Processor frequency check turbo and non-turbo.

Moved Set Turbo Setting Via Rest to lib/utils.robot from
Added new module proc_freq_check.robot.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#916
Change-Id: I9f064a6af49481aaa493a674c80e5ac293f1351e
Signed-off-by: Steven Sombar <>
diff --git a/tests/test_sensors.robot b/tests/test_sensors.robot
index 27ee44e..3c6ceef 100644
--- a/tests/test_sensors.robot
+++ b/tests/test_sensors.robot
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 Resource               ../lib/state_manager.robot
 Library                ../data/
 Resource               ../lib/boot_utils.robot
+Resource               ../lib/utils.robot
 Suite Setup            Setup The Suite
 Test Setup             Open Connection And Log In
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
 *** Keywords ***
 Setup The Suite
-    [Documentation]  Do the initial suite setup.
+    [Documentation]  Initial suite setup.
     # Boot Host.
     REST Power On
@@ -221,23 +222,6 @@
     ${x}=       get inventory sensor   ${OPENBMC_MODEL}   ${name}
     [Return]     ${x}
-Read Turbo Setting Via REST
-    [Documentation]  Return turbo allowed setting.
-    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${SENSORS_URI}host/TurboAllowed
-    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-    [Return]  ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
-Set Turbo Setting Via REST
-    [Documentation]  Set turbo setting via REST.
-    [Arguments]  ${setting}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # setting  Value which needs to be set.(i.e. False or True)
-    ${valueDict}=  Create Dictionary  data=${setting}
-    Write Attribute  ${SENSORS_URI}host/TurboAllowed  value  data=${valueDict}
 Post Test Case Execution
     [Documentation]  Do the post test teardown.
     ...  1. Capture FFDC on test failure.