Verify VLAN configuration use cases

Change-Id: Ia0e3a9887c9d9beddb9639c50666f00698e4469d
Signed-off-by: Naman Navin Hegde <>
diff --git a/network/test_vlan_network.robot b/network/test_vlan_network.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33542a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/network/test_vlan_network.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation           Test setting VLAN and its configuration.
+Resource                        ../lib/rest_client.robot
+Resource                        ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
+Resource                        ../lib/utils.robot
+Resource                        ../lib/common_utils.robot
+Resource                        ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource                        ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
+Resource                        ../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
+Resource                        ../lib/state_manager.robot
+Library                         ../lib/
+Library                         ../lib/
+Library                         ../lib/
+Library                         Collections
+Suite Teardown                  Suite Teardown Execution
+*** Variables ***
+${vlan_id}                      ${53}
+${invalid_vlan_id}              abc
+${vlan_resource}                ${NETWORK_MANAGER}action/VLAN
+${network_resource}             xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv4
+${static_network_resource}      xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.AddressOrigin.Static
+${netmask}                      ${24}
+${initial_vlan_config}          @{EMPTY}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Add VLAN Via REST And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Add VLAN via REST and verify it via REST and IPMI.
+    [Tags]  Add_VLAN_Via_REST_And_Verify
+    [Setup]  Test Setup Execution
+    [Teardown]  Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Create VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Verify Existence Of VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID']  ["${vlan_id}"]
+Add Invalid VLAN Via REST And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Add Invalid VLAN via REST and verify.
+    [Tags]  Add_Invalid_VLAN_Via_REST_And_Verify
+    Create VLAN  ${invalid_vlan_id}  expected_result=error
+Delete VLAN Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Delete VLAN via REST and verify it via REST and IPMI.
+    [Tags]  Delete_VLAN_Via_REST
+    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Create VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Verify Existence Of VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Verify Existence Of VLAN  ${vlan_id}  expected_result=error
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID']  ["Disabled"]
+Configure Network Settings On VLAN Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Configure IP on VLAN and verify it via REST and IPMI.
+    [Tags]  Configure_Network_Settings_On_VLAN_Via_REST
+    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Create VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    [Teardown]  Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Configure Network Settings On VLAN  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}  ${netmask}
+    Get VLAN URI For IP  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['IP Address']  ["${ip}"]
+Delete IP On VLAN Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Delete IP on VLAN and verify it via REST and IPMI.
+    [Tags]  Delete_IP_On_VLAN_Via_REST
+    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Create VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    [Teardown]  Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Configure Network Settings On VLAN  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}  ${netmask}
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['IP Address']  ["${ip}"]
+    ${vlan_ip_uri}=  Get VLAN URI For IP  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}
+    Delete IP And Object  ${ip}  ${vlan_ip_uri}
+    Get VLAN URI For IP  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}  expected_result=error
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Should Not Match  ${lan_config['IP Address']}  ${ip}
+Delete VLAN When IP Is Configured Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Delete IP on VLAN and verify using IPMI.
+    [Tags]  Delete_VLAN_When_IP_Is_Configured_Via_REST
+    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Create VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    [Teardown]  Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Configure Network Settings On VLAN  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}  ${netmask}
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['IP Address']  ["${ip}"]
+    Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Verify Existence Of VLAN  ${vlan_id}  expected_result=error
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID']  ["Disabled"]
+Configure VLAN And Check Persistency On Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Create VLAN ID & IP , reboot and verify.
+    [Tags]  Configure_VLAN_And_Check_Persistency_On_Reboot
+    [Setup]  Test Setup Execution
+    [Teardown]  Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Create VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Configure Network Settings On VLAN  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}  ${netmask}
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['IP Address']  ["${ip}"]
+    Valid Value  lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID']  ["${vlan_id}"]
+    Initiate BMC Reboot
+    Verify Existence Of VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    Get VLAN URI For IP  ${vlan_id}  ${ip}
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Valid Value  lan_config['IP Address']  ["${ip}"]
+    Valid Value  lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID']  ["${vlan_id}"]
+*** Keywords ***
+Test Setup Execution
+    [Documentation]  Check and delete all previously created VLAN if any.
+    ${lan_config}=  Get LAN Print Dict
+    Return From Keyword If  '${lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID']}' == 'Disabled'
+    # Get all VLAN ID on interface eth0.
+    ${vlan_ids}=  Get VLAN IDs
+    ${initial_vlan_config}=  Create List
+    Set Suite Variable  ${initial_vlan_config}
+    FOR  ${vlan_id}  IN  @{vlan_ids}
+    ${vlan_records}=  Read Properties
+    ...  ${NETWORK_MANAGER}eth0_${vlan_id}${/}enumerate  quiet=1
+    ${vlan_record}=  Filter Struct
+    ...  ${vlan_records}  [('Origin', '${static_network_resource}')]
+    ${id}=  Convert To Integer  ${vlan_id}
+    Set Initial VLAN Config  ${vlan_record}  ${id}
+    END
+    Rprint Vars  initial_vlan_config
+    FOR  ${vlan_id}  IN  @{vlan_ids}
+    Delete VLAN  ${vlan_id}
+    END
+Set Initial VLAN Config
+    [Documentation]  Set suite level list of Initial VLAN Config.
+    [Arguments]  ${vlan_record}  ${id}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # vlan_record  Dictionary of IP configuration information of a VLAN.
+    # Example:
+    #  /xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0_55/ipv4/5fb2cfe6": {
+    #  "Address": "x.x.x.x",
+    #  "Gateway": "",
+    #  "Origin": "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.AddressOrigin.Static",
+    #  "PrefixLength": 16,
+    #  "Type": "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv4"}
+    #
+    # id  The VLAN ID corresponding to the IP Configuration records contained
+    #     in the variable "vlan_record".
+    ${uris}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${vlan_record}
+    FOR  ${uri}  IN  @{uris}
+    Append To List  ${initial_vlan_config}  ${id}  ${vlan_record['${uri}']['Address']}
+    ...  ${vlan_record['${uri}']['PrefixLength']}
+    END
+    Run Keyword If  @{uris} == @{EMPTY}
+    ...  Append To List  ${initial_vlan_config}  ${id}  ${EMPTY}  ${EMPTY}
+Suite Teardown Execution
+    [Documentation]  Restore VLAN configuration.
+    ${length}=  Get Length  ${initial_vlan_config}
+    Return From Keyword If  ${length} == ${0}
+    ${previous_id}=  Set Variable  ${EMPTY}
+    FOR  ${index}  IN RANGE  0  ${length}  3
+    Run Keyword If  '${initial_vlan_config[${index+1}]}' == '${EMPTY}'
+    ...  Create VLAN  ${initial_vlan_config[${index}]}
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${previous_id}' == '${initial_vlan_config[${index}]}'
+    ...  Configure Network Settings On VLAN  ${initial_vlan_config[${index}]}
+    ...  ${initial_vlan_config[${index+1}]}  ${initial_vlan_config[${index+2}]}
+    ...  ELSE  Run Keywords  Create VLAN  ${initial_vlan_config[${index}]}  AND
+    ...  Configure Network Settings On VLAN  ${initial_vlan_config[${index}]}
+    ...  ${initial_vlan_config[${index+1}]}  ${initial_vlan_config[${index+2}]}
+    ${previous_id}=  Set Variable  ${initial_vlan_config[${index}]}
+    END
+Delete VLAN
+    [Documentation]  Delete a VLAN.
+    [Arguments]  ${id}  ${interface}=eth0
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # id  The VLAN ID (e.g. '53').
+    # interface  The physical interface for the VLAN(e.g. 'eth0').
+    OpenBMC Delete Request  ${NETWORK_MANAGER}${interface}_${id}
+    Sleep  ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}s
+Create VLAN
+    [Documentation]  Create a VLAN.
+    [Arguments]  ${id}  ${interface}=eth0  ${expected_result}=valid
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # id  The VLAN ID (e.g. '53').
+    # interface  The physical interface for the VLAN(e.g. 'eth0').
+    @{data_vlan_id}=  Create List  ${interface}  ${id}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary   data=@{data_vlan_id}
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request  ${vlan_resource}  data=${data}
+    ${resp.status_code}=  Convert To String  ${resp.status_code}
+    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
+    ...  Valid Value  resp.status_code  ["${HTTP_OK}"]
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_result}' == 'error'
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${False}
+    ...      msg=Configuration of an invalid VLAN ID Failed.
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${True}
+    ...      msg=Configuration of a valid VLAN ID Failed.
+    Sleep  ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}s
+    [Documentation]  Return all VLAN IDs.
+    ${vlan_ids}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
+    ...  /sbin/ip addr | grep @eth0 | cut -f1 -d@ | cut -f2 -d.
+    ${vlan_ids}=  Split String  ${vlan_ids}
+    [Return]  @{vlan_ids}
+Configure Network Settings On VLAN
+    [Documentation]  Configure network settings.
+    [Arguments]  ${id}  ${ip_addr}  ${prefix_len}  ${gateway_ip}=${gateway}
+    ...  ${expected_result}=valid  ${interface}=eth0
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # id               The VLAN ID (e.g. '53').
+    # ip_addr          IP address of VLAN Interface.
+    # prefix_len       Prefix length of VLAN Interface.
+    # gateway_ip       Gateway IP address of VLAN Interface.
+    # expected_result  Expected status of network setting configuration.
+    # interface        Physical Interface on which the VLAN is defined.
+    @{ip_parm_list}=  Create List  ${network_resource}
+    ...  ${ip_addr}  ${prefix_len}  ${gateway_ip}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{ip_parm_list}
+    Run Keyword And Ignore Error  OpenBMC Post Request
+    ...  ${NETWORK_MANAGER}${interface}_${id}/action/IP  data=${data}
+    # After any modification on network interface, BMC restarts network
+    # module, wait until it is reachable. Then wait 15 seconds for new
+    # configuration to be updated on BMC.
+    Wait For Host To Ping  ${OPENBMC_HOST}  ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}
+    Sleep  ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}s
+    # Verify whether new IP address is populated on BMC system.
+    # It should not allow to configure invalid settings.
+    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
+    ...  Verify IP On BMC  ${ip_addr}
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_result}' == 'error'
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${False}
+    ...      msg=Configuration of invalid IP Failed.
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${True}
+    ...      msg=Configuration of valid IP Failed.
+    [Documentation]  Get and return the URI for a VLAN IP.
+    [Arguments]  ${vlan_id}  ${vlan_ip}  ${expected_result}=valid
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # vlan_id  The VLAN ID (e.g. '53').
+    # vlan_ip  The VLAN IP (e.g. 'x.x.x.x').
+    ${vlan_records}=  Read Properties
+    ...  ${NETWORK_MANAGER}eth0_${vlan_id}${/}enumerate  quiet=1
+    ${vlan_record}=  Filter Struct  ${vlan_records}  [('Address', '${vlan_ip}')]
+    ${num_vlan_records}=  Get Length  ${vlan_record}
+    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Be True  ${num_vlan_records} > 0
+    ...  msg=Could not find a uri for vlan "${vlan_id}" with IP "${vlan_ip}".
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_result}' == 'valid'
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${True}
+    ...      msg=VLAN IP URI Dosen't exist!.
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${False}
+    ...      msg=VLAN IP URI exists!.
+    ${uris}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${vlan_record}
+    Return From Keyword If  @{uris} == @{EMPTY}
+    [Return]  ${uris[${0}]}
+Verify Existence Of VLAN
+    [Documentation]  Verify VLAN ID exists.
+    [Arguments]  ${id}  ${interface}=eth0  ${expected_result}=valid
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # id  The VLAN ID (e.g. id:'53').
+    # interface        Physical Interface on which the VLAN is defined.
+    # expected_result  Expected status to check existence or non-existence of VLAN.
+    ${vlan_ids}=  Get VLAN IDs
+    ${cli_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
+    ...  Valid List  vlan_ids  required_values=['${id}']
+    ${network_records}=  Read Properties  ${NETWORK_MANAGER}
+    ${rest_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Valid List  network_records
+    ...  required_values=['${NETWORK_MANAGER}${interface}_${id}']
+    Should Be Equal  ${rest_status}  ${cli_status}
+    ...  msg=REST and CLI Output are not the same.
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_result}' == 'valid'
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${rest_status}  ${True}
+    ...      msg=VLAN ID Dosen't exist!.
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...      Should Be Equal  ${rest_status}  ${False}
+    ...      msg=VLAN ID exists!.