Changed to using ssh to log os console.

- Created ssh_pw program.
- Modified "Stop OS Console Logging" and "Start OS Console Logging" to
  work with new ssh_pw program.
- Created 2 supporting keywords:
  - "Create OS Console File Path"
  - "Create OS Console Command String"
- Removed "Stop OBMC Console Client" keyword which is no longer needed.
- Modified tox.ini to be able to find ssh_pw.

Change-Id: Ifd8fc95db16fcbcbbe0a36d7e4d09383e2d1e161
Signed-off-by: David Shaw <>
diff --git a/bin/ssh_pw b/bin/ssh_pw
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..daf558c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ssh_pw
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect --
+# ssh using the parms provided by the caller.  The benefit provided by this
+# program is that it will enter the password for you (i.e. non-interactively).
+# Description of arguments:
+# Arg0: The password.
+# Arg1: The ssh parm string.  This is the totality of ssh parms you wish to
+#       specify (e.g. userid, host, etc.).
+# Main
+  # Get arguments.
+  set password [lindex $argv 0]
+  set ssh_parms [lreplace $argv 0 0]
+  eval spawn ssh ${ssh_parms}
+  set timeout 30
+  set max_attempts 3
+  set attempts 0
+  while { 1 } {
+    incr attempts 1
+    expect {
+      -re "assword:" {
+        send "$password\r"
+        break
+      }
+      -re "Are you sure you want to continue connecting" {
+        if { $attempts > $max_attempts } {
+          puts stderr "**ERROR** Exceeded $max_attempts attempts to ssh."
+          exit 1
+        }
+        send "yes\r"
+      }
+      timeout {
+        puts stderr "**ERROR** Timed out waiting for password prompt."
+        exit 1
+      }
+      eof {
+        puts stderr "**ERROR** End of data waiting for password prompt."
+        exit 1
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  set timeout 3
+  expect {
+    "Permission denied, please try again." {
+      puts ""
+      puts "**ERROR** Incorrect userid or password provided to this program."
+      exit 1
+    }
+  }
+  set timeout -1
+  # We don't ever expect to see this string.  This will keep this program
+  # running indefinitely.
+  expect {
+    "When in the course of human events, it becomes :" {send "whatever\r"}
+  }
+  exit 0
diff --git a/lib/utils.robot b/lib/utils.robot
index 87f1f52..8a5da12 100755
--- a/lib/utils.robot
+++ b/lib/utils.robot
@@ -330,64 +330,115 @@
     ${cmd}=     Catenate  ${cmd}${boot_property}
     Set Global Variable   ${dbuscmd}     ${cmd}
+Create OS Console File Path
+    [Documentation]  Create OS console file path name and return it.
+    [Arguments]  ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}
-Stop OBMC Console Client
-    [Documentation]   Stop any running obmc_console_client
-    ...               writing to file_path.
-    [Arguments]   ${file_path}=/tmp/obmc-console.log
+    # Description of arguements:
+    # file_path  The caller's candidate value.  If this value is ${EMPTY}, this
+    #            keyword will compose a file path name.  Otherwise, this
+    #            keyword will use the caller's file_path value.  In either
+    #            case, the value will be returned.
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=${SPACE}
-    ...  ps ax | grep obmc-console-client | grep ${file_path} | grep -v grep
-    ...  | awk '{print $1}'
+    ${default_file_path}=  Catenate  /tmp/${OPENBMC_HOST}_os_console
+    ${log_file_path}=  Set Variable If  '${log_file_path}' == '${EMPTY}'
+    ...  ${default_file_path}  ${log_file_path}
-    ${pid}=
-    ...  Execute Command  ${cmd_buf}
+    [Return]  ${log_file_path}
-    Run Keyword If  '${pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
-    ...  Execute Command  kill -s KILL ${pid}
-    ...  ELSE  Log  "No obmc-console-client process running"
+Create OS Console Command String
+    [Documentation]  Return a command string to start OS console logging.
+    # First make sure that the ssh_pw program is available.
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  which ssh_pw 2>&1
+    Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
+    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
+    Rdpvars  rc  output
+    Should Be Equal  ${rc}  ${0}  msg=${output}\n
-Start SOL Console Logging
-    [Documentation]   Start a new obmc_console_client process and direct
-    ...               output to a file.
-    [Arguments]   ${file_path}=/tmp/obmc-console.log
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  ssh_pw ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} -p 2200
-    Open Connection And Log In
-    Stop OBMC Console Client  ${file_path}
-    Start Command
-    ...  obmc-console-client > ${file_path}
+    [Return]  ${cmd_buf}
 Stop SOL Console Logging
-    [Documentation]  Stop obmc_console_client process, if any, and
-    ...              return the console output as a string.
-    [Arguments]  ${file_path}=/tmp/obmc-console.log  ${targ_file_path}=${EMPTY}
+    [Documentation]  Stop system console logging and return log output.
+    [Arguments]  ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}  ${targ_file_path}=${EMPTY}
+    # If there are muliple system console processes, they will all be stopped.
+    # If there is no existing log file this keyword will return an error
+    # message to that effect (and write that message to targ_file_path, if
+    # specified).
+    # NOTE: This keyword will not fail if there is no running system console
+    # process.
     # Description of arguments:
-    # file_path       The path on the obmc system where SOL output may be
-    #                 found.
-    # targ_file_path  If specified, the file path to which SOL data should be
-    #                 written.
+    # log_file_path   The file path that was used to call "Start SOL
+    #                 Console Logging".  See that keyword (above) for details.
+    # targ_file_path  If specified, the file path to which the source
+    #                 file path (i.e. "log_file_path") should be copied.
-    Open Connection And Log In
+    ${log_file_path}=  Create OS Console File Path  ${log_file_path}
+    # Find the pid of the active system console logging session (if any).
+    ${search_string}=  Create OS Console Command String
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  echo $(ps -ef | egrep '${search_string}'
+    ...  | egrep -v grep | cut -c10-14)
+    Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
+    ${rc}  ${os_con_pid}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
+    Rdpvars  os_con_pid
+    # If rc is not zero it just means that there is no OS Console process
+    # running.
-    Stop OBMC Console Client  ${file_path}
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  kill -9 ${os_con_pid}
+    Run Keyword If  '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'  Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
+    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run Keyword If  '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
+    ...  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
+    Run Keyword If  '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'  Rdpvars  rc  output
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Set Variable  cat ${file_path}
-    ${console}  ${stderr}=
-    ...  Execute Command
-    ...  if [ -f ${file_path} ] ; then cat ${file_path} ; fi
-    ...  return_stderr=True
-    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Set Variable  cat ${log_file_path} 2>&1
+    Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
+    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
+    Rdpvars  rc
     Run Keyword If  '${targ_file_path}' != '${EMPTY}'
-    ...  Append To File  ${targ_file_path}  ${console}
+    ...  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
+    ...  Copy File  ${log_file_path}  ${targ_file_path}
-    [Return]  ${console}
+    [Return]  ${output}
+Start SOL Console Logging
+    [Documentation]  Start system console log to file.
+    [Arguments]  ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}
+    # This keyword will first call "Stop SOL Console Logging".  Only then will
+    # it start SOL console logging.  The data returned by "Stop SOL Console
+    # Logging" will in turn be returned by this keyword.
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # log_file_path  The file path to which system console log data should be
+    #                written.  Note that this path is taken to be a location on
+    #                the machine where this program is running rather than on
+    #                the Open BMC system.
+    ${log_file_path}=  Create OS Console File Path  ${log_file_path}
+    ${log_output}=  Stop SOL Console Logging  ${log_file_path}
+    # Validate by making sure we can create the file.  Problems creating the
+    # file would not be noticed by the subsequent ssh command because we fork
+    # the command.
+    Create File  ${log_file_path}
+    ${sub_cmd_buf}=  Create OS Console Command String
+    # Routing stderr to stdout so that any startup error text will go to the
+    # output file.
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  ${sub_cmd_buf} > ${log_file_path} 2>&1 &
+    Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
+    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
+    # Because we are forking this command, we essentially will never get a
+    # non-zero return code or any output.
+    Should Be Equal  ${rc}  ${0}
+    [Return]  ${log_output}
 Get Time Stamp
     [Documentation]     Get the current time stamp data
@@ -418,6 +469,7 @@
     ...  journalctl -f > ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
     Log    Journal Log Started: ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
 Stop Journal Log
     [Documentation]   Stop journalctl process if its running.
     ...               By default return log from /tmp/journal_log else
@@ -554,7 +606,6 @@
     ${resp}=   Get Matches   ${list}   regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${endpoint}[0-9]*$
     [Return]   ${resp}
 Check Zombie Process
     [Documentation]    Check if any defunct process exist or not on BMC
     ${count}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  Execute Command  ps -o stat | grep Z | wc -l
@@ -635,10 +686,10 @@
     ${btime}=  Convert To Integer  ${output}
     [Return]  ${btime}
 Execute Command On BMC
     [Documentation]  Execute given command on BMC and return output.
     [Arguments]  ${command}
     ${stdout}  ${stderr}=  Execute Command  ${command}  return_stderr=True
     Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
     [Return]  ${stdout}
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 3b0a96b..827eedd 100755
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 commands =
     -mkdir -p {envtmpdir}
     bash {toxinidir}/tools/
+    cp bin/ssh_pw {envdir}/bin/ssh_pw