New module to provide execute_ssh_command function.
execute_ssh_command will run an ssh command. If it fails for lack of
connection, the function will make a connection. This will help with
the problem of creating too many SSH connections.
Change-Id: Ia6db6fa6825ec9142ab9e41a9c67131dfc72aa78
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e879edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module provides many valuable ssh functions such as sprint_connection,
+execute_ssh_command, etc.
+import sys
+import re
+import paramiko
+import exceptions
+import gen_print as gp
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from SSHLibrary import SSHLibrary
+sshlib = SSHLibrary()
+def sprint_connection(connection,
+ indent=0):
+ r"""
+ sprint data from the connection object to a string and return it.
+ connection A connection object which is created by
+ the SSHlibrary open_connection() function.
+ indent The number of characters to indent the
+ output.
+ """
+ buffer = gp.sindent("", indent)
+ buffer += "connection:\n"
+ indent += 2
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("index", connection.index, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("host",, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("alias", connection.alias, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("port", connection.port, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("timeout", connection.timeout, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("newline", connection.newline, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("prompt", connection.prompt, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("term_type", connection.term_type, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("width", connection.width, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("height", connection.height, 0, indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("path_separator", connection.path_separator, 0,
+ indent)
+ buffer += gp.sprint_varx("encoding", connection.encoding, 0, indent)
+ return buffer
+def sprint_connections(connections=None,
+ indent=0):
+ r"""
+ sprint data from the connections list to a string and return it.
+ connections A list of connection objects which are
+ created by the SSHlibrary open_connection
+ function. If this value is null, this
+ function will populate with a call to the
+ SSHlibrary get_connections() function.
+ indent The number of characters to indent the
+ output.
+ """
+ if connections is None:
+ connections = sshlib.get_connections()
+ buffer = ""
+ for connection in connections:
+ buffer += sprint_connection(connection, indent)
+ return buffer
+def find_connection(open_connection_args={}):
+ r"""
+ Find connection that matches the given connection arguments and return
+ connection object. Return False if no matching connection is found.
+ Description of argument(s):
+ open_connection_args A dictionary of arg names and values which
+ are legal to pass to the SSHLibrary
+ open_connection function as parms/args.
+ For a match to occur, the value for each
+ item in open_connection_args must match
+ the corresponding value in the connection
+ being examined.
+ """
+ global sshlib
+ for connection in sshlib.get_connections():
+ # Create connection_dict from connection object.
+ connection_dict = dict((key, str(value)) for key, value in
+ connection._config.iteritems())
+ if dict(connection_dict, **open_connection_args) == connection_dict:
+ return connection
+ return False
+def login_ssh(login_args={},
+ max_login_attempts=5):
+ r"""
+ Login on the latest open SSH connection. Retry on failure up to
+ max_login_attempts.
+ The caller is responsible for making sure there is an open SSH connection.
+ Description of argument(s):
+ login_args A dictionary containing the key/value
+ pairs which are acceptable to the
+ SSHLibrary login function as parms/args.
+ At a minimum, this should contain a
+ 'username' and a 'password' entry.
+ max_login_attempts The max number of times to try logging in
+ (in the event of login failures).
+ """
+ global sshlib
+ # Get connection data for debug output.
+ connection = sshlib.get_connection()
+ gp.dprintn(sprint_connection(connection))
+ for login_attempt_num in range(1, max_login_attempts + 1):
+ gp.dprint_timen("Logging in to " + + ".")
+ gp.dprint_var(login_attempt_num)
+ try:
+ out_buf = sshlib.login(**login_args)
+ except Exception as login_exception:
+ # Login will sometimes fail if the connection is new.
+ except_type, except_value, except_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ gp.dprint_var(except_type)
+ gp.dprint_varx("except_value", str(except_value))
+ if except_type is paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException and\
+ re.match(r"No existing session", str(except_value)):
+ continue
+ else:
+ # We don't tolerate any other error so break from loop and
+ # re-raise exception.
+ break
+ # If we get to this point, the login has worked and we can return.
+ gp.dpvar(out_buf)
+ return
+ # If we get to this point, the login has failed on all attempts so the
+ # exception will be raised again.
+ raise(login_exception)
+def execute_ssh_command(cmd_buf,
+ open_connection_args={},
+ login_args={},
+ print_out=0,
+ print_err=0,
+ ignore_err=1,
+ fork=0,
+ quiet=None,
+ test_mode=None):
+ r"""
+ Run the given command in an SSH session and return the stdout, stderr and
+ the return code.
+ If there is no open SSH connection, this function will connect and login.
+ Likewise, if the caller has not yet logged in to the connection, this
+ function will do the login.
+ Description of arguments:
+ cmd_buf The command string to be run in an SSH
+ session.
+ open_connection_args A dictionary of arg names and values which
+ are legal to pass to the SSHLibrary
+ open_connection function as parms/args.
+ At a minimum, this should contain a 'host'
+ entry.
+ login_args A dictionary containing the key/value
+ pairs which are acceptable to the
+ SSHLibrary login function as parms/args.
+ At a minimum, this should contain a
+ 'username' and a 'password' entry.
+ print_out If this is set, this function will print
+ the stdout/stderr generated by the shell
+ command.
+ print_err If show_err is set, this function will
+ print a standardized error report if the
+ shell command returns non-zero.
+ ignore_err Indicates that errors encountered on the
+ sshlib.execute_command are to be ignored.
+ fork Indicates that sshlib.start is to be used
+ rather than sshlib.execute_command.
+ quiet Indicates whether this function should run
+ the pissuing() function which prints an
+ "Issuing: <cmd string>" to stdout. This
+ defaults to the global quiet value.
+ test_mode If test_mode is set, this function will
+ not actually run the command. This
+ defaults to the global test_mode value.
+ """
+ gp.dprint_executing()
+ # Obtain default values.
+ quiet = int(gp.get_var_value(quiet, 0))
+ test_mode = int(gp.get_var_value(test_mode, 0))
+ if not quiet:
+ gp.pissuing(cmd_buf, test_mode)
+ if test_mode:
+ return "", "", 0
+ global sshlib
+ # Look for existing SSH connection.
+ # Prepare a search connection dictionary.
+ search_connection_args = open_connection_args.copy()
+ # Remove keys that don't work well for searches.
+ search_connection_args.pop("timeout", None)
+ connection = find_connection(search_connection_args)
+ if connection:
+ gp.dprint_timen("Found the following existing connection:")
+ gp.dprintn(sprint_connection(connection))
+ if connection.alias == "":
+ index_or_alias = connection.index
+ else:
+ index_or_alias = connection.alias
+ gp.dprint_timen("Switching to existing connection: \"" +
+ str(index_or_alias) + "\".")
+ sshlib.switch_connection(index_or_alias)
+ else:
+ gp.dprint_timen("Connecting to " + open_connection_args['host'] + ".")
+ cix = sshlib.open_connection(**open_connection_args)
+ login_ssh(login_args)
+ max_exec_cmd_attempts = 2
+ for exec_cmd_attempt_num in range(1, max_exec_cmd_attempts + 1):
+ gp.dprint_var(exec_cmd_attempt_num)
+ try:
+ if fork:
+ sshlib.start_command(cmd_buf)
+ else:
+ stdout, stderr, rc = sshlib.execute_command(cmd_buf,
+ return_stdout=True,
+ return_stderr=True,
+ return_rc=True)
+ except Exception as execute_exception:
+ except_type, except_value, except_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ gp.dprint_var(except_type)
+ gp.dprint_varx("except_value", str(except_value))
+ if except_type is exceptions.AssertionError and\
+ re.match(r"Connection not open", str(except_value)):
+ login_ssh(login_args)
+ # Now we must continue to next loop iteration to retry the
+ # execute_command.
+ continue
+ if except_type is paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException and\
+ re.match(r"SSH session not active", str(except_value)):
+ # Close and re-open a connection.
+ sshlib.close_connection()
+ gp.dprint_timen("Connecting to " +
+ open_connection_args['host'] + ".")
+ cix = sshlib.open_connection(**open_connection_args)
+ login_ssh(login_args)
+ continue
+ # We do not handle any other RuntimeErrors so we will raise the
+ # exception again.
+ raise(execute_exception)
+ # If we get to this point, the command was executed.
+ break
+ if fork:
+ return
+ if rc != 0 and print_err:
+ gp.print_var(rc, 1)
+ if not print_out:
+ gp.print_var(stderr)
+ gp.print_var(stdout)
+ if print_out:
+ gp.printn(stderr + stdout)
+ if not ignore_err:
+ message = gp.sprint_error("The prior SSH" +
+ " command returned a non-zero return" +
+ " code:\n" + gp.sprint_var(rc, 1) + stderr +
+ "\n")
+ BuiltIn().should_be_equal(rc, 0, message)
+ return stdout, stderr, rc