Changed to using ssh to log os console.

- Created ssh_pw program.
- Modified "Stop OS Console Logging" and "Start OS Console Logging" to
  work with new ssh_pw program.
- Created 2 supporting keywords:
  - "Create OS Console File Path"
  - "Create OS Console Command String"
- Removed "Stop OBMC Console Client" keyword which is no longer needed.
- Modified tox.ini to be able to find ssh_pw.

Change-Id: Ifd8fc95db16fcbcbbe0a36d7e4d09383e2d1e161
Signed-off-by: David Shaw <>
diff --git a/bin/ssh_pw b/bin/ssh_pw
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..daf558c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ssh_pw
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect --
+# ssh using the parms provided by the caller.  The benefit provided by this
+# program is that it will enter the password for you (i.e. non-interactively).
+# Description of arguments:
+# Arg0: The password.
+# Arg1: The ssh parm string.  This is the totality of ssh parms you wish to
+#       specify (e.g. userid, host, etc.).
+# Main
+  # Get arguments.
+  set password [lindex $argv 0]
+  set ssh_parms [lreplace $argv 0 0]
+  eval spawn ssh ${ssh_parms}
+  set timeout 30
+  set max_attempts 3
+  set attempts 0
+  while { 1 } {
+    incr attempts 1
+    expect {
+      -re "assword:" {
+        send "$password\r"
+        break
+      }
+      -re "Are you sure you want to continue connecting" {
+        if { $attempts > $max_attempts } {
+          puts stderr "**ERROR** Exceeded $max_attempts attempts to ssh."
+          exit 1
+        }
+        send "yes\r"
+      }
+      timeout {
+        puts stderr "**ERROR** Timed out waiting for password prompt."
+        exit 1
+      }
+      eof {
+        puts stderr "**ERROR** End of data waiting for password prompt."
+        exit 1
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  set timeout 3
+  expect {
+    "Permission denied, please try again." {
+      puts ""
+      puts "**ERROR** Incorrect userid or password provided to this program."
+      exit 1
+    }
+  }
+  set timeout -1
+  # We don't ever expect to see this string.  This will keep this program
+  # running indefinitely.
+  expect {
+    "When in the course of human events, it becomes :" {send "whatever\r"}
+  }
+  exit 0