Added testcases for testing IPMI user privilege

Test cases added:
    - Test IPMI user privilege level.
    - Test IPMI operator privilege level.
    - Test IPMI administrator privilege level.
    - Test IPMI no Access privilege level.

Change-Id: Idc4d1ba3b0fcf6085a48b6ab5e1d909499fdbc76
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <>
diff --git a/ipmi/test_ipmi_user.robot b/ipmi/test_ipmi_user.robot
index d25cd50..aa9dc30 100644
--- a/ipmi/test_ipmi_user.robot
+++ b/ipmi/test_ipmi_user.robot
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
 ${invalid_password}     abc123
 ${root_userid}          1
 ${operator_level_priv}  0x3
+${user_priv}            2
+${operator_priv}        3
 ${admin_level_priv}     4
+${no_access_priv}       15
 ${valid_password}       0penBmc1
 ${max_password_length}  20
 ${ipmi_setaccess_cmd}   channel setaccess
@@ -197,6 +200,43 @@
     Should Be Equal  ${user_info['user_name']}  ${EMPTY}
+Test IPMI User Privilege Level
+    [Documentation]  Verify IPMI user with user privilege can only run user level commands.
+    [Tags]  Test_IPMI_User_Privilege_Level
+    [Template]  Test IPMI User Privilege
+    #Privilege level     User Cmd Status  Operator Cmd Status  Admin Cmd Status
+    ${user_priv}         Passed           Failed               Failed
+Test IPMI Operator Privilege Level
+    [Documentation]  Verify IPMI user with operator privilege can only run user and operator levels commands.
+    ...  level is set to operator.
+    [Tags]  Test_IPMI_Operator_Privilege_Level
+    [Template]  Test IPMI User Privilege
+    #Privilege level     User Cmd Status  Operator Cmd Status  Admin Cmd Status
+    ${operator_priv}     Passed           Passed               Failed
+Test IPMI Administrator Privilege Level
+    [Documentation]  Verify IPMI user with admin privilege can run all levels command.
+    [Tags]  Test_IPMI_Administrator_Privilege_Level
+    [Template]  Test IPMI User Privilege
+    #Privilege level     User Cmd Status  Operator Cmd Status  Admin Cmd Status
+    ${admin_level_priv}  Passed           Passed               Passed
+Test IPMI No Access Privilege Level
+    [Documentation]  Verify IPMI user with no access privilege can not run only any level command.
+    [Tags]  Test_IPMI_No_Access_Privilege_Level
+    [Template]  Test IPMI User Privilege
+    #Privilege level     User Cmd Status  Operator Cmd Status  Admin Cmd Status
+    ${no_access_priv}    Failed           Failed               Failed
 Enable IPMI User And Verify
     [Documentation]  Enable IPMI user and verify that the user is able
     ...  to run IPMI command.
@@ -276,6 +316,55 @@
     Verify IPMI Username And Password  root  ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
+Test IPMI User Privilege
+    [Documentation]  Test IPMI user privilege by executing IPMI command with different privileges.
+    [Arguments]  ${privilege_level}  ${user_cmd_status}  ${operator_cmd_status}  ${admin_cmd_status}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # privilege_level     Privilege level of IPMI user (e.g. 4, 3).
+    # user_cmd_status     Expected status of IPMI command run with the "User"
+    #                     privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed").
+    # operator_cmd_status Expected status of IPMI command run with the "Operator"
+    #                     privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed").
+    # admin_cmd_status    Expected status of IPMI command run with the "Administrator"
+    #                     privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed").
+    # Create IPMI user and set valid password.
+    ${random_username}=  Generate Random String  8  [LETTERS]
+    ${random_userid}=  Evaluate  random.randint(2, 15)  modules=random
+    IPMI Create User  ${random_userid}  ${random_username}
+    Run IPMI Standard Command
+    ...  user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password}
+    # Set privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user.
+    Set Channel Access  ${random_userid}  ipmi=on privilege=${privilege_level}
+    # Enable IPMI user and verify.
+    Run IPMI Standard Command  user enable ${random_userid}
+    ${user_info}=  Get User Info  ${random_userid}
+    Should Be Equal  ${user_info['enable_status']}  enabled
+    Verify IPMI Command  ${random_username}  ${valid_password}  User  ${user_cmd_status}
+    Verify IPMI Command  ${random_username}  ${valid_password}  Operator  ${operator_cmd_status}
+    Verify IPMI Command  ${random_username}  ${valid_password}  Administrator  ${admin_cmd_status}
+Verify IPMI Command
+    [Documentation]  Verify IPMI command execution with given username,
+    ...  password, privilege and expected status.
+    [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${privilege}  ${expected_status}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # username         The user name (e.g. "root", "robert", etc.).
+    # password         The user password (e.g. "0penBmc", "0penBmc1", etc.).
+    # privilege        The session privilge for IPMI command (e.g. "User", "Operator", etc.).
+    # expected_status  Expected status of IPMI command run with the user
+    #                  of above password and privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed").
+    ${expected_rc}=  Set Variable If  '${expected_status}' == 'Passed'  ${0}  ${1}
+    Run IPMI Standard Command  sel info  expected_rc=${expected_rc}  U=${username}  P=${password}
+    ...  L=${privilege}
 Delete All Non Root IPMI User
     [Documentation]  Delete all non-root IPMI user.