Changes to read the redfish boot progress state

Signed-off-by: Michael Shepos <>
Change-Id: I17557c1dbff5e9b26bb0d305db02758cbfff6272
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 61223f0..1071d06 100755
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -81,44 +81,6 @@
 redfish_support_trans_state = int(os.environ.get('REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE', 0)) or \
     int(BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE}", default=0))
-# When a user calls get_state w/o specifying req_states, default_req_states
-# is used as its value.
-default_req_states = ['rest',
-                      'chassis',
-                      'bmc',
-                      'boot_progress',
-                      'operating_system',
-                      'host',
-                      'os_ping',
-                      'os_login',
-                      'os_run_cmd']
-if redfish_support_trans_state:
-    default_req_states.remove('operating_system')
-# valid_req_states is a list of sub states supported by the get_state function.
-# valid_req_states, default_req_states and master_os_up_match are used by the
-# get_state function.
-valid_req_states = ['ping',
-                    'packet_loss',
-                    'uptime',
-                    'epoch_seconds',
-                    'elapsed_boot_time',
-                    'rest',
-                    'chassis',
-                    'requested_chassis',
-                    'bmc',
-                    'requested_bmc',
-                    'boot_progress',
-                    'operating_system',
-                    'host',
-                    'requested_host',
-                    'attempts_left',
-                    'os_ping',
-                    'os_login',
-                    'os_run_cmd']
 # valid_os_req_states and default_os_req_states are used by the os_get_state
 # function.
 # valid_os_req_states is a list of state information supported by the
@@ -126,6 +88,7 @@
 valid_os_req_states = ['os_ping',
 # When a user calls get_os_state w/o specifying req_states,
 # default_os_req_states is used as its value.
 default_os_req_states = ['os_ping',
@@ -139,6 +102,41 @@
 # Useful state constant definition(s).
 if not redfish_support_trans_state:
+    # When a user calls get_state w/o specifying req_states, default_req_states
+    # is used as its value.
+    default_req_states = ['rest',
+                          'chassis',
+                          'bmc',
+                          'boot_progress',
+                          'operating_system',
+                          'host',
+                          'os_ping',
+                          'os_login',
+                          'os_run_cmd']
+    # valid_req_states is a list of sub states supported by the get_state function.
+    # valid_req_states, default_req_states and master_os_up_match are used by the
+    # get_state function.
+    valid_req_states = ['ping',
+                        'packet_loss',
+                        'uptime',
+                        'epoch_seconds',
+                        'elapsed_boot_time',
+                        'rest',
+                        'chassis',
+                        'requested_chassis',
+                        'bmc',
+                        'requested_bmc',
+                        'boot_progress',
+                        'operating_system',
+                        'host',
+                        'requested_host',
+                        'attempts_left',
+                        'os_ping',
+                        'os_login',
+                        'os_run_cmd']
     # default_state is an initial value which may be of use to callers.
     default_state = DotDict([('rest', '1'),
                              ('chassis', 'On'),
@@ -184,41 +182,74 @@
                                    ('operating_system', '^$'),
                                    ('host', '^$')])
+    # When a user calls get_state w/o specifying req_states, default_req_states
+    # is used as its value.
+    default_req_states = ['redfish',
+                          'chassis',
+                          'bmc',
+                          'boot_progress',
+                          'host',
+                          'os_ping',
+                          'os_login',
+                          'os_run_cmd']
+    # valid_req_states is a list of sub states supported by the get_state function.
+    # valid_req_states, default_req_states and master_os_up_match are used by the
+    # get_state function.
+    valid_req_states = ['ping',
+                        'packet_loss',
+                        'uptime',
+                        'epoch_seconds',
+                        'elapsed_boot_time',
+                        'redfish',
+                        'chassis',
+                        'requested_chassis',
+                        'bmc',
+                        'requested_bmc',
+                        'boot_progress',
+                        'host',
+                        'requested_host',
+                        'attempts_left',
+                        'os_ping',
+                        'os_login',
+                        'os_run_cmd']
     # default_state is an initial value which may be of use to callers.
-    default_state = DotDict([('rest', '1'),
+    default_state = DotDict([('redfish', '1'),
                              ('chassis', 'On'),
-                             ('bmc', 'Ready'),
-                             ('boot_progress', 'SystemInitComplete|OSRunning'),
-                             ('host', 'Running'),
+                             ('bmc', 'Enabled'),
+                             ('boot_progress', 'SystemHardwareInitializationComplete|OSRunning'),
+                             ('host', 'Enabled'),
                              ('os_ping', '1'),
                              ('os_login', '1'),
                              ('os_run_cmd', '1')])
     # A match state for checking that the system is at "standby".
-    standby_match_state = DotDict([('rest', '^1$'),
+    standby_match_state = DotDict([('redfish', '^1$'),
                                    ('chassis', '^Off$'),
-                                   ('bmc', '^Ready$'),
-                                   ('boot_progress', '^Off|Unspecified$'),
-                                   ('host', '^Off$')])
+                                   ('bmc', '^Enabled$'),
+                                   ('boot_progress', '^None$'),
+                                   ('host', '^Disabled$')])
     # A match state for checking that the system is at "os running".
     os_running_match_state = DotDict([('chassis', '^On$'),
-                                      ('bmc', '^Ready$'),
+                                      ('bmc', '^Enabled$'),
-                                       'SystemInitComplete|OSRunning'),
-                                      ('host', '^Running$'),
+                                       'SystemHardwareInitializationComplete|OSRunning'),
+                                      ('host', '^Enabled$'),
                                       ('os_ping', '^1$'),
                                       ('os_login', '^1$'),
                                       ('os_run_cmd', '^1$')])
     # A master dictionary to determine whether the os may be up.
     master_os_up_match = DotDict([('chassis', '^On$'),
-                                  ('bmc', '^Ready$'),
+                                  ('bmc', '^Enabled$'),
-                                   'SystemInitComplete|OSRunning'),
-                                  ('host', '^Running|Quiesced$')])
+                                   'SystemHardwareInitializationComplete|OSRunning'),
+                                  ('host', '^Enabled$')])
-    invalid_state_match = DotDict([('rest', '^$'),
+    invalid_state_match = DotDict([('redfish', '^$'),
                                    ('chassis', '^$'),
                                    ('bmc', '^$'),
                                    ('boot_progress', '^$'),
@@ -537,6 +568,7 @@
     epoch_seconds = ''
     elapsed_boot_time = ''
     rest = ''
+    redfish = ''
     chassis = ''
     requested_chassis = ''
     bmc = ''
@@ -608,45 +640,71 @@
         global start_boot_seconds
         elapsed_boot_time = int(epoch_seconds) - start_boot_seconds
-    master_req_rest = ['rest', 'host', 'requested_host', 'operating_system',
-                       'attempts_left', 'boot_progress', 'chassis',
-                       'requested_chassis' 'bmc' 'requested_bmc']
+    if not redfish_support_trans_state:
+        master_req_rest = ['rest', 'host', 'requested_host', 'operating_system',
+                           'attempts_left', 'boot_progress', 'chassis',
+                           'requested_chassis' 'bmc' 'requested_bmc']
-    req_rest = [sub_state for sub_state in req_states if sub_state in
-                master_req_rest]
-    need_rest = (len(req_rest) > 0)
-    state = DotDict()
-    if need_rest:
-        cmd_buf = ["Read Properties", SYSTEM_STATE_URI + "enumerate",
-                   "quiet=${" + str(quiet) + "}", "timeout=30"]
-        gp.dprint_issuing(cmd_buf)
-        status, ret_values = \
-            BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(*cmd_buf)
-        if status == "PASS":
-            state['rest'] = '1'
-        else:
-            state['rest'] = '0'
+        req_rest = [sub_state for sub_state in req_states if sub_state in
+                    master_req_rest]
+        need_rest = (len(req_rest) > 0)
+        state = DotDict()
+        if need_rest:
+            cmd_buf = ["Read Properties", SYSTEM_STATE_URI + "enumerate",
+                       "quiet=${" + str(quiet) + "}", "timeout=30"]
+            gp.dprint_issuing(cmd_buf)
+            status, ret_values = \
+                BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(*cmd_buf)
+            if status == "PASS":
+                state['rest'] = '1'
+            else:
+                state['rest'] = '0'
-        if int(state['rest']):
-            for url_path in ret_values:
-                for attr_name in ret_values[url_path]:
-                    # Create a state key value based on the attr_name.
-                    try:
-                        ret_values[url_path][attr_name] = \
-                            re.sub(r'.*\.', "",
-                                   ret_values[url_path][attr_name])
-                    except TypeError:
-                        pass
-                    # Do some key name manipulations.
-                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'^Current|(State|Transition)$',
-                                           "", attr_name)
-                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'BMC', r'Bmc', new_attr_name)
-                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'([A-Z][a-z])', r'_\1',
-                                           new_attr_name)
-                    new_attr_name = new_attr_name.lower().lstrip("_")
-                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'power', r'chassis', new_attr_name)
-                    if new_attr_name in req_states:
-                        state[new_attr_name] = ret_values[url_path][attr_name]
+            if int(state['rest']):
+                for url_path in ret_values:
+                    for attr_name in ret_values[url_path]:
+                        # Create a state key value based on the attr_name.
+                        try:
+                            ret_values[url_path][attr_name] = \
+                                re.sub(r'.*\.', "",
+                                       ret_values[url_path][attr_name])
+                        except TypeError:
+                            pass
+                        # Do some key name manipulations.
+                        new_attr_name = re.sub(r'^Current|(State|Transition)$',
+                                               "", attr_name)
+                        new_attr_name = re.sub(r'BMC', r'Bmc', new_attr_name)
+                        new_attr_name = re.sub(r'([A-Z][a-z])', r'_\1',
+                                               new_attr_name)
+                        new_attr_name = new_attr_name.lower().lstrip("_")
+                        new_attr_name = re.sub(r'power', r'chassis', new_attr_name)
+                        if new_attr_name in req_states:
+                            state[new_attr_name] = ret_values[url_path][attr_name]
+    else:
+        master_req_rf = ['redfish', 'host', 'requested_host',
+                         'attempts_left', 'boot_progress', 'chassis',
+                         'requested_chassis' 'bmc' 'requested_bmc']
+        req_rf = [sub_state for sub_state in req_states if sub_state in
+                  master_req_rf]
+        need_rf = (len(req_rf) > 0)
+        state = DotDict()
+        if need_rf:
+            cmd_buf = ["Redfish Get States"]
+            gp.dprint_issuing(cmd_buf)
+            status, ret_values = \
+                BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(*cmd_buf)
+            gp.dprint_vars(status, ret_values)
+            if status == "PASS":
+                state['redfish'] = '1'
+            else:
+                state['redfish'] = '0'
+            if int(state['redfish']):
+                state['chassis'] = ret_values['chassis']
+                state['boot_progress'] = ret_values['boot_progress']
+                state['host'] = ret_values['host']
+                state['bmc'] = ret_values['bmc']
     for sub_state in req_states:
         if sub_state in state:
@@ -954,6 +1012,9 @@
                            (expressions_key(), [expr])])
     wait_state(match_state, wait_time="12 mins", interval="5 seconds")
-    gp.qprint_timen("Verifying that REST API interface is working.")
-    match_state = DotDict([('rest', '^1$')])
+    gp.qprint_timen("Verifying that REST/Redfish API interface is working.")
+    if not redfish_support_trans_state:
+        match_state = DotDict([('rest', '^1$')])
+    else:
+        match_state = DotDict([('redfish', '^1$')])
     state = wait_state(match_state, wait_time="5 mins", interval="2 seconds")