Remove tests/test_user.robot from tests.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1109

Change-Id: Ied94bffb07d3b14c28115465502e71e33062b00c
Signed-off-by: Sweta Potthuri <>
diff --git a/test_lists/skip_test_barreleye b/test_lists/skip_test_barreleye
index cbe1440..238d95e 100644
--- a/test_lists/skip_test_barreleye
+++ b/test_lists/skip_test_barreleye
@@ -35,5 +35,3 @@
 # Applicable only for witherspoon
 -e Verify_Boxelder_Present_Property
 -e Verify_Boxelder_MAC_Address_Property_Is_Populated
--e User_Management
diff --git a/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto b/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto
index 2ad97e1..36b55bd 100644
--- a/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto
+++ b/test_lists/skip_test_palmetto
@@ -46,5 +46,3 @@
 # Applicable only for witherspoon
 -e Verify_Boxelder_Present_Property
 -e Verify_Boxelder_MAC_Address_Property_Is_Populated
--e User_Management
diff --git a/test_lists/skip_test_witherspoon b/test_lists/skip_test_witherspoon
index 0c39dc4..acf7442 100644
--- a/test_lists/skip_test_witherspoon
+++ b/test_lists/skip_test_witherspoon
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
 -e Verify_Minimal_System_Inventory
 -e Set_BMC_Time_With_Split_And_Manual
--e User_Management
 # NA test case for Witherspoon
 -e io_board_Present
 -e io_board_Fault
diff --git a/tests/test_user.robot b/tests/test_user.robot
deleted file mode 100755
index 6da38ba..0000000
--- a/tests/test_user.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation       This suite is for testing Open BMC user account management.
-...                 The randomness of the string generated is limited to the
-...                 instance per test case however we end up running multiple
-...                 test and multiple iteration. This creates scenario where
-...                 the same previous user is generated.
-...                 As a good practice, clean up all the users at the end of
-...                 test.
-Resource            ../lib/rest_client.robot
-Resource            ../lib/utils.robot
-Resource            ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
-Library             OperatingSystem
-Library             SSHLibrary
-Library             String
-Test Teardown       FFDC On Test Case Fail
-Force Tags  User_Management
-*** Variables ***
-${VALID_PASSWORD}          abc123
-${NON_EXISTING_USER}       aaaaa
-*** Test Cases ***
-Create and delete user group
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for testing user group creation
-    ...                 and deletion in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]  Create_and_delete_user_group
-    ${groupname}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create UserGroup    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${usergroup_list}=    Get GroupListUsr
-    Should Contain     ${usergroup_list}    ${groupname}
-    ${resp}=    Delete Group    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-Create and delete user without group name
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for testing user creation with
-    ...                 without groupname in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_and_delete_user_without_group_name
-    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${EMPTY}    ${password}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-    Should Contain     ${user_list}    ${username}
-    Login BMC    ${username}    ${password}
-    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-    ${resp}=    Delete User    ${username}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-Create and delete user with user group name
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for testing user creation with
-    ...                 user name, password, comment and group name(user group)
-    ...                 in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_and_delete_user_with_user_group_name
-    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${groupname}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create UserGroup    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${groupname}    ${password}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-    Should Contain     ${user_list}    ${username}
-    Login BMC    ${username}    ${password}
-    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-    ${resp}=    Delete User    ${username}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${resp}=    Delete Group    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-Create multiple users
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is to verify that multiple users creation
-    ...                 in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_multiple_users
-    : FOR    ${INDEX}    IN RANGE    1    10
-        \    Log    ${INDEX}
-        \    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-        \    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-        \    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-        \    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${EMPTY}    ${password}
-        \    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-        \    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-        \    Should Contain     ${user_list}    ${username}
-        \    Login BMC    ${username}    ${password}
-        \    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-        \    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-Create and delete user without password
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is to create and delete a user without password
-    ...                 in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_and_delete_user_without_password
-    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${groupname}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create UserGroup    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${groupname}    ${EMPTY}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-    Should Contain     ${user_list}    ${username}
-    Login BMC    ${username}    ${EMPTY}
-    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-    ${resp}=    Delete User    ${username}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${resp}=    Delete Group    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-Set password for existing user
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for testing password set for user
-    ...                 in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Set_password_for_existing_user
-    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${EMPTY}    ${password}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-    Should Contain     ${user_list}    ${username}
-    Login BMC    ${username}    ${password}
-    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-    ${resp}=    Change Password    ${username}    ${VALID_PASSWORD}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    Login BMC    ${username}    ${VALID_PASSWORD}
-    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-    ${resp}=    Delete User    ${username}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-Set password with empty password for existing
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is to verify that empty password can be set
-    ...                 for a existing user.\n
-    [Tags]              Set_password_with_empty_password_for_existing
-    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${EMPTY}    ${password}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-    Should Contain     ${user_list}    ${username}
-    Login BMC    ${username}    ${password}
-    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-    ${resp}=    Change Password    ${username}    ${EMPTY}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    Login BMC    ${username}    ${EMPTY}
-    ${rc}=    Execute Command    echo Login    return_stdout=False    return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal    ${rc}    ${0}
-Set password for non existing user
-    [Documentation]     ***BAD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for testing password set for non-existing user
-    ...                 in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Set_password_for_non_existing_user
-    ${resp}=    Change Password    ${NON_EXISTING_USER}    ${VALID_PASSWORD}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    error
-Create existing user
-    [Documentation]     ***BAD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for checking that user creation is not allowed
-    ...                 for existing user in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_existing_user
-    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${EMPTY}    ${EMPTY}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${username}    ${EMPTY}    ${EMPTY}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    error
-    ${resp}=    Delete User    ${username}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-Create user with no name
-    [Documentation]     ***BAD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for checking that user creation is not allowed
-    ...                 with empty username in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_user_with_no_name
-    ${username}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${password}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${comment}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${groupname}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create User    ${comment}    ${EMPTY}    ${groupname}    ${password}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    error
-    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-    Should Not Contain     ${user_list}    ${EMPTY}
-Create existing user group
-    [Documentation]     ***BAD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for checking that user group creation is not allowed
-    ...                 for existing user group in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_existing_user_group
-    ${groupname}=    Generate Random String    ${RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH}
-    ${resp}=    Create UserGroup    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-    ${resp}=    Create UserGroup    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    error
-    ${resp}=    Delete Group    ${groupname}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-Create user group with no name
-    [Documentation]     ***BAD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is for checking that user group creation is not allowed
-    ...                 with empty groupname in open bmc.\n
-    [Tags]              Create_user_group_with_no_name
-    ${resp}=    Create UserGroup    ${EMPTY}
-    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    error
-    ${usergroup_list}=    Get GroupListUsr
-    Should Not Contain    ${usergroup_list}    ${EMPTY}
-Cleanup Users List
-    [Documentation]     ***GOOD PATH***
-    ...                 This testcase is to clean up multiple users created by
-    ...                 the test so as to leave the system in cleaner state.
-    ...                 This is a no-op if there is no user list on the BMC.
-    [Tags]  Cleanup_Users_List
-    ${user_list}=    Get UserList
-    : FOR   ${username}   IN   @{user_list}
-    \    ${resp}=    Delete User    ${username}
-    \    Should Be Equal    ${resp}    ok
-*** Keywords ***
-Get UserList
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...   ${USER_MANAGER_URI}Users/action/UserList   data=${data}
-    should be equal as strings    ${resp.status_code}    ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${jsondata}=    to json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata['data']}
-Get GroupListUsr
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...   ${USER_MANAGER_URI}/Groups/action/GroupListUsr   data=${data}
-    should be equal as strings    ${resp.status_code}    ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${jsondata}=    to json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata['data']}
-Create User
-    [Arguments]    ${comment}    ${username}    ${groupname}    ${password}
-    @{user_list}=   Create List     ${comment}    ${username}    ${groupname}    ${password}
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{user_list}
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...    ${USER_MANAGER_URI}Users/action/UserAdd      data=${data}
-    ${jsondata}=    to json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata['status']}
-Change Password
-    [Arguments]    ${username}    ${password}
-    @{user_list}=   Create List     ${username}    ${password}
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{user_list}
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...    ${USER_MANAGER_URI}User/action/Passwd      data=${data}
-    ${jsondata}=    to json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata['status']}
-Create UserGroup
-    [Arguments]    ${args}
-    @{group_list}=   Create List     ${args}
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{group_list}
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...    ${USER_MANAGER_URI}Groups/action/GroupAddUsr      data=${data}
-    ${jsondata}=    to json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata['status']}
-Delete Group
-    [Arguments]    ${args}
-    @{group_list}=   Create List     ${args}
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{group_list}
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...    ${USER_MANAGER_URI}Group/action/GroupDel      data=${data}
-    ${jsondata}=    to json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata['status']}
-Delete User
-    [Arguments]    ${args}
-    @{user_list}=   Create List     ${args}
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{user_list}
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...    ${USER_MANAGER_URI}User/action/Userdel      data=${data}
-    ${jsondata}=    to json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata['status']}
-Login BMC
-    [Arguments]    ${username}    ${password}
-    Open connection     ${OPENBMC_HOST}
-    ${resp}=   Login   ${username}    ${password}
-    [Return]    ${resp}