Created new

- Contains these functions:
  - run_key: This function runs the caller's keyword and processes
    parms like quiet, test_mode and ignore.
  - run_key_u:  Unconditional version of run_key (i.e. test_mode is
    hard-coded to 0).

Change-Id: I9a79a5e1850d7ebc970b1965dc7b1d2aee930b94
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6d2d0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module provides robot keyword execution functions such as run_key..
+import gen_print as gp
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+def run_key(keyword_buf,
+            quiet=None,
+            test_mode=None,
+            ignore=0):
+    r"""
+    Run the given keyword, return the status and the keyword return values.
+    The advantage of using this function verses having robot simply run your
+    keyword is the handling of parameters like quiet, test_mode and ignore.
+    Description of arguments:
+    keyword_buf                     The keyword string to be run.
+    quiet                           Indicates whether this function should run
+                                    the pissuing function to print 'Issuing:
+                                    <keyword string>' to stdout.
+    test_mode                       If test_mode is set, this function will
+                                    not actually run the command.  If quiet is
+                                    0, it will print a message indicating what
+                                    it would have run (e.g. "Issuing:
+                                    (test_mode) your command").
+    ignore                          Ignore errors from running keyword.  If
+                                    this is 0, this function will fail with
+                                    whatever error occurred when running the
+                                    keyword.
+    Example usage from a robot script:
+    ${status}  ${ret_values}=  Run Key  My Keyword \ Arg1 \ Arg2
+    Note that to get robot to pass your command + args as a single string to
+    this function, you must escape extra spaces with a backslash.
+    Also note that ret_values is a python list:
+    ret_values:
+      ret_values[0]:    value1
+      ret_values[1]:    value2
+    """
+    # Set these vars to default values if they are None.
+    quiet = int(gp.get_var_value(quiet, 0))
+    test_mode = int(gp.get_var_value(test_mode, 0))
+    ignore = int(ignore)
+    # Convert the keyword_buf into a list split wherever 2 or more spaces are
+    # found.
+    keyword_list = keyword_buf.split('  ')
+    # Strip spaces from each argument to make the output look clean and
+    # uniform.
+    keyword_list = [item.strip(' ') for item in keyword_list]
+    if not quiet:
+        # Join the list back into keyword_buf for the sake of output.
+        keyword_buf = '  '.join(keyword_list)
+        gp.pissuing(keyword_buf, test_mode)
+    if test_mode:
+        return 'PASS', ""
+    status, ret_values = \
+        BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(*keyword_list)
+    if not (status == 'PASS' or ignore):
+        # Output the error message to stderr.
+        BuiltIn().log_to_console(ret_values, stream='STDERR')
+        # Fail with the given error message.
+        BuiltIn().fail(ret_values)
+    return status, ret_values
+def run_key_u(keyword_buf,
+              quiet=None,
+              ignore=0):
+    r"""
+    Run keyword unconditionally (i.e. without regard to global test_mode
+    setting).
+    This function will simply call the run_key function passing on all of the
+    callers parameters except test_mode which will be hard-coded to 0.  See
+    run_key (above) for details.
+    See the proglog of "run_key" function above for description of arguments.
+    """
+    return run_key(keyword_buf, test_mode=0, quiet=quiet, ignore=ignore)