Updated BMC Execute Command in the "syslib" and "tests" folders

  - Replace Uses of "Execute Command On BMC" with
    "BMC Execute Command" in the syslib and test folders.

Change-Id: I39fcf474f88310e0a022890f20c36823bf535355
Signed-off-by: Joy Onyerikwu <onyekachukwu.joy.onyerikwu@ibm.com>
diff --git a/tests/test_basic_poweron.robot b/tests/test_basic_poweron.robot
index 677bbc8..eb463a8 100644
--- a/tests/test_basic_poweron.robot
+++ b/tests/test_basic_poweron.robot
@@ -47,10 +47,8 @@
     [Documentation]  Parse the journal log and check for failures.
     [Tags]  Check_For_Application_Failures
-    Open Connection And Log In
-    ${journal_log}=  Execute Command On BMC
-    ...  journalctl --no-pager | egrep '${ERROR_REGEX}'
+    ${journal_log}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
+    ...  journalctl --no-pager | egrep '${ERROR_REGEX}'  ignore_err=1
     Should Be Empty  ${journal_log}