary steps to get the OBMC
+    # to a host powered on state before attempting the Host Reboot.
+    Repeat Keyword  ${BOOT_LOOP_COUNT} times  Redfish Host Reboot
+*** Keywords ***
+Test Teardown Execution
+    [Documentation]  Do the post test teardown.
+    # 1. Capture FFDC on test failure.
+    # 2. Stop SOL logging.
+    # 3. Close all open SSH connections.
+    FFDC On Test Case Fail
+    ${keyword_buf}=  Catenate  Stop SOL Console Logging
+    ...  \ targ_file_path=${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}SOL.log
+    Run Key  ${keyword_buf}
+    Close All Connections