IPMI: Device ID Script Fix

    - Created python function to get major version and minor version in list from cat /etc/os-release command
    - Sometimes in cat /etc/os-release command aux version will not present.
    - Hence handled code to validate auxillary version from ipmi response against aux version from "/usr/share/ipmi-providers/dev_id.json" file

     - Ran ipmi/test_ipmi_device_id.robot Successfully

Change-Id: I73dae3459fd1d160761eeb2918451198612b8c31
Signed-off-by: ganesanb <ganesanb@ami.com>
diff --git a/ipmi/test_ipmi_device_id.robot b/ipmi/test_ipmi_device_id.robot
index c4125f4..3769842 100644
--- a/ipmi/test_ipmi_device_id.robot
+++ b/ipmi/test_ipmi_device_id.robot
@@ -69,15 +69,19 @@
     # Get version details from /etc/os-release.
     ${os_release}=  Get BMC OS Release Details
-    ${version}=  Get Version Details From BMC OS Release  ${os_release['version']}
+    ${version}=  Get Bmc Major Minor Version  ${os_release['version']}
     # Verify Firmware Revision 1.
     ${firmware_rev1}=  Set Variable  ${version[0]}
-    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Be Equal  ${resp[2]}  0${firmware_rev1}
+    ${ipmi_rsp_firmware_rev1}=  Convert To Integer  ${resp[2]}  base=16
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Be Equal As Integers
+    ...  ${ipmi_rsp_firmware_rev1}  ${firmware_rev1}
     # Verify Firmware Revision 2.
     ${firmware_rev2}=  Set Variable  ${version[1]}
-    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Be Equal  ${resp[3]}  0${firmware_rev2}
+    ${ipmi_rsp_firmware_rev2}=  Convert To Integer  ${resp[3]}  base=16
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Be Equal As Integers
+    ...  ${ipmi_rsp_firmware_rev2}  ${firmware_rev2}
     # Verify IPMI Version.
     Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Be Equal  ${resp[4]}  02
@@ -95,10 +99,6 @@
     Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Not Be Equal  ${product_id}  0000
     ...  msg=Product ID cannot be Zero
-    # Verify Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information.
-    # etc/os-release - from bmc.
-    ${auxiliary_info}=  Get Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information
     # Get Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information from IPMI response.
     ${auxiliary_rev_version}=  Set Variable  ${resp[11:]}
     Reverse List  ${auxiliary_rev_version}
@@ -110,9 +110,6 @@
     ${aux_info}=  Get From Dictionary  ${dev_id_data}  aux
     Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Be Equal  ${aux_info}  ${auxiliary_rev_version}
-    # Compare both IPMI version and /etc/os-release version.
-    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure  Should Be Equal  ${auxiliary_info}  ${auxiliary_rev_version}
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -135,37 +132,6 @@
     [Return]  ${os_release}
-Get Version Details From BMC OS Release
-    [Documentation]  To get the Version details from bmc etc/os-release,
-    ...              and returns list consists of major, minor and auxiliary version.
-    [Arguments]  ${version}
-    # As per BMC, VERSION="X.Y.Z-ZZZZ"
-    # ${version} - ["X", "Y" ,"Z-ZZZZ"]
-    # here, X - major version, Y - minor version,
-    # Z-ZZZZ - auxiliary version.
-    ${version}=  Split String  ${version}  .
-    [Return]  ${version}
-Get Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information
-    [Documentation]  To Get the Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information from BMC etc/os-release.
-    # Get the Auxiliary Firmware Revision Information version from etc/os-release.
-    ${os_release}=  Get BMC OS Release Details
-    # Fetch the version from dictionary response and identify Auxiliary version.
-    ${version}=  Get Version Details From BMC OS Release  ${os_release['version']}
-    ${aux_rev}=  Set Variable  ${version[2]}
-    # Remove extra special character.
-    ${aux_rev}=  Replace String  ${aux_rev}  -  ${EMPTY}
-    ${aux_rev}=  Convert To Integer  ${aux_rev}
-    [Return]  ${aux_rev}
 Get Device Info From BMC
     [Documentation]  To get the device information from BMC.