Added a testcase to verify LDAP user with admin privilege

Change-Id: I262c70218b50dedf6945ac67b0f7e041369ab48e
Signed-off-by: Anves Kumar rayankula <>
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_ldap.robot b/gui/gui_test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_ldap.robot
index f12e73f..adf5c9a 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_ldap.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_ldap.robot
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "LDAP" sub-menu of "Access control".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
+Resource        ../../../lib/bmc_ldap_utils.robot
 Suite Setup     Suite Setup Execution
 Suite Teardown  Close Browser
@@ -21,6 +22,11 @@
 ${xpath_ldap_base_dn}                   //*[@data-test-id='ldap-input-baseDn']
 ${xpath_ldap_save_settings}             //*[@data-test-id='ldap-button-saveSettings']
 ${xpath_select_refresh_button}          //*[text()[contains(.,"Refresh")]]
+${xpath_add_group_name}                 //*[@id="role-group-name"]
+${xpath_add_group_Privilege}            //*[@id="privilege"]
+${xpath_add_privilege_button}           //button[text()=" Add "]
+${xpath_delete_group_button}            //*[@title="Delete"]
+${xpath_delete_button}                  //button[text()="Delete"]
@@ -128,6 +134,17 @@
     ...  msg=LDAP user was able to login even though the LDAP service was disabled.
+Verify LDAP User With Admin Privilege
+    [Documentation]  Verify that LDAP user with administrator privilege is able to do BMC reboot.
+    [Tags]  Verify_LDAP_User_With_Admin_Privilege
+    [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Login  AND  Delete LDAP Role Group  ${GROUP_NAME}
+    Update LDAP Configuration with LDAP User Role And Group  ${GROUP_NAME}  ${GROUP_PRIVILEGE}
+    Redfish.Login  ${LDAP_USER}  ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD}
+    Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
+    Redfish.Logout
 *** Keywords ***
 Suite Setup Execution
@@ -136,7 +153,6 @@
     Launch Browser And Login GUI
     # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/access-control/ldap  LDAP page.
     Click Element  ${xpath_access_control_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_ldap_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  ldap
@@ -209,3 +225,44 @@
     ...  ELSE
     ...  Checkbox Should Be Selected  ${radio_buttons}[${1}]
     Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${True}
+Update LDAP Configuration With LDAP User Role And Group
+    [Documentation]  Update LDAP configuration update with LDAP user role and group.
+    [Arguments]  ${group_name}  ${group_privilege}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # group_name       The group name of LDAP user.
+    # group_privilege  The group privilege for LDAP user
+    #                  (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", "ReadOnly" or "NoAcccess").
+    Create LDAP Configuration
+    Click Element  ${xpath_add_role_group_button}
+    Input Text  ${xpath_add_group_name}  ${group_name}
+    Select From List By Value  ${xpath_add_group_Privilege}  ${group_privilege}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_add_privilege_button}
+    # Verify group name after adding.
+    ${ldap_group_name}=  Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish
+    List Should Contain Value  ${ldap_group_name}  ${group_name}
+Delete LDAP Role Group
+    [Documentation]  Delete LDAP role group.
+    [Arguments]  ${group_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # group_name         The group name of LDAP user.
+    #  Verify given group name is exist before deleting.
+    ${ldap_group_name}=  Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish
+    List Should Contain Value  ${ldap_group_name}  ${group_name}  msg=${group_name} not available.
+    ${get_groupname_index}=  Get Index From List  ${ldap_group_name}  ${group_name}
+    ${delete_group_elements}=  Get WebElements  ${xpath_delete_group_button}
+    Click Element  ${delete_group_elements}[${get_groupname_index}]
+    Click Element  ${xpath_delete_button}
+    # Verify group name after deleting.
+    ${ldap_group_name}=  Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish
+    List Should Not Contain Value  ${ldap_group_name}  ${group_name}  msg=${group_name} not available.
diff --git a/lib/bmc_ldap_utils.robot b/lib/bmc_ldap_utils.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d2a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bmc_ldap_utils.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  This module provides general keywords for LDAP.
+*** Keywords ***
+Get LDAP Configuration Using Redfish
+    [Documentation]  Retrieve LDAP Configuration.
+    [Arguments]   ${ldap_type}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # ldap_type  The LDAP type ("ActiveDirectory" or "LDAP").
+    ${ldap_config}=  Redfish.Get Properties  ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService
+    [Return]  ${ldap_config["${ldap_type}"]}
+Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish
+    [Documentation]  Get LDAP groupname via Redfish.
+    # Get LDAP configuration via Redfish.
+    # Sample output of LDAP configuration:
+    # {
+    #  'RemoteRoleMapping': [
+    #    {
+    #     'RemoteGroup': 'openldapgroup',
+    #     'LocalRole': 'Administrator'
+    #     },
+    #   ],
+    #  'Authentication':
+    #   {
+    #    'Username': 'cn=Administrator,dc=ldap,dc=com',
+    #    'Password': None,
+    #    'AuthenticationType': 'UsernameAndPassword'
+    #   },
+    #  'LDAPService':
+    #    {
+    #     'SearchSettings':
+    #      {
+    #       'BaseDistinguishedNames': ['dc=ldap,dc=com'],
+    #       'UsernameAttribute': 'cn',
+    #       'GroupsAttribute': 'gidNumber'
+    #      }
+    #    },
+    #  'ServiceEnabled': True,
+    #  'Certificates':
+    #    {
+    #      '': u'/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates'
+    #    },
+    #  'ServiceAddresses': ['ldap://xx.xx.xx.xx/']
+    # }
+    ${ldap_config}=  Get LDAP Configuration Using Redfish  ${LDAP_TYPE}
+    ${num_list_entries}=  Get Length  ${ldap_config["RemoteRoleMapping"]}
+    Return From Keyword If  ${num_list_entries} == ${0}  @{EMPTY}
+    ${ldap_group_names}=  Create List
+    FOR  ${i}  IN RANGE  ${num_list_entries}
+      Append To List  ${ldap_group_names}  ${ldap_config["RemoteRoleMapping"][${i}]["RemoteGroup"]}
+    END
+    [Return]  ${ldap_group_names}